

OpenStack Study: nosdriver.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4


# Copyright 2013 Brocade Communications System, Inc.

# All rights reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.


# Authors:

# Varma Bhupatiraju (vbhupati@#brocade.com)

# Shiv Haris (sharis@brocade.com)

"""Brocade NOS Driver implements NETCONF over SSHv2 for

Neutron network life-cycle management.


from ncclient import manager

from neutron.openstack.common import excutils

from neutron.openstack.common import log as logging

from neutron.plugins.brocade.nos import nctemplates as template

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def nos_unknown_host_cb(host, fingerprint):

    """An unknown host callback.

    Returns `True` if it finds the key acceptable,

    and `False` if not. This default callback for NOS always returns 'True'

    (i.e. trusts all hosts for now).


    return True

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class NOSdriver():

"""NOS NETCONF interface driver for Neutron network.

Handles life-cycle management of Neutron network (leverages AMPP on NOS)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self):

        self.mgr = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def connect(self, host, username, password):

        """Connect via SSH and initialize the NETCONF session."""

        # Use the persisted NETCONF connection

        if self.mgr and self.mgr.connected:

            return self.mgr

        # Open new NETCONF connection


            self.mgr = manager.connect(host=host, port=SSH_PORT,

                                       username=username, password=password,


        except Exception as e:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.error(_("Connect failed to switch: %s"), e)

        LOG.debug(_("Connect success to host %(host)s:%(ssh_port)d"),

                  dict(host=host, ssh_port=SSH_PORT))

        return self.mgr

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def close_session(self):

        """Close NETCONF session."""

        if self.mgr:


            self.mgr = None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_network(self, host, username, password, net_id):

        """Creates a new virtual network."""

        name = template.OS_PORT_PROFILE_NAME.format(id=net_id)


            mgr = self.connect(host, username, password)

            self.create_vlan_interface(mgr, net_id)

            self.create_port_profile(mgr, name)

            self.create_vlan_profile_for_port_profile(mgr, name)

            self.configure_l2_mode_for_vlan_profile(mgr, name)

            self.configure_trunk_mode_for_vlan_profile(mgr, name)

            self.configure_allowed_vlans_for_vlan_profile(mgr, name, net_id)

            self.activate_port_profile(mgr, name)

        except Exception as ex:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.exception(_("NETCONF error: %s"), ex)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_network(self, host, username, password, net_id):

        """Deletes a virtual network."""

        name = template.OS_PORT_PROFILE_NAME.format(id=net_id)


            mgr = self.connect(host, username, password)

            self.deactivate_port_profile(mgr, name)

            self.delete_port_profile(mgr, name)

            self.delete_vlan_interface(mgr, net_id)

        except Exception as ex:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.exception(_("NETCONF error: %s"), ex)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def associate_mac_to_network(self, host, username, password,

                                 net_id, mac):

        """Associates a MAC address to virtual network."""

        name = template.OS_PORT_PROFILE_NAME.format(id=net_id)


            mgr = self.connect(host, username, password)

            self.associate_mac_to_port_profile(mgr, name, mac)

        except Exception as ex:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.exception(_("NETCONF error: %s"), ex)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def dissociate_mac_from_network(self, host, username, password,

                                    net_id, mac):

        """Dissociates a MAC address from virtual network."""

        name = template.OS_PORT_PROFILE_NAME.format(id=net_id)


            mgr = self.connect(host, username, password)

            self.dissociate_mac_from_port_profile(mgr, name, mac)

        except Exception as ex:

            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():

                LOG.exception(_("NETCONF error: %s"), ex)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_vlan_interface(self, mgr, vlan_id):

        """Configures a VLAN interface."""

        confstr = template.CREATE_VLAN_INTERFACE.format(vlan_id=vlan_id)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_vlan_interface(self, mgr, vlan_id):

        """Deletes a VLAN interface."""

        confstr = template.DELETE_VLAN_INTERFACE.format(vlan_id=vlan_id)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_port_profiles(self, mgr):

        """Retrieves all port profiles."""

        filterstr = template.PORT_PROFILE_XPATH_FILTER

        response = mgr.get_config(source='running',

                                  filter=('xpath', filterstr)).data_xml

        return response

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Retrieves a port profile."""

        filterstr = template.PORT_PROFILE_NAME_XPATH_FILTER.format(name=name)

        response = mgr.get_config(source='running',

                                  filter=('xpath', filterstr)).data_xml

        return response

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Creates a port profile."""

        confstr = template.CREATE_PORT_PROFILE.format(name=name)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Deletes a port profile."""

        confstr = template.DELETE_PORT_PROFILE.format(name=name)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def activate_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Activates a port profile."""

        confstr = template.ACTIVATE_PORT_PROFILE.format(name=name)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def deactivate_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Deactivates a port profile."""

        confstr = template.DEACTIVATE_PORT_PROFILE.format(name=name)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def associate_mac_to_port_profile(self, mgr, name, mac_address):

        """Associates a MAC address to a port profile."""

        confstr = template.ASSOCIATE_MAC_TO_PORT_PROFILE.format(

            name=name, mac_address=mac_address)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def dissociate_mac_from_port_profile(self, mgr, name, mac_address):

        """Dissociates a MAC address from a port profile."""

        confstr = template.DISSOCIATE_MAC_FROM_PORT_PROFILE.format(

            name=name, mac_address=mac_address)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_vlan_profile_for_port_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Creates VLAN sub-profile for port profile."""

        confstr = template.CREATE_VLAN_PROFILE_FOR_PORT_PROFILE.format(


        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def configure_l2_mode_for_vlan_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Configures L2 mode for VLAN sub-profile."""

        confstr = template.CONFIGURE_L2_MODE_FOR_VLAN_PROFILE.format(


        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def configure_trunk_mode_for_vlan_profile(self, mgr, name):

        """Configures trunk mode for VLAN sub-profile."""

        confstr = template.CONFIGURE_TRUNK_MODE_FOR_VLAN_PROFILE.format(


        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def configure_allowed_vlans_for_vlan_profile(self, mgr, name, vlan_id):

        """Configures allowed VLANs for VLAN sub-profile."""

        confstr = template.CONFIGURE_ALLOWED_VLANS_FOR_VLAN_PROFILE.format(

            name=name, vlan_id=vlan_id)

        mgr.edit_config(target='running', config=confstr)