

OpenStack Study: controllers.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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"""Extensions supporting Federation."""

from keystone.auth import controllers as auth_controllers

from keystone.common import authorization

from keystone.common import controller

from keystone.common import dependency

from keystone.common import wsgi

from keystone import config

from keystone.contrib.federation import utils

from keystone import exception

CONF = config.CONF

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class _ControllerBase(controller.V3Controller):

"""Base behaviors for federation controllers."""


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    def base_url(cls, context, path=None):

        """Construct a path and pass it to V3Controller.base_url method."""

        path = '/OS-FEDERATION/' + cls.collection_name

        return super(_ControllerBase, cls).base_url(context, path=path)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class IdentityProvider(_ControllerBase):

"""Identity Provider representation."""

collection_name = 'identity_providers'

member_name = 'identity_provider'

_mutable_parameters = frozenset(['description', 'enabled'])

_public_parameters = frozenset(['id', 'enabled', 'description', 'links'])


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    def _add_related_links(cls, context, ref):

        """Add URLs for entities related with Identity Provider.

        Add URLs pointing to:

        - protocols tied to the Identity Provider


        ref.setdefault('links', {})

        base_path = ref['links'].get('self')

        if base_path is None:

            base_path = '/'.join([IdentityProvider.base_url(context),


        for name in ['protocols']:

            ref['links'][name] = '/'.join([base_path, name])


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    def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref):

        id = ref.get('id')

        self_path = '/'.join([cls.base_url(context), id])

        ref.setdefault('links', {})

        ref['links']['self'] = self_path


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    def wrap_member(cls, context, ref):

        cls._add_self_referential_link(context, ref)

        cls._add_related_links(context, ref)

        ref = cls.filter_params(ref)

        return {cls.member_name: ref}

    #TODO(marek-denis): Implement, when mapping engine is ready

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    def _delete_tokens_issued_by_idp(self, idp_id):

        """Delete tokens created upon authentication from an IdP

        After the IdP is deregistered, users authenticating via such IdP should

        no longer be allowed to use federated services. Thus, delete all the

        tokens issued upon authentication from IdP with idp_id id

        :param idp_id: id of Identity Provider for which related tokens should

                       be removed.


        raise exception.NotImplemented()


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    def create_identity_provider(self, context, idp_id, identity_provider):

        identity_provider = self._normalize_dict(identity_provider)

        identity_provider.setdefault('enabled', False)


        idp_ref = self.federation_api.create_idp(idp_id, identity_provider)

        response = IdentityProvider.wrap_member(context, idp_ref)

        return wsgi.render_response(body=response, status=('201', 'Created'))


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    def list_identity_providers(self, context):

        ref = self.federation_api.list_idps()

        ref = [self.filter_params(x) for x in ref]

        return IdentityProvider.wrap_collection(context, ref)


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    def get_identity_provider(self, context, idp_id):

        ref = self.federation_api.get_idp(idp_id)

        return IdentityProvider.wrap_member(context, ref)


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    def delete_identity_provider(self, context, idp_id):



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    def update_identity_provider(self, context, idp_id, identity_provider):

        identity_provider = self._normalize_dict(identity_provider)


        idp_ref = self.federation_api.update_idp(idp_id, identity_provider)

        return IdentityProvider.wrap_member(context, idp_ref)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FederationProtocol(_ControllerBase):

"""A federation protocol representation.

See IdentityProvider docstring for explanation on _mutable_parameters

and _public_parameters class attributes.


collection_name = 'protocols'

member_name = 'protocol'

_public_parameters = frozenset(['id', 'mapping_id', 'links'])

_mutable_parameters = frozenset(['mapping_id'])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _add_self_referential_link(cls, context, ref):

        """Add 'links' entry to the response dictionary.

        Calls IdentityProvider.base_url() class method, as it constructs

        proper URL along with the 'identity providers' part included.

        :param ref: response dictionary


        ref.setdefault('links', {})

        base_path = ref['links'].get('identity_provider')

        if base_path is None:

            base_path = [IdentityProvider.base_url(context), ref['idp_id']]

            base_path = '/'.join(base_path)

        self_path = [base_path, 'protocols', ref['id']]

        self_path = '/'.join(self_path)

        ref['links']['self'] = self_path


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    def _add_related_links(cls, context, ref):

        """Add new entries to the 'links' subdictionary in the response.

        Adds 'identity_provider' key with URL pointing to related identity

        provider as a value.

        :param ref: response dictionary


        ref.setdefault('links', {})

        base_path = '/'.join([IdentityProvider.base_url(context),


        ref['links']['identity_provider'] = base_path


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def wrap_member(cls, context, ref):

        cls._add_related_links(context, ref)

        cls._add_self_referential_link(context, ref)

        ref = cls.filter_params(ref)

        return {cls.member_name: ref}


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    def create_protocol(self, context, idp_id, protocol_id, protocol):

        ref = self._normalize_dict(protocol)


        ref = self.federation_api.create_protocol(idp_id, protocol_id, ref)

        response = FederationProtocol.wrap_member(context, ref)

        return wsgi.render_response(body=response, status=('201', 'Created'))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def update_protocol(self, context, idp_id, protocol_id, protocol):

        ref = self._normalize_dict(protocol)


        ref = self.federation_api.update_protocol(idp_id, protocol_id,


        return FederationProtocol.wrap_member(context, ref)


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    def get_protocol(self, context, idp_id, protocol_id):

        ref = self.federation_api.get_protocol(idp_id, protocol_id)

        return FederationProtocol.wrap_member(context, ref)


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    def list_protocols(self, context, idp_id):

        protocols_ref = self.federation_api.list_protocols(idp_id)

        protocols = list(protocols_ref)

        return FederationProtocol.wrap_collection(context, protocols)


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    def delete_protocol(self, context, idp_id, protocol_id):

        self.federation_api.delete_protocol(idp_id, protocol_id)


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class MappingController(_ControllerBase):

collection_name = 'mappings'

member_name = 'mapping'


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    def create_mapping(self, context, mapping_id, mapping):

        ref = self._normalize_dict(mapping)


        mapping_ref = self.federation_api.create_mapping(mapping_id, ref)

        response = MappingController.wrap_member(context, mapping_ref)

        return wsgi.render_response(body=response, status=('201', 'Created'))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def list_mappings(self, context):

        ref = self.federation_api.list_mappings()

        return MappingController.wrap_collection(context, ref)


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    def get_mapping(self, context, mapping_id):

        ref = self.federation_api.get_mapping(mapping_id)

        return MappingController.wrap_member(context, ref)


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    def delete_mapping(self, context, mapping_id):



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    def update_mapping(self, context, mapping_id, mapping):

        mapping = self._normalize_dict(mapping)


        mapping_ref = self.federation_api.update_mapping(mapping_id, mapping)

        return MappingController.wrap_member(context, mapping_ref)

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class Auth(auth_controllers.Auth):

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    def federated_authentication(self, context, identity_provider, protocol):

        """Authenticate from dedicated url endpoint.

        Build HTTP request body for federated authentication and inject

        it into the ``authenticate_for_token`` function.


        auth = {

            'identity': {

                'methods': ['saml2'],

                'saml2': {

                    'identity_provider': identity_provider,

                    'protocol': protocol




        return self.authenticate_for_token(context, auth=auth)


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class DomainV3(controller.V3Controller):

collection_name = 'domains'

member_name = 'domain'

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    def __init__(self):

        super(DomainV3, self).__init__()

        self.get_member_from_driver = self.assignment_api.get_domain


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    def list_domains_for_groups(self, context):

        """List all domains available to an authenticated user's groups.

        :param context: request context

        :returns: list of accessible domains


        auth_context = context['environment'][authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV]

        domains = self.assignment_api.list_domains_for_groups(


        return DomainV3.wrap_collection(context, domains)


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class ProjectV3(controller.V3Controller):

collection_name = 'projects'

member_name = 'project'

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    def __init__(self):

        super(ProjectV3, self).__init__()

        self.get_member_from_driver = self.assignment_api.get_project


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    def list_projects_for_groups(self, context):

        """List all projects available to an authenticated user's groups.

        :param context: request context

        :returns: list of accessible projects


        auth_context = context['environment'][authorization.AUTH_CONTEXT_ENV]

        projects = self.assignment_api.list_projects_for_groups(


        return ProjectV3.wrap_collection(context, projects)