

OpenStack Study: wsgi.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2012 OpenStack Foundation

# Copyright 2010 United States Government as represented by the

# Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

# Copyright 2010 OpenStack Foundation

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

"""Utility methods for working with WSGI servers."""

import routes.middleware

import six

import webob.dec

import webob.exc

from keystone.common import config

from keystone.common import dependency

from keystone.common import utils

from keystone import exception

from keystone.openstack.common import gettextutils

from keystone.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

from keystone.openstack.common import importutils

from keystone.openstack.common import jsonutils

from keystone.openstack.common import log

CONF = config.CONF

LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)

# Environment variable used to pass the request context

CONTEXT_ENV = 'openstack.context'

# Environment variable used to pass the request params

PARAMS_ENV = 'openstack.params'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def validate_token_bind(context, token_ref):

    bind_mode = CONF.token.enforce_token_bind

    if bind_mode == 'disabled':


    bind = token_ref.get('bind', {})

    # permissive and strict modes don't require there to be a bind

    permissive = bind_mode in ('permissive', 'strict')

    # get the named mode if bind_mode is not one of the known

    name = None if permissive or bind_mode == 'required' else bind_mode

    if not bind:

        if permissive:

            # no bind provided and none required



            LOG.info(_("No bind information present in token"))

            raise exception.Unauthorized()

    if name and name not in bind:

        LOG.info(_("Named bind mode %s not in bind information"), name)

        raise exception.Unauthorized()

    for bind_type, identifier in six.iteritems(bind):

        if bind_type == 'kerberos':

            if not (context['environment'].get('AUTH_TYPE', '').lower()

                    == 'negotiate'):

                LOG.info(_("Kerberos credentials required and not present"))

                raise exception.Unauthorized()

            if not context['environment'].get('REMOTE_USER') == identifier:

                LOG.info(_("Kerberos credentials do not match those in bind"))

                raise exception.Unauthorized()

            LOG.info(_("Kerberos bind authentication successful"))

        elif bind_mode == 'permissive':

            LOG.debug(_("Ignoring unknown bind for permissive mode: "

                        "{%(bind_type)s: %(identifier)s}"),

                      {'bind_type': bind_type, 'identifier': identifier})


            LOG.info(_("Couldn't verify unknown bind: "

                       "{%(bind_type)s: %(identifier)s}"),

                     {'bind_type': bind_type, 'identifier': identifier})

            raise exception.Unauthorized()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def best_match_language(req):

    """Determines the best available locale from the Accept-Language

    HTTP header passed in the request.


    if not req.accept_language:

        return None

    return req.accept_language.best_match(


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class BaseApplication(object):

"""Base WSGI application wrapper. Subclasses need to implement __call__."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config):

        """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files.

        Any local configuration (that is, values under the [app:APPNAME]

        section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method

        as kwargs.

        A hypothetical configuration would look like:


            latest_version = 1.3

            paste.app_factory = keystone.fancy_api:Wadl.factory

        which would result in a call to the `Wadl` class as

            import keystone.fancy_api


        You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses,

        but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary.


        return cls(**local_config)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

        r"""Subclasses will probably want to implement __call__ like this:


        def __call__(self, req):

          # Any of the following objects work as responses:

          # Option 1: simple string

          res = 'message\n'

          # Option 2: a nicely formatted HTTP exception page

          res = exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation='Nice try')

          # Option 3: a webob Response object (in case you need to play with

          # headers, or you want to be treated like an iterable, or or or)

          res = Response();

          res.app_iter = open('somefile')

          # Option 4: any wsgi app to be run next

          res = self.application

          # Option 5: you can get a Response object for a wsgi app, too, to

          # play with headers etc

          res = req.get_response(self.application)

          # You can then just return your response...

          return res

          # ... or set req.response and return None.

          req.response = res

        See the end of http://pythonpaste.org/webob/modules/dec.html

        for more info.


        raise NotImplementedError('You must implement __call__')

@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'policy_api', 'token_api')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def __call__(self, req):

          # Any of the following objects work as responses:

          # Option 1: simple string

          res = 'message\n'

          # Option 2: a nicely formatted HTTP exception page

          res = exc.HTTPForbidden(explanation='Nice try')

          # Option 3: a webob Response object (in case you need to play with

          # headers, or you want to be treated like an iterable, or or or)

          res = Response();

          res.app_iter = open('somefile')

          # Option 4: any wsgi app to be run next

          res = self.application

          # Option 5: you can get a Response object for a wsgi app, too, to

          # play with headers etc

          res = req.get_response(self.application)

          # You can then just return your response...

          return res

          # ... or set req.response and return None.

          req.response = res

        See the end of http://pythonpaste.org/webob/modules/dec.html

        for more info.


        raise NotImplementedError('You must implement __call__')

@dependency.requires('assignment_api', 'policy_api', 'token_api')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Application(BaseApplication):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, req):

        arg_dict = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]

        action = arg_dict.pop('action')

        del arg_dict['controller']

        LOG.debug(_('arg_dict: %s'), arg_dict)

        # allow middleware up the stack to provide context, params and headers.

        context = req.environ.get(CONTEXT_ENV, {})

        context['query_string'] = dict(six.iteritems(req.params))

        context['headers'] = dict(six.iteritems(req.headers))

        context['path'] = req.environ['PATH_INFO']

        context['host_url'] = req.host_url

        params = req.environ.get(PARAMS_ENV, {})

        #authentication and authorization attributes are set as environment

        #values by the container and processed by the pipeline.  the complete

        #set is not yet know.

        context['environment'] = req.environ

        req.environ = None


        context.setdefault('is_admin', False)

        # TODO(termie): do some basic normalization on methods

        method = getattr(self, action)

        # NOTE(vish): make sure we have no unicode keys for py2.6.

        params = self._normalize_dict(params)


            result = method(context, **params)

        except exception.Unauthorized as e:


                _('Authorization failed. %(exception)s from %(remote_addr)s'),

                {'exception': e, 'remote_addr': req.environ['REMOTE_ADDR']})

            return render_exception(e, context=context,


        except exception.Error as e:


            return render_exception(e, context=context,


        except TypeError as e:


            return render_exception(exception.ValidationError(e),



        except Exception as e:


            return render_exception(exception.UnexpectedError(exception=e),



        if result is None:

            return render_response(status=(204, 'No Content'))

        elif isinstance(result, six.string_types):

            return result

        elif isinstance(result, webob.Response):

            return result

        elif isinstance(result, webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException):

            return result

        response_code = self._get_response_code(req)

        return render_response(body=result, status=response_code)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_response_code(self, req):

        req_method = req.environ['REQUEST_METHOD']

        controller = importutils.import_class('keystone.common.controller')

        code = None

        if isinstance(self, controller.V3Controller) and req_method == 'POST':

            code = (201, 'Created')

        return code

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _normalize_arg(self, arg):

        return str(arg).replace(':', '_').replace('-', '_')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _normalize_dict(self, d):

        return dict([(self._normalize_arg(k), v)

                     for (k, v) in six.iteritems(d)])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def assert_admin(self, context):

        if not context['is_admin']:


                user_token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(context['token_id'])

            except exception.TokenNotFound as e:

                raise exception.Unauthorized(e)

            validate_token_bind(context, user_token_ref)

            creds = user_token_ref['metadata'].copy()


                creds['user_id'] = user_token_ref['user'].get('id')

            except AttributeError:

                LOG.debug('Invalid user')

                raise exception.Unauthorized()


                creds['tenant_id'] = user_token_ref['tenant'].get('id')

            except AttributeError:

                LOG.debug('Invalid tenant')

                raise exception.Unauthorized()

            # NOTE(vish): this is pretty inefficient

            creds['roles'] = [self.assignment_api.get_role(role)['name']

                              for role in creds.get('roles', [])]

            # Accept either is_admin or the admin role

            self.policy_api.enforce(creds, 'admin_required', {})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _require_attribute(self, ref, attr):

        """Ensures the reference contains the specified attribute."""

        if ref.get(attr) is None or ref.get(attr) == '':

            msg = _('%s field is required and cannot be empty') % attr

            raise exception.ValidationError(message=msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_trust_id_for_request(self, context):

        """Get the trust_id for a call.

        Retrieve the trust_id from the token

        Returns None if token is is not trust scoped


        if ('token_id' not in context or

                context.get('token_id') == CONF.admin_token):

            LOG.debug(_('will not lookup trust as the request auth token is '

                        'either absent or it is the system admin token'))

            return None


            token_ref = self.token_api.get_token(context['token_id'])

        except exception.TokenNotFound:

            LOG.warning(_('Invalid token in _get_trust_id_for_request'))

            raise exception.Unauthorized()

        return token_ref.get('trust_id')


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def base_url(cls, context, endpoint_type):

        url = CONF['%s_endpoint' % endpoint_type]

        if url:

            url = url % CONF


            # NOTE(jamielennox): if url is not set via the config file we

            # should set it relative to the url that the user used to get here

            # so as not to mess with version discovery. This is not perfect.

            # host_url omits the path prefix, but there isn't another good

            # solution that will work for all urls.

            url = context['host_url']

        return url.rstrip('/')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Middleware(Application):

"""Base WSGI middleware.

These classes require an application to be

initialized that will be called next. By

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config):

        """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files.

        Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME]

        section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method

        as kwargs.

        A hypothetical configuration would look like:


            redis_host =

            paste.filter_factory = keystone.analytics:Analytics.factory

        which would result in a call to the `Analytics` class as

            import keystone.analytics

            keystone.analytics.Analytics(app, redis_host='')

        You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses,

        but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary.


        def _factory(app):

            conf = global_config.copy()


            return cls(app, **local_config)

        return _factory

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _factory(app):

            conf = global_config.copy()


            return cls(app, **local_config)

        return _factory

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, application):

        super(Middleware, self).__init__()

        self.application = application

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_request(self, request):

        """Called on each request.

        If this returns None, the next application down the stack will be

        executed. If it returns a response then that response will be returned

        and execution will stop here.


        return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def process_response(self, request, response):

        """Do whatever you'd like to the response, based on the request."""

        return response


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, request):


            response = self.process_request(request)

            if response:

                return response

            response = request.get_response(self.application)

            return self.process_response(request, response)

        except exception.Error as e:


            return render_exception(e, request=request,


        except TypeError as e:


            return render_exception(exception.ValidationError(e),



        except Exception as e:


            return render_exception(exception.UnexpectedError(exception=e),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Debug(Middleware):

"""Helper class for debugging a WSGI application.

Can be inserted into any WSGI application chain to get information

about the request and response.



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, req):

        if not hasattr(LOG, 'isEnabledFor') or LOG.isEnabledFor(LOG.debug):

            LOG.debug('%s %s %s', ('*' * 20), 'REQUEST ENVIRON', ('*' * 20))

            for key, value in req.environ.items():

                LOG.debug('%s = %s', key,



            LOG.debug('%s %s %s', ('*' * 20), 'REQUEST BODY', ('*' * 20))

            for line in req.body_file:

                LOG.debug('%s', log.mask_password(line))


        resp = req.get_response(self.application)

        if not hasattr(LOG, 'isEnabledFor') or LOG.isEnabledFor(LOG.debug):

            LOG.debug('%s %s %s', ('*' * 20), 'RESPONSE HEADERS', ('*' * 20))

            for (key, value) in six.iteritems(resp.headers):

                LOG.debug('%s = %s', key, value)


        resp.app_iter = self.print_generator(resp.app_iter)

        return resp


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def print_generator(app_iter):

        """Iterator that prints the contents of a wrapper string."""

        LOG.debug('%s %s %s', ('*' * 20), 'RESPONSE BODY', ('*' * 20))

        for part in app_iter:


            yield part

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Router(object):

"""WSGI middleware that maps incoming requests to WSGI apps."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, mapper):

        """Create a router for the given routes.Mapper.

        Each route in `mapper` must specify a 'controller', which is a

        WSGI app to call.  You'll probably want to specify an 'action' as

        well and have your controller be an object that can route

        the request to the action-specific method.


          mapper = routes.Mapper()

          sc = ServerController()

          # Explicit mapping of one route to a controller+action

          mapper.connect(None, '/svrlist', controller=sc, action='list')

          # Actions are all implicitly defined

          mapper.resource('server', 'servers', controller=sc)

          # Pointing to an arbitrary WSGI app.  You can specify the

          # {path_info:.*} parameter so the target app can be handed just that

          # section of the URL.

          mapper.connect(None, '/v1.0/{path_info:.*}', controller=BlogApp())


        self.map = mapper

        self._router = routes.middleware.RoutesMiddleware(self._dispatch,



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __call__(self, req):

        """Route the incoming request to a controller based on self.map.

        If no match, return a 404.


        return self._router



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _dispatch(req):

        """Dispatch the request to the appropriate controller.

        Called by self._router after matching the incoming request to a route

        and putting the information into req.environ.  Either returns 404

        or the routed WSGI app's response.


        match = req.environ['wsgiorg.routing_args'][1]

        if not match:

            msg = _('The resource could not be found.')

            return render_exception(exception.NotFound(msg),



        app = match['controller']

        return app

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ComposingRouter(Router):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, mapper=None, routers=None):

        if mapper is None:

            mapper = routes.Mapper()

        if routers is None:

            routers = []

        for router in routers:


        super(ComposingRouter, self).__init__(mapper)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ComposableRouter(Router):

"""Router that supports use by ComposingRouter."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, mapper=None):

        if mapper is None:

            mapper = routes.Mapper()


        super(ComposableRouter, self).__init__(mapper)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_routes(self, mapper):

        """Add routes to given mapper."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ExtensionRouter(Router):

"""A router that allows extensions to supplement or overwrite routes.

Expects to be subclassed.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, application, mapper=None):

        if mapper is None:

            mapper = routes.Mapper()

        self.application = application


        mapper.connect('{path_info:.*}', controller=self.application)

        super(ExtensionRouter, self).__init__(mapper)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def add_routes(self, mapper):



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def factory(cls, global_config, **local_config):

        """Used for paste app factories in paste.deploy config files.

        Any local configuration (that is, values under the [filter:APPNAME]

        section of the paste config) will be passed into the `__init__` method

        as kwargs.

        A hypothetical configuration would look like:


            redis_host =

            paste.filter_factory = keystone.analytics:Analytics.factory

        which would result in a call to the `Analytics` class as

            import keystone.analytics

            keystone.analytics.Analytics(app, redis_host='')

        You could of course re-implement the `factory` method in subclasses,

        but using the kwarg passing it shouldn't be necessary.


        def _factory(app):

            conf = global_config.copy()


            return cls(app, **local_config)

        return _factory

def render_response(body=None, status=None, headers=None):

    """Forms a WSGI response."""

    headers = headers or []

    headers.append(('Vary', 'X-Auth-Token'))

    if body is None:

        body = ''

        status = status or (204, 'No Content')


        body = jsonutils.dumps(body, cls=utils.SmarterEncoder)

        headers.append(('Content-Type', 'application/json'))

        status = status or (200, 'OK')

    return webob.Response(body=body,

                          status='%s %s' % status,


def render_exception(error, context=None, request=None, user_locale=None):

    """Forms a WSGI response based on the current error."""

    error_message = error.args[0]

    message = gettextutils.translate(error_message, desired_locale=user_locale)

    if message is error_message:

        # translate() didn't do anything because it wasn't a Message,

        # convert to a string.

        message = six.text_type(message)

    body = {'error': {

        'code': error.code,

        'title': error.title,

        'message': message,


    headers = []

    if isinstance(error, exception.AuthPluginException):

        body['error']['identity'] = error.authentication

    elif isinstance(error, exception.Unauthorized):

        url = CONF.public_endpoint

        if not url:

            if request:

                context = {'host_url': request.host_url}

            if context:

                url = Application.base_url(context, 'public')


                url = 'http://localhost:%d' % CONF.public_port


            url = url % CONF

        headers.append(('WWW-Authenticate', 'Keystone uri="%s"' % url))

    return render_response(status=(error.code, error.title),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _factory(app):

            conf = global_config.copy()


            return cls(app, **local_config)

        return _factory

def render_response(body=None, status=None, headers=None):

    """Forms a WSGI response."""

    headers = headers or []

    headers.append(('Vary', 'X-Auth-Token'))

    if body is None:

        body = ''

        status = status or (204, 'No Content')


        body = jsonutils.dumps(body, cls=utils.SmarterEncoder)

        headers.append(('Content-Type', 'application/json'))

        status = status or (200, 'OK')

    return webob.Response(body=body,

                          status='%s %s' % status,


def render_exception(error, context=None, request=None, user_locale=None):

    """Forms a WSGI response based on the current error."""

    error_message = error.args[0]

    message = gettextutils.translate(error_message, desired_locale=user_locale)

    if message is error_message:

        # translate() didn't do anything because it wasn't a Message,

        # convert to a string.

        message = six.text_type(message)

    body = {'error': {

        'code': error.code,

        'title': error.title,

        'message': message,


    headers = []

    if isinstance(error, exception.AuthPluginException):

        body['error']['identity'] = error.authentication

    elif isinstance(error, exception.Unauthorized):

        url = CONF.public_endpoint

        if not url:

            if request:

                context = {'host_url': request.host_url}

            if context:

                url = Application.base_url(context, 'public')


                url = 'http://localhost:%d' % CONF.public_port


            url = url % CONF

        headers.append(('WWW-Authenticate', 'Keystone uri="%s"' % url))

    return render_response(status=(error.code, error.title),

