**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _disable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine):
if migrate_engine.name == 'mysql':
session.execute('SET foreign_key_checks = 0;')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _enable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine):
if migrate_engine.name == 'mysql':
session.execute('SET foreign_key_checks = 1;')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade_user_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# We want to add the domain_id attribute to the user table. Since
# it is non nullable and the table may have data, easiest way is
# a table copy. Further, in order to keep foreign key constraints
# pointing at the right table, we need to be able and do a table
# DROP then CREATE, rather than ALTERing the name of the table.
# First make a copy of the user table
temp_user_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('password', sql.String(128)),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True))
temp_user_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
user_table = sql.Table('user', meta, autoload=True)
for user in session.query(user_table):
session.execute('insert into temp_user (id, name, extra, '
'password, enabled) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':password, :enabled);',
{'id': user.id,
'name': user.name,
'extra': user.extra,
'password': user.password,
'enabled': user.enabled})
# Now switch off constraints while we drop and then re-create the
# user table, with the additional domain_id column
_disable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table user;')
# Need to create a new metadata stream since we are going to load a
# different version of the user table
meta2 = sql.MetaData()
meta2.bind = migrate_engine
sql.Table('domain', meta2, autoload=True)
user_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column("password", sql.String(128)),
sql.Column("enabled", sql.Boolean, default=True),
sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'),
sql.UniqueConstraint('domain_id', 'name'))
user_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
# Finally copy in the data from our temp table and then clean
# up by deleting our temp table
for user in session.query(temp_user_table):
session.execute('insert into user (id, name, extra, '
'password, enabled, domain_id) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':password, :enabled, :domain_id);',
{'id': user.id,
'name': user.name,
'extra': user.extra,
'password': user.password,
'enabled': user.enabled,
'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id})
_enable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table temp_user;')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade_project_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# We want to add the domain_id attribute to the project table. Since
# it is non nullable and the table may have data, easiest way is
# a table copy. Further, in order to keep foreign key constraints
# pointing at the right table, we need to be able and do a table
# DROP then CREATE, rather than ALTERing the name of the table.
# Fist make a copy of the project table
temp_project_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('description', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True))
temp_project_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
project_table = sql.Table('project', meta, autoload=True)
for project in session.query(project_table):
session.execute('insert into temp_project (id, name, extra, '
'description, enabled) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':description, :enabled);',
{'id': project.id,
'name': project.name,
'extra': project.extra,
'description': project.description,
'enabled': project.enabled})
# Now switch off constraints while we drop and then re-create the
# project table, with the additional domain_id column
_disable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table project;')
# Need to create a new metadata stream since we are going to load a
# different version of the project table
meta2 = sql.MetaData()
meta2.bind = migrate_engine
sql.Table('domain', meta2, autoload=True)
project_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('description', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True),
sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64), sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'),
sql.UniqueConstraint('domain_id', 'name'))
project_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
# Finally copy in the data from our temp table and then clean
# up by deleting our temp table
for project in session.query(temp_project_table):
session.execute('insert into project (id, name, extra, '
'description, enabled, domain_id) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':description, :enabled, :domain_id);',
{'id': project.id,
'name': project.name,
'extra': project.extra,
'description': project.description,
'enabled': project.enabled,
'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id})
_enable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table temp_project;')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade_user_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# For engines that don't support dropping columns, we need to do this
# as a table copy. Further, in order to keep foreign key constraints
# pointing at the right table, we need to be able and do a table
# DROP then CREATE, rather than ALTERing the name of the table.
# Fist make a copy of the user table
temp_user_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('password', sql.String(128)),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()))
temp_user_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
user_table = sql.Table('user', meta, autoload=True)
for user in session.query(user_table):
session.execute('insert into temp_user (id, name, '
'password, enabled, extra) '
'values ( :id, :name, '
':password, :enabled, :extra);',
{'id': user.id,
'name': user.name,
'password': user.password,
'enabled': user.enabled,
'extra': user.extra})
# Now switch off constraints while we drop and then re-create the
# user table, less the columns we wanted to drop
_disable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table user;')
# Need to create a new metadata stream since we are going to load a
# different version of the user table
meta2 = sql.MetaData()
meta2.bind = migrate_engine
user_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('password', sql.String(128)),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True))
user_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
_enable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
# Finally copy in the data from our temp table and then clean
# up by deleting our temp table
for user in session.query(temp_user_table):
session.execute('insert into user (id, name, extra, '
'password, enabled) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':password, :enabled);',
{'id': user.id,
'name': user.name,
'extra': user.extra,
'password': user.password,
'enabled': user.enabled})
session.execute('drop table temp_user;')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade_project_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# For engines that don't support dropping columns, we need to do this
# as a table copy. Further, in order to keep foreign key constraints
# pointing at the right table, we need to be able and do a table
# DROP then CREATE, rather than ALTERing the name of the table.
# Fist make a copy of the project table
temp_project_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('description', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()))
temp_project_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
project_table = sql.Table('project', meta, autoload=True)
for project in session.query(project_table):
session.execute('insert into temp_project (id, name, '
'description, enabled, extra) '
'values ( :id, :name, '
':description, :enabled, :extra);',
{'id': project.id,
'name': project.name,
'description': project.description,
'enabled': project.enabled,
'extra': project.extra})
# Now switch off constraints while we drop and then re-create the
# project table, less the columns we wanted to drop
_disable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
session.execute('drop table project;')
# Need to create a new metadata stream since we are going to load a
# different version of the project table
meta2 = sql.MetaData()
meta2.bind = migrate_engine
project_table = sql.Table(
sql.Column('id', sql.String(64), primary_key=True),
sql.Column('name', sql.String(64), unique=True, nullable=False),
sql.Column('extra', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('description', sql.Text()),
sql.Column('enabled', sql.Boolean, default=True))
project_table.create(migrate_engine, checkfirst=True)
_enable_foreign_constraints(session, migrate_engine)
# Finally copy in the data from our temp table and then clean
# up by deleting our temp table
for project in session.query(temp_project_table):
session.execute('insert into project (id, name, extra, '
'description, enabled) '
'values ( :id, :name, :extra, '
':description, :enabled);',
{'id': project.id,
'name': project.name,
'extra': project.extra,
'description': project.description,
'enabled': project.enabled})
session.execute("drop table temp_project;")
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade_user_table_with_col_create(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# Create the domain_id column. We want this to be not nullable
# but also a foreign key. We can't create this right off the
# bat since any existing rows would cause an Integrity Error.
# We therefore create it nullable, fill the column with the
# default data and then set it to non nullable.
sql.Table('domain', meta, autoload=True)
user_table = sql.Table('user', meta, autoload=True)
sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64),
sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'), nullable=True))
for user in session.query(user_table).all():
values = {'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id}
update = user_table.update().\
where(user_table.c.id == user.id).\
# Need to commit this or setting nullable to False will fail
# Finally, change the uniqueness settings for the name attribute
session.execute('ALTER TABLE "user" DROP CONSTRAINT user_name_key;')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD CONSTRAINT user_dom_name_unique '
'UNIQUE (domain_id, name);')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade_project_table_with_col_create(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# Create the domain_id column. We want this to be not nullable
# but also a foreign key. We can't create this right off the
# bat since any existing rows would cause an Integrity Error.
# We therefore create it nullable, fill the column with the
# default data and then set it to non nullable.
sql.Table('domain', meta, autoload=True)
project_table = sql.Table('project', meta, autoload=True)
sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64),
sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'), nullable=True))
for project in session.query(project_table).all():
values = {'domain_id': CONF.identity.default_domain_id}
update = project_table.update().\
where(project_table.c.id == project.id).\
# Need to commit this or setting nullable to False will fail
# Finally, change the uniqueness settings for the name attribute
session.execute('ALTER TABLE project DROP CONSTRAINT tenant_name_key;')
session.execute('ALTER TABLE project ADD CONSTRAINT proj_dom_name_unique '
'UNIQUE (domain_id, name);')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade_user_table_with_col_drop(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# Revert uniqueness settings for the name attribute
session.execute('ALTER TABLE "user" DROP CONSTRAINT '
# specify the constraint name so it can be referenced later
session.execute('ALTER TABLE "user" ADD CONSTRAINT user_name_key '
'UNIQUE (name);')
# And now go ahead an drop the domain_id column
sql.Table('domain', meta, autoload=True)
user_table = sql.Table('user', meta, autoload=True)
column = sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64),
sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'), nullable=False)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade_project_table_with_col_drop(meta, migrate_engine, session):
# Revert uniqueness settings for the name attribute
session.execute('ALTER TABLE project DROP CONSTRAINT '
session.execute('ALTER TABLE project ADD CONSTRAINT tenant_name_key '
'UNIQUE (name);')
# And now go ahead an drop the domain_id column
sql.Table('domain', meta, autoload=True)
project_table = sql.Table('project', meta, autoload=True)
column = sql.Column('domain_id', sql.String(64),
sql.ForeignKey('domain.id'), nullable=False)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def upgrade(migrate_engine):
meta = sql.MetaData()
meta.bind = migrate_engine
session = sessionmaker(bind=migrate_engine)()
if migrate_engine.name in ['sqlite', 'mysql']:
upgrade_user_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session)
upgrade_project_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session)
upgrade_user_table_with_col_create(meta, migrate_engine, session)
upgrade_project_table_with_col_create(meta, migrate_engine, session)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def downgrade(migrate_engine):
meta = sql.MetaData()
meta.bind = migrate_engine
session = sessionmaker(bind=migrate_engine)()
if migrate_engine.name in ['sqlite', 'mysql']:
downgrade_user_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session)
downgrade_project_table_with_copy(meta, migrate_engine, session)
# MySQL should in theory be able to use this path, but seems to
# have problems dropping columns which are foreign keys
downgrade_user_table_with_col_drop(meta, migrate_engine, session)
downgrade_project_table_with_col_drop(meta, migrate_engine, session)