

OpenStack Study: linuxbridge_neutron_agent.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

#!/usr/bin/env python

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4


# Copyright 2012 Cisco Systems, Inc.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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# Performs per host Linux Bridge configuration for Neutron.

# Based on the structure of the OpenVSwitch agent in the

# Neutron OpenVSwitch Plugin.

# @author: Sumit Naiksatam, Cisco Systems, Inc.

import os

import sys

import time

import eventlet

from oslo.config import cfg

from neutron.agent import l2population_rpc as l2pop_rpc

from neutron.agent.linux import ip_lib

from neutron.agent.linux import utils

from neutron.agent import rpc as agent_rpc

from neutron.agent import securitygroups_rpc as sg_rpc

from neutron.common import config as logging_config

from neutron.common import constants

from neutron.common import exceptions

from neutron.common import topics

from neutron.common import utils as q_utils

from neutron import context

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

from neutron.openstack.common import loopingcall

from neutron.openstack.common.rpc import common as rpc_common

from neutron.openstack.common.rpc import dispatcher

from neutron.plugins.common import constants as p_const

from neutron.plugins.linuxbridge.common import config # noqa

from neutron.plugins.linuxbridge.common import constants as lconst

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)



BRIDGE_FS = "/sys/devices/virtual/net/"






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class NetworkSegment:

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, network_type, physical_network, segmentation_id):

        self.network_type = network_type

        self.physical_network = physical_network

        self.segmentation_id = segmentation_id

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LinuxBridgeManager:

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, interface_mappings, root_helper):

        self.interface_mappings = interface_mappings

        self.root_helper = root_helper

        self.ip = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper)

        # VXLAN related parameters:

        self.local_ip = cfg.CONF.VXLAN.local_ip

        self.vxlan_mode = lconst.VXLAN_NONE

        if cfg.CONF.VXLAN.enable_vxlan:

            self.local_int = self.get_interface_by_ip(self.local_ip)

            if self.local_int:



                LOG.warning(_('VXLAN is enabled, a valid local_ip '

                              'must be provided'))

        # Store network mapping to segments

        self.network_map = {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def device_exists(self, device):

        """Check if ethernet device exists."""


            utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'show', 'dev', device],


        except RuntimeError:

            return False

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def interface_exists_on_bridge(self, bridge, interface):

        directory = '/sys/class/net/%s/brif' % bridge

        for filename in os.listdir(directory):

            if filename == interface:

                return True

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_bridge_name(self, network_id):

        if not network_id:

            LOG.warning(_("Invalid Network ID, will lead to incorrect bridge"


        bridge_name = BRIDGE_NAME_PREFIX + network_id[0:11]

        return bridge_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_subinterface_name(self, physical_interface, vlan_id):

        if not vlan_id:

            LOG.warning(_("Invalid VLAN ID, will lead to incorrect "

                          "subinterface name"))

        subinterface_name = '%s.%s' % (physical_interface, vlan_id)

        return subinterface_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_tap_device_name(self, interface_id):

        if not interface_id:

            LOG.warning(_("Invalid Interface ID, will lead to incorrect "

                          "tap device name"))

        tap_device_name = TAP_INTERFACE_PREFIX + interface_id[0:11]

        return tap_device_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vxlan_device_name(self, segmentation_id):

        if 0 <= int(segmentation_id) <= constants.MAX_VXLAN_VNI:

            return VXLAN_INTERFACE_PREFIX + str(segmentation_id)


            LOG.warning(_("Invalid Segmentation ID: %s, will lead to "

                          "incorrect vxlan device name"), segmentation_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_neutron_bridges(self):

        neutron_bridge_list = []

        bridge_list = os.listdir(BRIDGE_FS)

        for bridge in bridge_list:

            if bridge.startswith(BRIDGE_NAME_PREFIX):


        return neutron_bridge_list

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_interfaces_on_bridge(self, bridge_name):

        if self.device_exists(bridge_name):

            bridge_interface_path = BRIDGE_INTERFACES_FS.replace(

                BRIDGE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, bridge_name)

            return os.listdir(bridge_interface_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_tap_devices_count(self, bridge_name):

            bridge_interface_path = BRIDGE_INTERFACES_FS.replace(

                BRIDGE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, bridge_name)


                if_list = os.listdir(bridge_interface_path)

                return len([interface for interface in if_list if


            except OSError:

                return 0

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_interface_by_ip(self, ip):

        for device in self.ip.get_devices():

            if device.addr.list(to=ip):

                return device.name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_bridge_for_tap_device(self, tap_device_name):

        bridges = self.get_all_neutron_bridges()

        for bridge in bridges:

            interfaces = self.get_interfaces_on_bridge(bridge)

            if tap_device_name in interfaces:

                return bridge

        return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def is_device_on_bridge(self, device_name):

        if not device_name:

            return False


            bridge_port_path = BRIDGE_PORT_FS_FOR_DEVICE.replace(

                DEVICE_NAME_PLACEHOLDER, device_name)

            return os.path.exists(bridge_port_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_vlan_bridge(self, network_id, physical_interface, vlan_id):

        """Create a vlan and bridge unless they already exist."""

        interface = self.ensure_vlan(physical_interface, vlan_id)

        bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        ips, gateway = self.get_interface_details(interface)

        if self.ensure_bridge(bridge_name, interface, ips, gateway):

            return interface

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_vxlan_bridge(self, network_id, segmentation_id):

        """Create a vxlan and bridge unless they already exist."""

        interface = self.ensure_vxlan(segmentation_id)

        if not interface:

            LOG.error(_("Failed creating vxlan interface for "


                      {segmentation_id: segmentation_id})


        bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        self.ensure_bridge(bridge_name, interface)

        return interface

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_interface_details(self, interface):

        device = self.ip.device(interface)

        ips = device.addr.list(scope='global')

        # Update default gateway if necessary

        gateway = device.route.get_gateway(scope='global')

        return ips, gateway

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_flat_bridge(self, network_id, physical_interface):

        """Create a non-vlan bridge unless it already exists."""

        bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        ips, gateway = self.get_interface_details(physical_interface)

        if self.ensure_bridge(bridge_name, physical_interface, ips, gateway):

            return physical_interface

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_local_bridge(self, network_id):

        """Create a local bridge unless it already exists."""

        bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        return self.ensure_bridge(bridge_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_vlan(self, physical_interface, vlan_id):

        """Create a vlan unless it already exists."""

        interface = self.get_subinterface_name(physical_interface, vlan_id)

        if not self.device_exists(interface):

            LOG.debug(_("Creating subinterface %(interface)s for "

                        "VLAN %(vlan_id)s on interface "


                      {'interface': interface, 'vlan_id': vlan_id,

                       'physical_interface': physical_interface})

            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'add', 'link',


                              'name', interface, 'type', 'vlan', 'id',

                              vlan_id], root_helper=self.root_helper):


            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'set',

                              interface, 'up'], root_helper=self.root_helper):


            LOG.debug(_("Done creating subinterface %s"), interface)

        return interface

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_vxlan(self, segmentation_id):

        """Create a vxlan unless it already exists."""

        interface = self.get_vxlan_device_name(segmentation_id)

        if not self.device_exists(interface):

            LOG.debug(_("Creating vxlan interface %(interface)s for "

                        "VNI %(segmentation_id)s"),

                      {'interface': interface,

                       'segmentation_id': segmentation_id})

            args = {'dev': self.local_int}

            if self.vxlan_mode == lconst.VXLAN_MCAST:

                args['group'] = cfg.CONF.VXLAN.vxlan_group

            if cfg.CONF.VXLAN.ttl:

                args['ttl'] = cfg.CONF.VXLAN.ttl

            if cfg.CONF.VXLAN.tos:

                args['tos'] = cfg.CONF.VXLAN.tos

            if cfg.CONF.VXLAN.l2_population:

                args['proxy'] = True

            int_vxlan = self.ip.add_vxlan(interface, segmentation_id, **args)


            LOG.debug(_("Done creating vxlan interface %s"), interface)

        return interface

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_interface_ip_details(self, destination, source, ips,


        if ips or gateway:

            dst_device = self.ip.device(destination)

            src_device = self.ip.device(source)

        # Append IP's to bridge if necessary

        if ips:

            for ip in ips:




        if gateway:

            # Ensure that the gateway can be updated by changing the metric

            metric = 100

            if 'metric' in gateway:

                metric = gateway['metric'] - 1




        # Remove IP's from interface

        if ips:

            for ip in ips:



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_bridge(self, bridge_name, interface=None, ips=None,


        """Create a bridge unless it already exists."""

        if not self.device_exists(bridge_name):

            LOG.debug(_("Starting bridge %(bridge_name)s for subinterface "


                      {'bridge_name': bridge_name, 'interface': interface})

            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'addbr', bridge_name],



            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'setfd', bridge_name,

                              str(0)], root_helper=self.root_helper):


            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'stp', bridge_name,

                              'off'], root_helper=self.root_helper):


            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'set', bridge_name,

                              'up'], root_helper=self.root_helper):


            LOG.debug(_("Done starting bridge %(bridge_name)s for "

                        "subinterface %(interface)s"),

                      {'bridge_name': bridge_name, 'interface': interface})

        if not interface:

            return bridge_name

        # Update IP info if necessary

        self.update_interface_ip_details(bridge_name, interface, ips, gateway)

        # Check if the interface is part of the bridge

        if not self.interface_exists_on_bridge(bridge_name, interface):


                # Check if the interface is not enslaved in another bridge

                if self.is_device_on_bridge(interface):

                    bridge = self.get_bridge_for_tap_device(interface)

                    utils.execute(['brctl', 'delif', bridge, interface],


                utils.execute(['brctl', 'addif', bridge_name, interface],


            except Exception as e:

                LOG.error(_("Unable to add %(interface)s to %(bridge_name)s! "

                            "Exception: %(e)s"),

                          {'interface': interface, 'bridge_name': bridge_name,

                           'e': e})


        return bridge_name

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_physical_in_bridge(self, network_id,




        if network_type == p_const.TYPE_VXLAN:

            if self.vxlan_mode == lconst.VXLAN_NONE:

                LOG.error(_("Unable to add vxlan interface for network %s"),



            return self.ensure_vxlan_bridge(network_id, segmentation_id)

        physical_interface = self.interface_mappings.get(physical_network)

        if not physical_interface:

            LOG.error(_("No mapping for physical network %s"),



        if network_type == p_const.TYPE_FLAT:

            return self.ensure_flat_bridge(network_id, physical_interface)

        elif network_type == p_const.TYPE_VLAN:

            return self.ensure_vlan_bridge(network_id, physical_interface,



            LOG.error(_("Unknown network_type %(network_type)s for network "

                        "%(network_id)s."), {network_type: network_type,

                                             network_id: network_id})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_tap_interface(self, network_id, network_type, physical_network,

                          segmentation_id, tap_device_name):

        """Add tap interface.

        If a VIF has been plugged into a network, this function will

        add the corresponding tap device to the relevant bridge.


        if not self.device_exists(tap_device_name):

            LOG.debug(_("Tap device: %s does not exist on "

                        "this host, skipped"), tap_device_name)

            return False

        bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        if network_type == p_const.TYPE_LOCAL:


        elif not self.ensure_physical_in_bridge(network_id,




            return False

        # Check if device needs to be added to bridge

        tap_device_in_bridge = self.get_bridge_for_tap_device(tap_device_name)

        if not tap_device_in_bridge:

            data = {'tap_device_name': tap_device_name,

                    'bridge_name': bridge_name}

            msg = _("Adding device %(tap_device_name)s to bridge "

                    "%(bridge_name)s") % data


            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'addif', bridge_name, tap_device_name],


                return False


            data = {'tap_device_name': tap_device_name,

                    'bridge_name': bridge_name}

            msg = _("%(tap_device_name)s already exists on bridge "

                    "%(bridge_name)s") % data


        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_interface(self, network_id, network_type, physical_network,

                      segmentation_id, port_id):

        self.network_map[network_id] = NetworkSegment(network_type,



        tap_device_name = self.get_tap_device_name(port_id)

        return self.add_tap_interface(network_id, network_type,

                                      physical_network, segmentation_id,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_vlan_bridge(self, bridge_name):

        if self.device_exists(bridge_name):

            interfaces_on_bridge = self.get_interfaces_on_bridge(bridge_name)

            for interface in interfaces_on_bridge:

                self.remove_interface(bridge_name, interface)

                if interface.startswith(VXLAN_INTERFACE_PREFIX):



                for physical_interface in self.interface_mappings.itervalues():

                    if (interface.startswith(physical_interface)):

                        ips, gateway = self.get_interface_details(bridge_name)

                        if ips:

                            # This is a flat network or a VLAN interface that

                            # was setup outside of neutron => return IP's from

                            # bridge to interface



                                                             ips, gateway)

                        elif physical_interface != interface:


            LOG.debug(_("Deleting bridge %s"), bridge_name)

            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'set', bridge_name, 'down'],



            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'delbr', bridge_name],



            LOG.debug(_("Done deleting bridge %s"), bridge_name)


            LOG.error(_("Cannot delete bridge %s, does not exist"),


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_empty_bridges(self):

        for network_id in self.network_map.keys():

            bridge_name = self.get_bridge_name(network_id)

            if not self.get_tap_devices_count(bridge_name):


                del self.network_map[network_id]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_interface(self, bridge_name, interface_name):

        if self.device_exists(bridge_name):

            if not self.is_device_on_bridge(interface_name):

                return True

            LOG.debug(_("Removing device %(interface_name)s from bridge "


                      {'interface_name': interface_name,

                       'bridge_name': bridge_name})

            if utils.execute(['brctl', 'delif', bridge_name, interface_name],


                return False

            LOG.debug(_("Done removing device %(interface_name)s from bridge "


                      {'interface_name': interface_name,

                       'bridge_name': bridge_name})

            return True


            LOG.debug(_("Cannot remove device %(interface_name)s bridge "

                        "%(bridge_name)s does not exist"),

                      {'interface_name': interface_name,

                       'bridge_name': bridge_name})

            return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_vlan(self, interface):

        if self.device_exists(interface):

            LOG.debug(_("Deleting subinterface %s for vlan"), interface)

            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'down'],



            if utils.execute(['ip', 'link', 'delete', interface],



            LOG.debug(_("Done deleting subinterface %s"), interface)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_vxlan(self, interface):

        if self.device_exists(interface):

            LOG.debug(_("Deleting vxlan interface %s for vlan"),


            int_vxlan = self.ip.device(interface)



            LOG.debug(_("Done deleting vxlan interface %s"), interface)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_devices(self, registered_devices):

        devices = self.get_tap_devices()

        if devices == registered_devices:


        added = devices - registered_devices

        removed = registered_devices - devices

        return {'current': devices,

                'added': added,

                'removed': removed}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_tap_devices(self):

        devices = set()

        for device in os.listdir(BRIDGE_FS):

            if device.startswith(TAP_INTERFACE_PREFIX):


        return devices

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def vxlan_ucast_supported(self):

        if not cfg.CONF.VXLAN.l2_population:

            return False

        if not ip_lib.iproute_arg_supported(

                ['bridge', 'fdb'], 'append', self.root_helper):

            LOG.warning(_('Option "%(option)s" must be supported by command '

                          '"%(command)s" to enable %(mode)s mode') %

                        {'option': 'append',

                         'command': 'bridge fdb',

                         'mode': 'VXLAN UCAST'})

            return False

        for segmentation_id in range(1, constants.MAX_VXLAN_VNI + 1):

            if not self.device_exists(




            LOG.error(_('No valid Segmentation ID to perform UCAST test.'))

            return False

        test_iface = self.ensure_vxlan(segmentation_id)



                cmd=['bridge', 'fdb', 'append', constants.FLOODING_ENTRY[0],

                     'dev', test_iface, 'dst', ''],


            return True

        except RuntimeError:

            return False



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def vxlan_mcast_supported(self):

        if not cfg.CONF.VXLAN.vxlan_group:

            LOG.warning(_('VXLAN muticast group must be provided in '

                          'vxlan_group option to enable VXLAN MCAST mode'))

            return False

        if not ip_lib.iproute_arg_supported(

                ['ip', 'link', 'add', 'type', 'vxlan'],

                'proxy', self.root_helper):

            LOG.warning(_('Option "%(option)s" must be supported by command '

                          '"%(command)s" to enable %(mode)s mode') %

                        {'option': 'proxy',

                         'command': 'ip link add type vxlan',

                         'mode': 'VXLAN MCAST'})

            return False

        return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def vxlan_module_supported(self):


            utils.execute(cmd=['modinfo', 'vxlan'])

            return True

        except RuntimeError:

            return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def check_vxlan_support(self):

        self.vxlan_mode = lconst.VXLAN_NONE

        if not self.vxlan_module_supported():

            LOG.error(_('Linux kernel vxlan module and iproute2 3.8 or above '

                        'are required to enable VXLAN.'))

            raise exceptions.VxlanNetworkUnsupported()

        if self.vxlan_ucast_supported():

            self.vxlan_mode = lconst.VXLAN_UCAST

        elif self.vxlan_mcast_supported():

            self.vxlan_mode = lconst.VXLAN_MCAST


            raise exceptions.VxlanNetworkUnsupported()

        LOG.debug(_('Using %s VXLAN mode'), self.vxlan_mode)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_ip_entry_exists(self, mac, ip, interface):

        entries = utils.execute(['ip', 'neigh', 'show', 'to', ip,

                                 'dev', interface],


        return mac in entries

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_bridge_entry_exists(self, mac, interface, agent_ip=None):

        entries = utils.execute(['bridge', 'fdb', 'show', 'dev', interface],


        if not agent_ip:

            return mac in entries

        return (agent_ip in entries and mac in entries)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_fdb_ip_entry(self, mac, ip, interface):

        utils.execute(['ip', 'neigh', 'replace', ip, 'lladdr', mac,

                       'dev', interface, 'nud', 'permanent'],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_fdb_ip_entry(self, mac, ip, interface):

        utils.execute(['ip', 'neigh', 'del', ip, 'lladdr', mac,

                       'dev', interface],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_fdb_bridge_entry(self, mac, agent_ip, interface, operation="add"):

        utils.execute(['bridge', 'fdb', operation, mac, 'dev', interface,

                       'dst', agent_ip],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_fdb_bridge_entry(self, mac, agent_ip, interface):

        utils.execute(['bridge', 'fdb', 'del', mac, 'dev', interface,

                       'dst', agent_ip],



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_fdb_entries(self, agent_ip, ports, interface):

        for mac, ip in ports:

            if mac != constants.FLOODING_ENTRY[0]:

                self.add_fdb_ip_entry(mac, ip, interface)

                self.add_fdb_bridge_entry(mac, agent_ip, interface)

            elif self.vxlan_mode == lconst.VXLAN_UCAST:

                if self.fdb_bridge_entry_exists(mac, interface):

                    self.add_fdb_bridge_entry(mac, agent_ip, interface,



                    self.add_fdb_bridge_entry(mac, agent_ip, interface)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_fdb_entries(self, agent_ip, ports, interface):

        for mac, ip in ports:

            if mac != constants.FLOODING_ENTRY[0]:

                self.remove_fdb_ip_entry(mac, ip, interface)

                self.remove_fdb_bridge_entry(mac, agent_ip, interface)

            elif self.vxlan_mode == lconst.VXLAN_UCAST:

                self.remove_fdb_bridge_entry(mac, agent_ip, interface)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LinuxBridgeRpcCallbacks(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcCallbackMixin, l2pop_rpc.L2populationRpcCallBackMixin):

# Set RPC API version to 1.0 by

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, context, agent):

        self.context = context

        self.agent = agent

        self.sg_agent = agent

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def network_delete(self, context, **kwargs):

        LOG.debug(_("network_delete received"))

        network_id = kwargs.get('network_id')

        bridge_name = self.agent.br_mgr.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        LOG.debug(_("Delete %s"), bridge_name)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def port_update(self, context, **kwargs):

        LOG.debug(_("port_update received"))

        # Check port exists on node

        port = kwargs.get('port')

        tap_device_name = self.agent.br_mgr.get_tap_device_name(port['id'])

        devices = self.agent.br_mgr.get_tap_devices()

        if tap_device_name not in devices:


        if 'security_groups' in port:



            if port['admin_state_up']:

                network_type = kwargs.get('network_type')

                if network_type:

                    segmentation_id = kwargs.get('segmentation_id')


                    # compatibility with pre-Havana RPC vlan_id encoding

                    vlan_id = kwargs.get('vlan_id')


                     segmentation_id) = lconst.interpret_vlan_id(vlan_id)

                physical_network = kwargs.get('physical_network')

                # create the networking for the port

                if self.agent.br_mgr.add_interface(port['network_id'],





                    # update plugin about port status













                bridge_name = self.agent.br_mgr.get_bridge_name(




                # update plugin about port status





        except rpc_common.Timeout:

            LOG.error(_("RPC timeout while updating port %s"), port['id'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_add(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_add received"))

        for network_id, values in fdb_entries.items():

            segment = self.agent.br_mgr.network_map.get(network_id)

            if not segment:


            if segment.network_type != p_const.TYPE_VXLAN:


            interface = self.agent.br_mgr.get_vxlan_device_name(


            agent_ports = values.get('ports')

            for agent_ip, ports in agent_ports.items():

                if agent_ip == self.agent.br_mgr.local_ip:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_remove(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_remove received"))

        for network_id, values in fdb_entries.items():

            segment = self.agent.br_mgr.network_map.get(network_id)

            if not segment:


            if segment.network_type != p_const.TYPE_VXLAN:


            interface = self.agent.br_mgr.get_vxlan_device_name(


            agent_ports = values.get('ports')

            for agent_ip, ports in agent_ports.items():

                if agent_ip == self.agent.br_mgr.local_ip:





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _fdb_chg_ip(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("update chg_ip received"))

        for network_id, agent_ports in fdb_entries.items():

            segment = self.agent.br_mgr.network_map.get(network_id)

            if not segment:


            if segment.network_type != p_const.TYPE_VXLAN:


            interface = self.agent.br_mgr.get_vxlan_device_name(


            for agent_ip, state in agent_ports.items():

                if agent_ip == self.agent.br_mgr.local_ip:


                after = state.get('after')

                for mac, ip in after:

                    self.agent.br_mgr.add_fdb_ip_entry(mac, ip, interface)

                before = state.get('before')

                for mac, ip in before:

                    self.agent.br_mgr.remove_fdb_ip_entry(mac, ip, interface)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def fdb_update(self, context, fdb_entries):

        LOG.debug(_("fdb_update received"))

        for action, values in fdb_entries.items():

            method = '_fdb_' + action

            if not hasattr(self, method):

                raise NotImplementedError()

            getattr(self, method)(context, values)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_rpc_dispatcher(self):

        '''Get the rpc dispatcher for this manager.

        If a manager would like to set an rpc API version, or support more than

        one class as the target of rpc messages, override this method.


        return dispatcher.RpcDispatcher([self])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LinuxBridgePluginApi(agent_rpc.PluginApi, sg_rpc.SecurityGroupServerRpcApiMixin):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LinuxBridgeNeutronAgentRPC(sg_rpc.SecurityGroupAgentRpcMixin):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, interface_mappings, polling_interval,


        self.polling_interval = polling_interval

        self.root_helper = root_helper


        configurations = {'interface_mappings': interface_mappings}

        if self.br_mgr.vxlan_mode != lconst.VXLAN_NONE:

            configurations['tunneling_ip'] = self.br_mgr.local_ip

            configurations['tunnel_types'] = [p_const.TYPE_VXLAN]

            configurations['l2_population'] = cfg.CONF.VXLAN.l2_population

        self.agent_state = {

            'binary': 'neutron-linuxbridge-agent',

            'host': cfg.CONF.host,

            'topic': constants.L2_AGENT_TOPIC,

            'configurations': configurations,

            'agent_type': constants.AGENT_TYPE_LINUXBRIDGE,

            'start_flag': True}



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _report_state(self):


            devices = len(self.br_mgr.get_tap_devices())

            self.agent_state.get('configurations')['devices'] = devices



            self.agent_state.pop('start_flag', None)

        except Exception:

            LOG.exception(_("Failed reporting state!"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_rpc(self, physical_interfaces):

        if physical_interfaces:

            mac = utils.get_interface_mac(physical_interfaces[0])


            devices = ip_lib.IPWrapper(self.root_helper).get_devices(True)

            if devices:

                mac = utils.get_interface_mac(devices[0].name)


                LOG.error(_("Unable to obtain MAC address for unique ID. "

                            "Agent terminated!"))


        self.agent_id = '%s%s' % ('lb', (mac.replace(":", "")))

        LOG.info(_("RPC agent_id: %s"), self.agent_id)

        self.topic = topics.AGENT

        self.plugin_rpc = LinuxBridgePluginApi(topics.PLUGIN)

        self.state_rpc = agent_rpc.PluginReportStateAPI(topics.PLUGIN)

        # RPC network init

        self.context = context.get_admin_context_without_session()

        # Handle updates from service

        self.callbacks = LinuxBridgeRpcCallbacks(self.context,


        self.dispatcher = self.callbacks.create_rpc_dispatcher()

        # Define the listening consumers for the agent

        consumers = [[topics.PORT, topics.UPDATE],

                     [topics.NETWORK, topics.DELETE],

                     [topics.SECURITY_GROUP, topics.UPDATE]]

        if cfg.CONF.VXLAN.l2_population:


                              topics.UPDATE, cfg.CONF.host])

        self.connection = agent_rpc.create_consumers(self.dispatcher,



        report_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.report_interval

        if report_interval:

            heartbeat = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_linux_bridge(self, interface_mappings):

        self.br_mgr = LinuxBridgeManager(interface_mappings, self.root_helper)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def remove_port_binding(self, network_id, interface_id):

        bridge_name = self.br_mgr.get_bridge_name(network_id)

        tap_device_name = self.br_mgr.get_tap_device_name(interface_id)

        return self.br_mgr.remove_interface(bridge_name, tap_device_name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_network_devices(self, device_info):

        resync_a = False

        resync_b = False

        if 'added' in device_info:

            resync_a = self.treat_devices_added(device_info['added'])

        if 'removed' in device_info:

            resync_b = self.treat_devices_removed(device_info['removed'])

        # If one of the above operations fails => resync with plugin

        return (resync_a | resync_b)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_devices_added(self, devices):

        resync = False


        for device in devices:

            LOG.debug(_("Port %s added"), device)


                details = self.plugin_rpc.get_device_details(self.context,



            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("Unable to get port details for "

                            "%(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True


            if 'port_id' in details:

                LOG.info(_("Port %(device)s updated. Details: %(details)s"),

                         {'device': device, 'details': details})

                if details['admin_state_up']:

                    # create the networking for the port

                    network_type = details.get('network_type')

                    if network_type:

                        segmentation_id = details.get('segmentation_id')


                        # compatibility with pre-Havana RPC vlan_id encoding

                        vlan_id = details.get('vlan_id')


                         segmentation_id) = lconst.interpret_vlan_id(vlan_id)

                    if self.br_mgr.add_interface(details['network_id'],





                        # update plugin about port status














                LOG.info(_("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device)

        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def treat_devices_removed(self, devices):

        resync = False


        for device in devices:

            LOG.info(_("Attachment %s removed"), device)


                details = self.plugin_rpc.update_device_down(self.context,




            except Exception as e:

                LOG.debug(_("port_removed failed for %(device)s: %(e)s"),

                          {'device': device, 'e': e})

                resync = True

            if details['exists']:

                LOG.info(_("Port %s updated."), device)


                LOG.debug(_("Device %s not defined on plugin"), device)


        return resync

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def daemon_loop(self):

        sync = True

        devices = set()

        LOG.info(_("LinuxBridge Agent RPC Daemon Started!"))

        while True:

            start = time.time()

            if sync:

                LOG.info(_("Agent out of sync with plugin!"))


                sync = False

            device_info = {}


                device_info = self.br_mgr.update_devices(devices)

            except Exception:

                LOG.exception(_("Update devices failed"))

                sync = True


                # notify plugin about device deltas

                if device_info:

                    LOG.debug(_("Agent loop has new devices!"))

                    # If treat devices fails - indicates must resync with

                    # plugin

                    sync = self.process_network_devices(device_info)

                    devices = device_info['current']

            except Exception:

                LOG.exception(_("Error in agent loop. Devices info: %s"),


                sync = True

            # sleep till end of polling interval

            elapsed = (time.time() - start)

            if (elapsed < self.polling_interval):

                time.sleep(self.polling_interval - elapsed)


                LOG.debug(_("Loop iteration exceeded interval "

                            "(%(polling_interval)s vs. %(elapsed)s)!"),

                          {'polling_interval': self.polling_interval,

                           'elapsed': elapsed})

def main():





        interface_mappings = q_utils.parse_mappings(


    except ValueError as e:

        LOG.error(_("Parsing physical_interface_mappings failed: %s."

                    " Agent terminated!"), e)


    LOG.info(_("Interface mappings: %s"), interface_mappings)

    polling_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.polling_interval

    root_helper = cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper

    agent = LinuxBridgeNeutronAgentRPC(interface_mappings,



    LOG.info(_("Agent initialized successfully, now running... "))



if __name__ == "__main__":


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def main():





        interface_mappings = q_utils.parse_mappings(


    except ValueError as e:

        LOG.error(_("Parsing physical_interface_mappings failed: %s."

                    " Agent terminated!"), e)


    LOG.info(_("Interface mappings: %s"), interface_mappings)

    polling_interval = cfg.CONF.AGENT.polling_interval

    root_helper = cfg.CONF.AGENT.root_helper

    agent = LinuxBridgeNeutronAgentRPC(interface_mappings,



    LOG.info(_("Agent initialized successfully, now running... "))



if __name__ == "__main__":
