

OpenStack Study: test_auth_plugin.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2013 OpenStack Foundation


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import uuid

from keystone import auth

from keystone.common import config

from keystone import exception

from keystone import tests

from keystone import token

# for testing purposes only

METHOD_NAME = 'simple_challenge_response'

EXPECTED_RESPONSE = uuid.uuid4().hex

DEMO_USER_ID = uuid.uuid4().hex

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class SimpleChallengeResponse(auth.AuthMethodHandler):

method = METHOD_NAME

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    def authenticate(self, context, auth_payload, user_context):

        if 'response' in auth_payload:

            if auth_payload['response'] != EXPECTED_RESPONSE:

                raise exception.Unauthorized('Wrong answer')

            user_context['user_id'] = DEMO_USER_ID


            return {"challenge": "What's the name of your high school?"}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class DuplicateAuthPlugin(SimpleChallengeResponse):

"""Duplicate simple challenge response auth plugin."""

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class MismatchedAuthPlugin(SimpleChallengeResponse):

method = uuid.uuid4().hex

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class NoMethodAuthPlugin(auth.AuthMethodHandler):

"""An auth plugin that does not supply a method attribute."""

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    def authenticate(self, context, auth_payload, auth_context):


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class TestAuthPlugin(tests.SQLDriverOverrides, tests.TestCase):

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    def setUp(self):

        super(TestAuthPlugin, self).setUp()


        # need to register the token provider first because auth controller

        # depends on it


        self.api = auth.controllers.Auth()

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    def config_files(self):

        config_files = super(TestAuthPlugin, self).config_files()


        return config_files

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    def config_overrides(self):

        super(TestAuthPlugin, self).config_overrides()








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    def test_unsupported_auth_method(self):

        method_name = uuid.uuid4().hex

        auth_data = {'methods': [method_name]}

        auth_data[method_name] = {'test': 'test'}

        auth_data = {'identity': auth_data}





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    def test_addition_auth_steps(self):

        auth_data = {'methods': [METHOD_NAME]}

        auth_data[METHOD_NAME] = {

            'test': 'test'}

        auth_data = {'identity': auth_data}

        auth_info = auth.controllers.AuthInfo.create(None, auth_data)

        auth_context = {'extras': {}, 'method_names': []}


            self.api.authenticate({'environment': {}}, auth_info, auth_context)

        except exception.AdditionalAuthRequired as e:

            self.assertTrue('methods' in e.authentication)

            self.assertTrue(METHOD_NAME in e.authentication['methods'])

            self.assertTrue(METHOD_NAME in e.authentication)

            self.assertTrue('challenge' in e.authentication[METHOD_NAME])

        # test correct response

        auth_data = {'methods': [METHOD_NAME]}

        auth_data[METHOD_NAME] = {

            'response': EXPECTED_RESPONSE}

        auth_data = {'identity': auth_data}

        auth_info = auth.controllers.AuthInfo.create(None, auth_data)

        auth_context = {'extras': {}, 'method_names': []}

        self.api.authenticate({'environment': {}}, auth_info, auth_context)

        self.assertEqual(auth_context['user_id'], DEMO_USER_ID)

        # test incorrect response

        auth_data = {'methods': [METHOD_NAME]}

        auth_data[METHOD_NAME] = {

            'response': uuid.uuid4().hex}

        auth_data = {'identity': auth_data}

        auth_info = auth.controllers.AuthInfo.create(None, auth_data)

        auth_context = {'extras': {}, 'method_names': []}



                          {'environment': {}},



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestAuthPluginDynamicOptions(TestAuthPlugin):

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    def config_overrides(self):

        super(TestAuthPluginDynamicOptions, self).config_overrides()

        # Clear the override for the [auth] ``methods`` option so it is

        # possible to load the options from the config file.

        self.config_fixture.conf.clear_override('methods', group='auth')

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    def config_files(self):

        config_files = super(TestAuthPluginDynamicOptions, self).config_files()


        return config_files

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class TestInvalidAuthMethodRegistration(tests.TestCase):

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    def test_duplicate_auth_method_registration(self):







        self.assertRaises(ValueError, auth.controllers.load_auth_methods)

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    def test_no_method_attribute_auth_method_by_class_name_registration(self):





        self.assertRaises(ValueError, auth.controllers.load_auth_methods)

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    def test_mismatched_auth_method_and_plugin_attribute(self):

        test_opt = config.cfg.StrOpt('test')

        def clear_and_unregister_opt():

            # NOTE(morganfainberg): Reset is required before unregistering

            # arguments or ArgsAlreadyParsedError is raised.


            config.CONF.unregister_opt(test_opt, 'auth')


        # Guarantee we register the option we expect to unregister in cleanup

        config.CONF.register_opt(test_opt, 'auth')

        self.config_fixture.config(group='auth', methods=['test'])





        self.assertRaises(ValueError, auth.controllers.load_auth_methods)

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        def clear_and_unregister_opt():

            # NOTE(morganfainberg): Reset is required before unregistering

            # arguments or ArgsAlreadyParsedError is raised.


            config.CONF.unregister_opt(test_opt, 'auth')


        # Guarantee we register the option we expect to unregister in cleanup

        config.CONF.register_opt(test_opt, 'auth')

        self.config_fixture.config(group='auth', methods=['test'])





        self.assertRaises(ValueError, auth.controllers.load_auth_methods)