

OpenStack Study: test_v3_identity.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import uuid

from oslo.config import cfg

from testtools import matchers

from keystone.common import controller

from keystone import exception

from keystone import tests

from keystone.tests import test_v3


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

        role_id, user_id=None, group_id=None, domain_id=None,

        project_id=None, inherited_to_projects=False,


    if user_id and domain_id:

        url = ('/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s'

               '/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

                   'domain_id': domain_id,

                   'user_id': user_id,

                   'role_id': role_id})

        entity = {'role': {'id': role_id},

                  'user': {'id': user_id},

                  'scope': {'domain': {'id': domain_id}}}

        if inherited_to_projects:

            url = '/OS-INHERIT%s/inherited_to_projects' % url

            if not effective:

                entity['OS-INHERIT:inherited_to'] = 'projects'

    elif user_id and project_id:

        url = ('/projects/%(project_id)s/users/%(user_id)s'

               '/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

                   'project_id': project_id,

                   'user_id': user_id,

                   'role_id': role_id})

        entity = {'role': {'id': role_id},

                  'user': {'id': user_id},

                  'scope': {'project': {'id': project_id}}}

    if group_id and domain_id:

        url = ('/domains/%(domain_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s'

               '/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

                   'domain_id': domain_id,

                   'group_id': group_id,

                   'role_id': role_id})

        entity = {'role': {'id': role_id},

                  'group': {'id': group_id},

                  'scope': {'domain': {'id': domain_id}}}

        if inherited_to_projects:

            url = '/OS-INHERIT%s/inherited_to_projects' % url

            if not effective:

                entity['OS-INHERIT:inherited_to'] = 'projects'

    elif group_id and project_id:

        url = ('/projects/%(project_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s'

               '/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

                   'project_id': project_id,

                   'group_id': group_id,

                   'role_id': role_id})

        entity = {'role': {'id': role_id},

                  'group': {'id': group_id},

                  'scope': {'project': {'id': project_id}}}

    return (url, entity)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class IdentityTestCase(test_v3.RestfulTestCase):

"""Test domains, projects, users, groups, & role CRUD."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(IdentityTestCase, self).setUp()

        self.group_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.group = self.new_group_ref(


        self.group['id'] = self.group_id

        self.identity_api.create_group(self.group_id, self.group)

        self.credential_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.credential = self.new_credential_ref(



        self.credential['id'] = self.credential_id




    # domain crud tests

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_domain(self):

        """Call ``POST /domains``."""

        ref = self.new_domain_ref()

        r = self.post(


            body={'domain': ref})

        return self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_domain_case_sensitivity(self):

        """Call `POST /domains`` twice with upper() and lower() cased name."""

        ref = self.new_domain_ref()

        # ensure the name is lowercase

        ref['name'] = ref['name'].lower()

        r = self.post(


            body={'domain': ref})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, ref)

        # ensure the name is uppercase

        ref['name'] = ref['name'].upper()

        r = self.post(


            body={'domain': ref})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_domain_400(self):

        """Call ``POST /domains``."""

        self.post('/domains', body={'domain': {}}, expected_status=400)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_domains(self):

        """Call ``GET /domains``."""

        r = self.get('/domains')

        self.assertValidDomainListResponse(r, ref=self.domain)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_domains_xml(self):

        """Call ``GET /domains (xml data)``."""

        r = self.get('/domains', content_type='xml')

        self.assertValidDomainListResponse(r, ref=self.domain)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_domain(self):

        """Call ``GET /domains/{domain_id}``."""

        r = self.get('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain_id})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, self.domain)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_domain(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /domains/{domain_id}``."""

        ref = self.new_domain_ref()

        del ref['id']

        r = self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain_id},

            body={'domain': ref})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_disable_domain(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /domains/{domain_id}`` (set enabled=False)."""

        # Create a 2nd set of entities in a 2nd domain

        self.domain2 = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(self.domain2['id'], self.domain2)

        self.project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(self.project2['id'], self.project2)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(



        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)



        # First check a user in that domain can authenticate, via

        # Both v2 and v3

        body = {

            'auth': {

                'passwordCredentials': {

                    'userId': self.user2['id'],

                    'password': self.user2['password']


                'tenantId': self.project2['id']



        self.admin_request(path='/v2.0/tokens', method='POST', body=body)

        auth_data = self.build_authentication_request(




        self.post('/auth/tokens', body=auth_data)

        # Now disable the domain

        self.domain2['enabled'] = False

        r = self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain2['id']},

            body={'domain': {'enabled': False}})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, self.domain2)

        # Make sure the user can no longer authenticate, via

        # either API

        body = {

            'auth': {

                'passwordCredentials': {

                    'userId': self.user2['id'],

                    'password': self.user2['password']


                'tenantId': self.project2['id']




            path='/v2.0/tokens', method='POST', body=body, expected_status=401)

        # Try looking up in v3 by name and id

        auth_data = self.build_authentication_request(




        self.post('/auth/tokens', body=auth_data, expected_status=401)

        auth_data = self.build_authentication_request(





        self.post('/auth/tokens', body=auth_data, expected_status=401)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_enabled_domain_fails(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /domains/{domain_id}`` (when domain enabled)."""

        # Try deleting an enabled domain, which should fail

        self.delete('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain['id']},


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_domain(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /domains/{domain_id}``.

        The sample data set up already has a user, group, project

        and credential that is part of self.domain. Since the user

        we will authenticate with is in this domain, we create a

        another set of entities in a second domain.  Deleting this

        second domain should delete all these new entities. In addition,

        all the entities in the regular self.domain should be unaffected

        by the delete.

        Test Plan:

        - Create domain2 and a 2nd set of entities

        - Disable domain2

        - Delete domain2

        - Check entities in domain2 have been deleted

        - Check entities in self.domain are unaffected


        # Create a 2nd set of entities in a 2nd domain

        self.domain2 = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(self.domain2['id'], self.domain2)

        self.project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(self.project2['id'], self.project2)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(



        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)

        self.group2 = self.new_group_ref(


        self.identity_api.create_group(self.group2['id'], self.group2)

        self.credential2 = self.new_credential_ref(






        # Now disable the new domain and delete it

        self.domain2['enabled'] = False

        r = self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain2['id']},

            body={'domain': {'enabled': False}})

        self.assertValidDomainResponse(r, self.domain2)

        self.delete('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': self.domain2['id']})

        # Check all the domain2 relevant entities are gone
















        # ...and that all self.domain entities are still here

        r = self.assignment_api.get_domain(self.domain['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.domain)

        r = self.assignment_api.get_project(self.project['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.project)

        r = self.identity_api.get_group(self.group['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.group)

        r = self.identity_api.get_user(self.user['id'])


        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.user)

        r = self.credential_api.get_credential(self.credential['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.credential)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_default_domain_fails(self):

        # Attempting to delete the default domain results in 403 Forbidden.

        # Need to disable it first.

        self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id},

            body={'domain': {'enabled': False}})

        self.delete('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id},


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_new_default_domain_fails(self):

        # If change the default domain ID, deleting the new default domain

        # results in a 403 Forbidden.

        # Create a new domain that's not the default

        new_domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        new_domain_id = new_domain['id']

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(new_domain_id, new_domain)

        # Disable the new domain so can delete it later.

        self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': new_domain_id},

            body={'domain': {'enabled': False}})

        # Change the default domain



        # Attempt to delete the new domain

        self.delete('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {'domain_id': new_domain_id},


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_old_default_domain(self):

        # If change the default domain ID, deleting the old default domain

        # works.

        # Create a new domain that's not the default

        new_domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        new_domain_id = new_domain['id']

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(new_domain_id, new_domain)

        old_default_domain_id = CONF.identity.default_domain_id

        # Disable the default domain so we can delete it later.

        self.patch('/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {

            'domain_id': old_default_domain_id},

            body={'domain': {'enabled': False}})

        # Change the default domain



        # Delete the old default domain


            '/domains/%(domain_id)s' % {'domain_id': old_default_domain_id})

    # project crud tests

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_projects(self):

        """Call ``GET /projects``."""

        r = self.get('/projects')

        self.assertValidProjectListResponse(r, ref=self.project)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_projects_xml(self):

        """Call ``GET /projects`` (xml data)."""

        r = self.get('/projects', content_type='xml')

        self.assertValidProjectListResponse(r, ref=self.project)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_project(self):

        """Call ``POST /projects``."""

        ref = self.new_project_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        r = self.post(


            body={'project': ref})

        self.assertValidProjectResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_project_400(self):

        """Call ``POST /projects``."""

        self.post('/projects', body={'project': {}}, expected_status=400)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_project(self):

        """Call ``GET /projects/{project_id}``."""

        r = self.get(

            '/projects/%(project_id)s' % {

                'project_id': self.project_id})

        self.assertValidProjectResponse(r, self.project)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_project(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /projects/{project_id}``."""

        ref = self.new_project_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        del ref['id']

        r = self.patch(

            '/projects/%(project_id)s' % {

                'project_id': self.project_id},

            body={'project': ref})

        self.assertValidProjectResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_project_domain_id(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /projects/{project_id}`` with domain_id."""

        project = self.new_project_ref(domain_id=self.domain['id'])

        self.assignment_api.create_project(project['id'], project)

        project['domain_id'] = CONF.identity.default_domain_id

        r = self.patch('/projects/%(project_id)s' % {

            'project_id': project['id']},

            body={'project': project},



        project['domain_id'] = self.domain['id']

        r = self.patch('/projects/%(project_id)s' % {

            'project_id': project['id']},

            body={'project': project})

        self.assertValidProjectResponse(r, project)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_project(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /projects/{project_id}``

        As well as making sure the delete succeeds, we ensure

        that any credentials that reference this projects are

        also deleted, while other credentials are unaffected.


        # First check the credential for this project is present

        r = self.credential_api.get_credential(self.credential['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.credential)

        # Create a second credential with a different project

        self.project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(self.project2['id'], self.project2)

        self.credential2 = self.new_credential_ref(






        # Now delete the project


            '/projects/%(project_id)s' % {

                'project_id': self.project_id})

        # Deleting the project should have deleted any credentials

        # that reference this project




        # But the credential for project2 is unaffected

        r = self.credential_api.get_credential(self.credential2['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.credential2)

    # user crud tests

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_user(self):

        """Call ``POST /users``."""

        ref = self.new_user_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        r = self.post(


            body={'user': ref})

        return self.assertValidUserResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_user_400(self):

        """Call ``POST /users``."""

        self.post('/users', body={'user': {}}, expected_status=400)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_users(self):

        """Call ``GET /users``."""

        r = self.get('/users')

        self.assertValidUserListResponse(r, ref=self.user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_users_no_default_project(self):

        """Call ``GET /users`` making sure no default_project_id."""

        user = self.new_user_ref(self.domain_id)

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user_id, user)

        r = self.get('/users')

        self.assertValidUserListResponse(r, ref=user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_users_xml(self):

        """Call ``GET /users`` (xml data)."""

        r = self.get('/users', content_type='xml')

        self.assertValidUserListResponse(r, ref=self.user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_user(self):

        """Call ``GET /users/{user_id}``."""

        r = self.get('/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'user_id': self.user['id']})

        self.assertValidUserResponse(r, self.user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_user_with_default_project(self):

        """Call ``GET /users/{user_id}`` making sure of default_project_id."""

        user = self.new_user_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id,


        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user_id, user)

        r = self.get('/users/%(user_id)s' % {'user_id': user['id']})

        self.assertValidUserResponse(r, user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_add_user_to_group(self):

        """Call ``PUT /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}``."""

        self.put('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_groups_for_user(self):

        """Call ``GET /users/{user_id}/groups``."""

        self.user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user1)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user2['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user2)

        self.put('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user1['id']})

        #Scenarios below are written to test the default policy configuration

        #One should be allowed to list one's own groups

        auth = self.build_authentication_request(



        r = self.get('/users/%(user_id)s/groups' % {

            'user_id': self.user1['id']}, auth=auth)

        self.assertValidGroupListResponse(r, ref=self.group)

        #Administrator is allowed to list others' groups

        r = self.get('/users/%(user_id)s/groups' % {

            'user_id': self.user1['id']})

        self.assertValidGroupListResponse(r, ref=self.group)

        #Ordinary users should not be allowed to list other's groups

        auth = self.build_authentication_request(



        r = self.get('/users/%(user_id)s/groups' % {

            'user_id': self.user1['id']}, auth=auth,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_check_user_in_group(self):

        """Call ``HEAD /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}``."""

        self.put('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

        self.head('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_users_in_group(self):

        """Call ``GET /groups/{group_id}/users``."""

        self.put('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

        r = self.get('/groups/%(group_id)s/users' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id})

        self.assertValidUserListResponse(r, ref=self.user)

        self.assertIn('/groups/%(group_id)s/users' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id}, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_remove_user_from_group(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /groups/{group_id}/users/{user_id}``."""

        self.put('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

        self.delete('/groups/%(group_id)s/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id, 'user_id': self.user['id']})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_user(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /users/{user_id}``."""

        user = self.new_user_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        del user['id']

        r = self.patch('/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'user_id': self.user['id']},

            body={'user': user})

        self.assertValidUserResponse(r, user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_user_domain_id(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /users/{user_id}`` with domain_id."""

        user = self.new_user_ref(domain_id=self.domain['id'])

        self.identity_api.create_user(user['id'], user)

        user['domain_id'] = CONF.identity.default_domain_id

        r = self.patch('/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'user_id': user['id']},

            body={'user': user},



        user['domain_id'] = self.domain['id']

        r = self.patch('/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'user_id': user['id']},

            body={'user': user})

        self.assertValidUserResponse(r, user)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_user(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /users/{user_id}``.

        As well as making sure the delete succeeds, we ensure

        that any credentials that reference this user are

        also deleted, while other credentials are unaffected.

        In addition, no tokens should remain valid for this user.


        # First check the credential for this user is present

        r = self.credential_api.get_credential(self.credential['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.credential)

        # Create a second credential with a different user

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(



        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)

        self.credential2 = self.new_credential_ref(






        # Create a token for this user which we can check later

        # gets deleted

        auth_data = self.build_authentication_request(




        resp = self.post('/auth/tokens', body=auth_data)

        token = resp.headers.get('X-Subject-Token')

        # Confirm token is valid for now


                  headers={'X-Subject-Token': token},


        # Now delete the user

        self.delete('/users/%(user_id)s' % {

            'user_id': self.user['id']})

        # Deleting the user should have deleted any credentials

        # that reference this project




        # And the no tokens we remain valid

        tokens = self.token_api._list_tokens(self.user['id'])

        self.assertEqual(0, len(tokens))

        # But the credential for user2 is unaffected

        r = self.credential_api.get_credential(self.credential2['id'])

        self.assertDictEqual(r, self.credential2)

    # group crud tests

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_group(self):

        """Call ``POST /groups``."""

        ref = self.new_group_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        r = self.post(


            body={'group': ref})

        return self.assertValidGroupResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_group_400(self):

        """Call ``POST /groups``."""

        self.post('/groups', body={'group': {}}, expected_status=400)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_groups(self):

        """Call ``GET /groups``."""

        r = self.get('/groups')

        self.assertValidGroupListResponse(r, ref=self.group)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_groups_xml(self):

        """Call ``GET /groups`` (xml data)."""

        r = self.get('/groups', content_type='xml')

        self.assertValidGroupListResponse(r, ref=self.group)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_group(self):

        """Call ``GET /groups/{group_id}``."""

        r = self.get('/groups/%(group_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id})

        self.assertValidGroupResponse(r, self.group)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_group(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /groups/{group_id}``."""

        group = self.new_group_ref(domain_id=self.domain_id)

        del group['id']

        r = self.patch('/groups/%(group_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id},

            body={'group': group})

        self.assertValidGroupResponse(r, group)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_group_domain_id(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /groups/{group_id}`` with domain_id."""

        group = self.new_group_ref(domain_id=self.domain['id'])

        self.identity_api.create_group(group['id'], group)

        group['domain_id'] = CONF.identity.default_domain_id

        r = self.patch('/groups/%(group_id)s' % {

            'group_id': group['id']},

            body={'group': group},



        group['domain_id'] = self.domain['id']

        r = self.patch('/groups/%(group_id)s' % {

            'group_id': group['id']},

            body={'group': group})

        self.assertValidGroupResponse(r, group)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_group(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /groups/{group_id}``."""

        self.delete('/groups/%(group_id)s' % {

            'group_id': self.group_id})

    # role crud tests

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_role(self):

        """Call ``POST /roles``."""

        ref = self.new_role_ref()

        r = self.post(


            body={'role': ref})

        return self.assertValidRoleResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_role_400(self):

        """Call ``POST /roles``."""

        self.post('/roles', body={'role': {}}, expected_status=400)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_roles(self):

        """Call ``GET /roles``."""

        r = self.get('/roles')

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_roles_xml(self):

        """Call ``GET /roles`` (xml data)."""

        r = self.get('/roles', content_type='xml')

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_role(self):

        """Call ``GET /roles/{role_id}``."""

        r = self.get('/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

            'role_id': self.role_id})

        self.assertValidRoleResponse(r, self.role)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_role(self):

        """Call ``PATCH /roles/{role_id}``."""

        ref = self.new_role_ref()

        del ref['id']

        r = self.patch('/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

            'role_id': self.role_id},

            body={'role': ref})

        self.assertValidRoleResponse(r, ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_role(self):

        """Call ``DELETE /roles/{role_id}``."""

        self.delete('/roles/%(role_id)s' % {

            'role_id': self.role_id})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_user_project_role_grants(self):

        collection_url = (

            '/projects/%(project_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'project_id': self.project['id'],

                'user_id': self.user['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # FIXME(gyee): this test is no longer valid as user

        # have no role in the project. Can't get a scoped token


        #r = self.get(collection_url)

        #self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, expected_length=0)

        #self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_user_project_role_grants_no_user(self):

        """Grant role on a project to a user that doesn't exist, 404 result.

        When grant a role on a project to a user that doesn't exist, the server

        returns 404 Not Found for the user.


        user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        collection_url = (

            '/projects/%(project_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'project_id': self.project['id'], 'user_id': user_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}

        self.put(member_url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_user_domain_role_grants(self):

        collection_url = (

            '/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id,

                'user_id': self.user['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])


        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, expected_length=0)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_user_domain_role_grants_no_user(self):

        """Grant role on a domain to a user that doesn't exist, 404 result.

        When grant a role on a domain to a user that doesn't exist, the server

        returns 404 Not Found for the user.


        user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        collection_url = (

            '/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id, 'user_id': user_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}

        self.put(member_url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_group_project_role_grants(self):

        collection_url = (

            '/projects/%(project_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'project_id': self.project_id,

                'group_id': self.group_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])


        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, expected_length=0)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_group_project_role_grants_no_group(self):

        """Grant role on a project to a group that doesn't exist, 404 result.

        When grant a role on a project to a group that doesn't exist, the

        server returns 404 Not Found for the group.


        group_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        collection_url = (

            '/projects/%(project_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'project_id': self.project_id,

                'group_id': group_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}

        self.put(member_url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_group_domain_role_grants(self):

        collection_url = (

            '/domains/%(domain_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id,

                'group_id': self.group_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=self.role)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])


        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, expected_length=0)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_group_domain_role_grants_no_group(self):

        """Grant role on a domain to a group that doesn't exist, 404 result.

        When grant a role on a domain to a group that doesn't exist, the server

        returns 404 Not Found for the group.


        group_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        collection_url = (

            '/domains/%(domain_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id,

                'group_id': group_id})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s' % {

            'collection_url': collection_url,

            'role_id': self.role_id}

        self.put(member_url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_role_assignments(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments``.

        The sample data set up already has a user, group and project

        that is part of self.domain. We use these plus a new user

        we create as our data set, making sure we ignore any

        role assignments that are already in existence.

        Since we don't yet support a first class entity for role

        assignments, we are only testing the LIST API.  To create

        and delete the role assignments we use the old grant APIs.

        Test Plan:

        - Create extra user for tests

        - Get a list of all existing role assignments

        - Add a new assignment for each of the four combinations, i.e.

          group+domain, user+domain, group+project, user+project, using

          the same role each time

        - Get a new list of all role assignments, checking these four new

          ones have been added

        - Then delete the four we added

        - Get a new list of all role assignments, checking the four have

          been removed


        # Since the default fixtures already assign some roles to the

        # user it creates, we also need a new user that will not have any

        # existing assignments

        self.user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user1)

        collection_url = '/role_assignments'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        existing_assignments = len(r.result.get('role_assignments'))

        # Now add one of each of the four types of assignment, making sure

        # that we get them all back.

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group_id,



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 1,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        ud_url, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, user_id=self.user1['id'],



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 2,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        gp_url, gp_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project_id, group_id=self.group_id,



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 3,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gp_entity, link_url=gp_url)

        up_url, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project_id, user_id=self.user1['id'],



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 4,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        # Now delete the four we added and make sure they are removed

        # from the collection.





        r = self.get(collection_url)




        self.assertRoleAssignmentNotInListResponse(r, gd_entity)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentNotInListResponse(r, ud_entity)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentNotInListResponse(r, gp_entity)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentNotInListResponse(r, up_entity)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_effective_role_assignments(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments?effective``.

        Test Plan:

        - Create two extra user for tests

        - Add these users to a group

        - Add a role assignment for the group on a domain

        - Get a list of all role assignments, checking one has been added

        - Then get a list of all effective role assignments - the group

          assignment should have turned into assignments on the domain

          for each of the group members.


        self.user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user1)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user2['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)

        self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(self.user1['id'], self.group['id'])

        self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(self.user2['id'], self.group['id'])

        collection_url = '/role_assignments'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        existing_assignments = len(r.result.get('role_assignments'))

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group_id,



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 1,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        # Now re-read the collection asking for effective roles - this

        # should mean the group assignment is translated into the two

        # member user assignments

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?effective'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 2,


        unused, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, user_id=self.user1['id'],


        gd_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group['id'],


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        ud_url, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, user_id=self.user2['id'],


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=gd_url)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_check_effective_values_for_role_assignments(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments?effective=value``.

        Check the various ways of specifying the 'effective'

        query parameter.  If the 'effective' query parameter

        is included then this should always be treated as

        as meaning 'True' unless it is specified as:


        This is by design to match the agreed way of handling

        policy checking on query/filter parameters.

        Test Plan:

        - Create two extra user for tests

        - Add these users to a group

        - Add a role assignment for the group on a domain

        - Get a list of all role assignments, checking one has been added

        - Then issue various request with different ways of defining

          the 'effective' query parameter. As we have tested the

          correctness of the data coming back when we get effective roles

          in other tests, here we just use the count of entities to

          know if we are getting effective roles or not


        self.user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user1)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user2['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)

        self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(self.user1['id'], self.group['id'])

        self.identity_api.add_user_to_group(self.user2['id'], self.group['id'])

        collection_url = '/role_assignments'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        existing_assignments = len(r.result.get('role_assignments'))

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group_id,



        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 1,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        # Now re-read the collection asking for effective roles,

        # using the most common way of defining "effective'. This

        # should mean the group assignment is translated into the two

        # member user assignments

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?effective'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 2,


        # Now set 'effective' to false explicitly - should get

        # back the regular roles

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?effective=0'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 1,


        # Now try setting  'effective' to 'False' explicitly- this is

        # NOT supported as a way of setting a query or filter

        # parameter to false by design. Hence we should get back

        # effective roles.

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?effective=False'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 2,


        # Now set 'effective' to True explicitly

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?effective=True'

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(existing_assignments + 2,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_filtered_role_assignments(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments?filters``.

        Test Plan:

        - Create extra users, group, role and project for tests

        - Make the following assignments:

          Give group1, role1 on project1 and domain

          Give user1, role2 on project1 and domain

          Make User1 a member of Group1

        - Test a series of single filter list calls, checking that

          the correct results are obtained

        - Test a multi-filtered list call

        - Test listing all effective roles for a given user

        - Test the equivalent of the list of roles in a project scoped

          token (all effective roles for a user on a project)


        # Since the default fixtures already assign some roles to the

        # user it creates, we also need a new user that will not have any

        # existing assignments

        self.user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user1['id'], self.user1)

        self.user2 = self.new_user_ref(


        self.user2['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user2['id'], self.user2)

        self.group1 = self.new_group_ref(


        self.identity_api.create_group(self.group1['id'], self.group1)





        self.project1 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(self.project1['id'], self.project1)

        self.role1 = self.new_role_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_role(self.role1['id'], self.role1)

        self.role2 = self.new_role_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_role(self.role2['id'], self.role2)

        # Now add one of each of the four types of assignment

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group1['id'],



        ud_url, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, user_id=self.user1['id'],



        gp_url, gp_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project1['id'], group_id=self.group1['id'],



        up_url, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project1['id'], user_id=self.user1['id'],



        # Now list by various filters to make sure we get back the right ones

        collection_url = ('/role_assignments?scope.project.id=%s' %


        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gp_entity, link_url=gp_url)

        collection_url = ('/role_assignments?scope.domain.id=%s' %


        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?user.id=%s' % self.user1['id']

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?group.id=%s' % self.group1['id']

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gp_entity, link_url=gp_url)

        collection_url = '/role_assignments?role.id=%s' % self.role1['id']

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gp_entity, link_url=gp_url)

        # Let's try combining two filers together....

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.project.id=%(project_id)s' % {

                'user_id': self.user1['id'],

                'project_id': self.project1['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(1, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        # Now for a harder one - filter for user with effective

        # roles - this should return role assignment that were directly

        # assigned as well as by virtue of group membership

        collection_url = ('/role_assignments?effective&user.id=%s' %


        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(4, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        # Should have the two direct roles...

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        # ...and the two via group membership...

        unused, up1_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project1['id'], user_id=self.user1['id'],


        unused, ud1_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, user_id=self.user1['id'],


        gp1_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=self.project1['id'], group_id=self.group1['id'],


        gd1_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=self.domain_id, group_id=self.group1['id'],


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up1_entity,


        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud1_entity,


        # ...and for the grand-daddy of them all, simulate the request

        # that would generate the list of effective roles in a project

        # scoped token.

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.project.id=%(project_id)s' % {

                'user_id': self.user1['id'],

                'project_id': self.project1['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        # Should have one direct role and one from group membership...

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=up_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up1_entity,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class IdentityInheritanceTestCase(test_v3.RestfulTestCase):

"""Test inheritance crud and its effects."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def config_overrides(self):

        super(IdentityInheritanceTestCase, self).config_overrides()

        self.config_fixture.config(group='os_inherit', enabled=True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_user_inherited_domain_role_grants(self):

        role_list = []

        for _ in range(2):

            role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

            self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)


        # Create a non-inherited role as a spoiler


            role_list[1]['id'], user_id=self.user['id'],


        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id,

                'user_id': self.user['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[0]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'


        # Check we can read it back


        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[0])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # Now delete and check its gone


        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, expected_length=0)

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_role_assignments_for_inherited_domain_grants(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments with inherited domain grants``.

        Test Plan:

        - Create 4 roles

        - Create a domain with a user and two projects

        - Assign two direct roles to project1

        - Assign a spoiler role to project2

        - Issue the URL to add inherited role to the domain

        - Issue the URL to check it is indeed on the domain

        - Issue the URL to check effective roles on project1 - this

          should return 3 roles.


        role_list = []

        for _ in range(4):

            role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

            self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)


        domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)

        user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(user1['id'], user1)

        project1 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project1['id'], project1)

        project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project2['id'], project2)

        # Add some roles to the project


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[0]['id'])


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[1]['id'])

        # ..and one on a different project as a spoiler


            user1['id'], project2['id'], role_list[2]['id'])

        # Now create our inherited role on the domain

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': domain['id'],

                'user_id': user1['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[3]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[3])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # Now use the list domain role assignments api to check if this

        # is included

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.domain.id=%(domain_id)s' % {

                'user_id': user1['id'],

                'domain_id': domain['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(1, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        ud_url, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], user_id=user1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        # Now ask for effective list role assignments - the role should

        # turn into a project role, along with the two direct roles that are

        # on the project

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.project.id=%(project_id)s' % {

                'user_id': user1['id'],

                'project_id': project1['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(3, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        # An effective role for an inherited role will be a project

        # entity, with a domain link to the inherited assignment

        unused, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=project1['id'], user_id=user1['id'],


        ud_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], user_id=user1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=ud_url)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_role_assignments_for_disabled_inheritance_extension(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments with inherited domain grants``.

        Test Plan:

        - Issue the URL to add inherited role to the domain

        - Issue the URL to check effective roles on project include the

          inherited role

        - Disable the extension

        - Re-check the effective roles, proving the inherited role no longer

          shows up.


        role_list = []

        for _ in range(4):

            role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

            self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)


        domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)

        user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(user1['id'], user1)

        project1 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project1['id'], project1)

        project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project2['id'], project2)

        # Add some roles to the project


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[0]['id'])


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[1]['id'])

        # ..and one on a different project as a spoiler


            user1['id'], project2['id'], role_list[2]['id'])

        # Now create our inherited role on the domain

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': domain['id'],

                'user_id': user1['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[3]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[3])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # Get effective list role assignments - the role should

        # turn into a project role, along with the two direct roles that are

        # on the project

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.project.id=%(project_id)s' % {

                'user_id': user1['id'],

                'project_id': project1['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(3, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        unused, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=project1['id'], user_id=user1['id'],


        ud_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], user_id=user1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        # Disable the extension and re-check the list, the role inherited

        # from the project should no longer show up

        self.config_fixture.config(group='os_inherit', enabled=False)

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        unused, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=project1['id'], user_id=user1['id'],


        ud_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], user_id=user1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentNotInListResponse(r, up_entity,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_list_role_assignments_for_inherited_group_domain_grants(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments with inherited group domain grants``.

        Test Plan:

        - Create 4 roles

        - Create a domain with a user and two projects

        - Assign two direct roles to project1

        - Assign a spoiler role to project2

        - Issue the URL to add inherited role to the domain

        - Issue the URL to check it is indeed on the domain

        - Issue the URL to check effective roles on project1 - this

          should return 3 roles.


        role_list = []

        for _ in range(4):

            role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

            self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)


        domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)

        user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(user1['id'], user1)

        user2 = self.new_user_ref(


        user2['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(user2['id'], user2)

        group1 = self.new_group_ref(


        self.identity_api.create_group(group1['id'], group1)





        project1 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project1['id'], project1)

        project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project2['id'], project2)

        # Add some roles to the project


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[0]['id'])


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[1]['id'])

        # ..and one on a different project as a spoiler


            user1['id'], project2['id'], role_list[2]['id'])

        # Now create our inherited role on the domain

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': domain['id'],

                'group_id': group1['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[3]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[3])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # Now use the list domain role assignments api to check if this

        # is included

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.domain.id=%(domain_id)s' % {

                'group_id': group1['id'],

                'domain_id': domain['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(1, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], group_id=group1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

        # Now ask for effective list role assignments - the role should

        # turn into a user project role, along with the two direct roles

        # that are on the project

        collection_url = (


            '&scope.project.id=%(project_id)s' % {

                'user_id': user1['id'],

                'project_id': project1['id']})

        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(3, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        # An effective role for an inherited role will be a project

        # entity, with a domain link to the inherited assignment

        unused, up_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            project_id=project1['id'], user_id=user1['id'],


        gd_url, unused = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], group_id=group1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, up_entity, link_url=gd_url)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_filtered_role_assignments_for_inherited_grants(self):

        """Call ``GET /role_assignments?scope.OS-INHERIT:inherited_to``.

        Test Plan:

        - Create 5 roles

        - Create a domain with a user, group and two projects

        - Assign three direct spoiler roles to projects

        - Issue the URL to add an inherited user role to the domain

        - Issue the URL to add an inherited group role to the domain

        - Issue the URL to filter by inherited roles - this should

          return just the 2 inherited roles.


        role_list = []

        for _ in range(5):

            role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

            self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)


        domain = self.new_domain_ref()

        self.assignment_api.create_domain(domain['id'], domain)

        user1 = self.new_user_ref(


        user1['password'] = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.identity_api.create_user(user1['id'], user1)

        group1 = self.new_group_ref(


        self.identity_api.create_group(group1['id'], group1)

        project1 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project1['id'], project1)

        project2 = self.new_project_ref(


        self.assignment_api.create_project(project2['id'], project2)

        # Add some spoiler roles to the projects


            user1['id'], project1['id'], role_list[0]['id'])


            user1['id'], project2['id'], role_list[1]['id'])

        # Create a non-inherited role as a spoiler


            role_list[2]['id'], user_id=user1['id'], domain_id=domain['id'])

        # Now create two inherited roles on the domain, one for a user

        # and one for a domain

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': domain['id'],

                'user_id': user1['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[3]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[3])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/groups/%(group_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': domain['id'],

                'group_id': group1['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role_list[4]['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'



        r = self.get(collection_url)

        self.assertValidRoleListResponse(r, ref=role_list[4])

        self.assertIn(collection_url, r.result['links']['self'])

        # Now use the list role assignments api to get a list of inherited

        # roles on the domain - should get back the two roles

        collection_url = (


        r = self.get(collection_url)


        self.assertEqual(2, len(r.result.get('role_assignments')))

        ud_url, ud_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], user_id=user1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[3]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        gd_url, gd_entity = _build_role_assignment_url_and_entity(

            domain_id=domain['id'], group_id=group1['id'],

            role_id=role_list[4]['id'], inherited_to_projects=True)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, ud_entity, link_url=ud_url)

        self.assertRoleAssignmentInListResponse(r, gd_entity, link_url=gd_url)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class IdentityInheritanceDisabledTestCase(test_v3.RestfulTestCase):

"""Test inheritance crud and its effects."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def config_overrides(self):

        super(IdentityInheritanceDisabledTestCase, self).config_overrides()

        self.config_fixture.config(group='os_inherit', enabled=False)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_crud_inherited_role_grants_failed_if_disabled(self):

        role = {'id': uuid.uuid4().hex, 'name': uuid.uuid4().hex}

        self.assignment_api.create_role(role['id'], role)

        base_collection_url = (

            '/OS-INHERIT/domains/%(domain_id)s/users/%(user_id)s/roles' % {

                'domain_id': self.domain_id,

                'user_id': self.user['id']})

        member_url = '%(collection_url)s/%(role_id)s/inherited_to_projects' % {

            'collection_url': base_collection_url,

            'role_id': role['id']}

        collection_url = base_collection_url + '/inherited_to_projects'

        self.put(member_url, expected_status=404)

        self.head(member_url, expected_status=404)

        self.get(collection_url, expected_status=404)

        self.delete(member_url, expected_status=404)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestV3toV2Methods(tests.TestCase):

"""Test V3 to V2 conversion methods."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestV3toV2Methods, self).setUp()


        self.user_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.default_project_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.tenant_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        self.domain_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        # User with only default_project_id in ref

        self.user1 = {'id': self.user_id,

                      'name': self.user_id,

                      'default_project_id': self.default_project_id,

                      'domain_id': self.domain_id}

        # User without default_project_id or tenantId in ref

        self.user2 = {'id': self.user_id,

                      'name': self.user_id,

                      'domain_id': self.domain_id}

        # User with both tenantId and default_project_id in ref

        self.user3 = {'id': self.user_id,

                      'name': self.user_id,

                      'default_project_id': self.default_project_id,

                      'tenantId': self.tenant_id,

                      'domain_id': self.domain_id}

        # User with only tenantId in ref

        self.user4 = {'id': self.user_id,

                      'name': self.user_id,

                      'tenantId': self.tenant_id,

                      'domain_id': self.domain_id}

        # Expected result if the user is meant to have a tenantId element

        self.expected_user = {'id': self.user_id,

                              'name': self.user_id,

                              'username': self.user_id,

                              'tenantId': self.default_project_id}

        # Expected result if the user is not meant ot have a tenantId element

        self.expected_user_no_tenant_id = {'id': self.user_id,

                                           'name': self.user_id,

                                           'username': self.user_id}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_v3_to_v2_user_method(self):

        updated_user1 = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(self.user1)

        self.assertIs(self.user1, updated_user1)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user1, self.expected_user)

        updated_user2 = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(self.user2)

        self.assertIs(self.user2, updated_user2)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user2, self.expected_user_no_tenant_id)

        updated_user3 = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(self.user3)

        self.assertIs(self.user3, updated_user3)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user3, self.expected_user)

        updated_user4 = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(self.user4)

        self.assertIs(self.user4, updated_user4)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user4, self.expected_user_no_tenant_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_v3_to_v2_user_method_list(self):

        user_list = [self.user1, self.user2, self.user3, self.user4]

        updated_list = controller.V2Controller.v3_to_v2_user(user_list)

        self.assertEqual(len(updated_list), len(user_list))

        for i, ref in enumerate(updated_list):

            # Order should not change.

            self.assertIs(ref, user_list[i])

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user1, self.expected_user)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user2, self.expected_user_no_tenant_id)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user3, self.expected_user)

        self.assertDictEqual(self.user4, self.expected_user_no_tenant_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_v2controller_filter_domain_id(self):

        # V2.0 is not domain aware, ensure domain_id is popped off the ref.

        other_data = uuid.uuid4().hex

        domain_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        ref = {'domain_id': domain_id,

               'other_data': other_data}

        ref_no_domain = {'other_data': other_data}

        expected_ref = ref_no_domain.copy()

        updated_ref = controller.V2Controller.filter_domain_id(ref)

        self.assertIs(ref, updated_ref)

        self.assertDictEqual(ref, expected_ref)

        # Make sure we don't error/muck up data if domain_id isn't present

        updated_ref = controller.V2Controller.filter_domain_id(ref_no_domain)

        self.assertIs(ref_no_domain, updated_ref)

        self.assertDictEqual(ref_no_domain, expected_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_v3controller_filter_domain_id(self):

        # No data should be filtered out in this case.

        other_data = uuid.uuid4().hex

        domain_id = uuid.uuid4().hex

        ref = {'domain_id': domain_id,

               'other_data': other_data}

        expected_ref = ref.copy()

        updated_ref = controller.V3Controller.filter_domain_id(ref)

        self.assertIs(ref, updated_ref)

        self.assertDictEqual(ref, expected_ref)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class UserSelfServiceChangingPasswordsTestCase(test_v3.RestfulTestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(UserSelfServiceChangingPasswordsTestCase, self).setUp()

        self.user_ref = self.new_user_ref(domain_id=self.domain['id'])

        self.identity_api.create_user(self.user_ref['id'], self.user_ref)

        self.token = self.get_request_token(self.user_ref['password'], 201)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_request_token(self, password, expected_status):

        auth_data = self.build_authentication_request(



        r = self.post('/auth/tokens',



        return r.headers.get('X-Subject-Token')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def change_password(self, expected_status, **kwargs):

        """Returns a test response for a change password request."""

        return self.post('/users/%s/password' % self.user_ref['id'],

                         body={'user': kwargs},



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_changing_password(self):

        # original password works



        # change password

        new_password = uuid.uuid4().hex




        # old password fails

        self.get_request_token(self.user_ref['password'], expected_status=401)

        # new password works

        self.get_request_token(new_password, expected_status=201)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_changing_password_with_missing_original_password_fails(self):

        r = self.change_password(password=uuid.uuid4().hex,




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_changing_password_with_missing_password_fails(self):

        r = self.change_password(original_password=self.user_ref['password'],




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_changing_password_with_incorrect_password_fails(self):




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_changing_password_with_disabled_user_fails(self):

        # disable the user account

        self.user_ref['enabled'] = False

        self.patch('/users/%s' % self.user_ref['id'],

                   body={'user': self.user_ref})


