**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
# Upgrade operations go here. Don't create your own engine;
# bind migrate_engine to your metadata
if migrate_engine.name != 'mysql':
# InnoDB / MyISAM only applies to MySQL.
# This is a list of all the tables that might have been created with MyISAM
# rather than InnoDB.
tables = [
meta = MetaData()
meta.bind = migrate_engine
domain_table = sql.Table('domain', meta, autoload=True)
endpoint_table = sql.Table('endpoint', meta, autoload=True)
group_table = sql.Table('group', meta, autoload=True)
group_domain_metadata_table = sql.Table('group_domain_metadata', meta,
group_project_metadata_table = sql.Table('group_project_metadata', meta,
project_table = sql.Table('project', meta, autoload=True)
service_table = sql.Table('service', meta, autoload=True)
user_table = sql.Table('user', meta, autoload=True)
user_domain_metadata_table = sql.Table('user_domain_metadata', meta,
user_group_membership_table = sql.Table('user_group_membership', meta,
# Mapping of table name to the constraints on that table,
# so we can create them.
table_constraints = {
'endpoint': [{'table': endpoint_table,
'fk_column': 'service_id',
'ref_column': service_table.c.id},
'group': [{'table': group_table,
'fk_column': 'domain_id',
'ref_column': domain_table.c.id},
'group_domain_metadata': [{'table': group_domain_metadata_table,
'fk_column': 'domain_id',
'ref_column': domain_table.c.id},
'group_project_metadata': [{'table': group_project_metadata_table,
'fk_column': 'project_id',
'ref_column': project_table.c.id},
'project': [{'table': project_table,
'fk_column': 'domain_id',
'ref_column': domain_table.c.id},
'user': [{'table': user_table,
'fk_column': 'domain_id',
'ref_column': domain_table.c.id},
'user_domain_metadata': [{'table': user_domain_metadata_table,
'fk_column': 'domain_id',
'ref_column': domain_table.c.id},
'user_group_membership': [{'table': user_group_membership_table,
'fk_column': 'user_id',
'ref_column': user_table.c.id},
{'table': user_group_membership_table,
'fk_column': 'group_id',
'ref_column': group_table.c.id},
'user_project_metadata': [{'table': group_project_metadata_table,
'fk_column': 'project_id',
'ref_column': project_table.c.id},
# Maps a table name to the tables that reference it as a FK constraint
# (See the map above).
ref_tables_map = {
'service': ['endpoint', ],
'domain': ['group', 'group_domain_metadata', 'project', 'user',
'user_domain_metadata', ],
'project': ['group_project_metadata', 'user_project_metadata', ],
'user': ['user_group_membership', ],
'group': ['user_group_membership', ],
# The names of tables that need to have their FKs added.
fk_table_names = set()
d = migrate_engine.execute("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE Engine!='InnoDB';")
for row in d.fetchall():
table_name = row[0]
if table_name not in tables:
# Skip this table since it's not a Keystone table.
migrate_engine.execute("ALTER TABLE `%s` Engine=InnoDB" % table_name)
# Will add the FKs to the table if any of
# a) the table itself was converted
# b) the tables that the table referenced were converted
if table_name in table_constraints:
ref_tables = ref_tables_map.get(table_name, [])
for other_table_name in ref_tables:
# Now add all the FK constraints to those tables
for table_name in fk_table_names:
constraints = table_constraints.get(table_name)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade(migrate_engine):