

OpenStack Study: dispatcher.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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Code for rpc message dispatching.

Messages that come in have a version number associated with them. RPC API

version numbers are in the form:


For a given message with version X.Y, the receiver must be marked as able to

handle messages of version A.B, where:

A = X

B >= Y

The Major version number would be incremented for an almost completely new API.

The Minor version number would be incremented for backwards compatible changes

to an existing API. A backwards compatible change could be something like

adding a new method, adding an argument to an existing method (but not

requiring it), or changing the type for an existing argument (but still

handling the old type as well).

The conversion over to a versioned API must be done on both the client side and

server side of the API at the same time. However, as the code stands today,

there can be both versioned and unversioned APIs implemented in the same code




Nova was the first project to use versioned rpc APIs. Consider the compute rpc

API as an example. The client side is in nova/compute/rpcapi.py and the server

side is in nova/compute/manager.py.

Example 1) Adding a new method.


Adding a new method is a backwards compatible change. It should be added to

nova/compute/manager.py, and RPC_API_VERSION should be bumped from X.Y to

X.Y+1. On the client side, the new method in nova/compute/rpcapi.py should

have a specific version specified to indicate the minimum API version that must

be implemented for the method to be supported. For example::

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class RpcDispatcher(object):

"""Dispatch rpc messages according to the requested API version.

This class can be used as the top level 'manager' for a service. It

contains a list of underlying managers that have an API_VERSION attribute.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, callbacks, serializer=None):

        """Initialize the rpc dispatcher.

        :param callbacks: List of proxy objects that are an instance

                          of a class with rpc methods exposed.  Each proxy

                          object should have an RPC_API_VERSION attribute.

        :param serializer: The Serializer object that will be used to

                           deserialize arguments before the method call and

                           to serialize the result after it returns.


        self.callbacks = callbacks

        if serializer is None:

            serializer = rpc_serializer.NoOpSerializer()

        self.serializer = serializer

        super(RpcDispatcher, self).__init__()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _deserialize_args(self, context, kwargs):

        """Helper method called to deserialize args before dispatch.

        This calls our serializer on each argument, returning a new set of

        args that have been deserialized.

        :param context: The request context

        :param kwargs: The arguments to be deserialized

        :returns: A new set of deserialized args


        new_kwargs = dict()

        for argname, arg in six.iteritems(kwargs):

            new_kwargs[argname] = self.serializer.deserialize_entity(context,


        return new_kwargs

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def dispatch(self, ctxt, version, method, namespace, **kwargs):

        """Dispatch a message based on a requested version.

        :param ctxt: The request context

        :param version: The requested API version from the incoming message

        :param method: The method requested to be called by the incoming


        :param namespace: The namespace for the requested method.  If None,

                          the dispatcher will look for a method on a callback

                          object with no namespace set.

        :param kwargs: A dict of keyword arguments to be passed to the method.

        :returns: Whatever is returned by the underlying method that gets



        if not version:

            version = '1.0'

        had_compatible = False

        for proxyobj in self.callbacks:

            # Check for namespace compatibility


                cb_namespace = proxyobj.RPC_API_NAMESPACE

            except AttributeError:

                cb_namespace = None

            if namespace != cb_namespace:


            # Check for version compatibility


                rpc_api_version = proxyobj.RPC_API_VERSION

            except AttributeError:

                rpc_api_version = '1.0'

            is_compatible = rpc_common.version_is_compatible(rpc_api_version,


            had_compatible = had_compatible or is_compatible

            if not hasattr(proxyobj, method):


            if is_compatible:

                kwargs = self._deserialize_args(ctxt, kwargs)

                result = getattr(proxyobj, method)(ctxt, **kwargs)

                return self.serializer.serialize_entity(ctxt, result)

        if had_compatible:

            raise AttributeError("No such RPC function '%s'" % method)


            raise rpc_common.UnsupportedRpcVersion(version=version)