

OpenStack Study: __init__.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2011 OpenStack Foundation

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.


Base test class for running non-stubbed tests (functional tests)

The FunctionalTest class contains helper methods for starting the API

and Registry server, grabbing the logs of each, cleaning up pidfiles,

and spinning down the servers.


import atexit

import datetime

import logging

import os

import re

import shutil

import signal

import socket

import sys

import tempfile

import time

import fixtures

import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse

import testtools

from glance.common import utils

from glance.db.sqlalchemy import api as db_api

from glance.openstack.common import jsonutils

from glance.openstack.common import units

from glance import tests as glance_tests

from glance.tests import utils as test_utils

execute, get_unused_port = test_utils.execute, test_utils.get_unused_port

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class Server(object):


Class used to easily manage starting and stopping

a server during functional test runs.


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, test_dir, port, sock=None):


        Creates a new Server object.

        :param test_dir: The directory where all test stuff is kept. This is

                         passed from the FunctionalTestCase.

        :param port: The port to start a server up on.


        self.verbose = True

        self.debug = True

        self.no_venv = False

        self.test_dir = test_dir

        self.bind_port = port

        self.conf_file_name = None

        self.conf_base = None

        self.paste_conf_base = None

        self.exec_env = None

        self.deployment_flavor = ''

        self.show_image_direct_url = False

        self.show_multiple_locations = False

        self.property_protection_file = ''

        self.enable_v1_api = True

        self.enable_v2_api = True

        self.enable_v1_registry = True

        self.enable_v2_registry = True

        self.needs_database = False

        self.log_file = None

        self.sock = sock

        self.fork_socket = True

        self.process_pid = None

        self.server_module = None

        self.stop_kill = False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def write_conf(self, **kwargs):


        Writes the configuration file for the server to its intended

        destination.  Returns the name of the configuration file and

        the over-ridden config content (may be useful for populating

        error messages).


        if not self.conf_base:

            raise RuntimeError("Subclass did not populate config_base!")

        conf_override = self.__dict__.copy()

        if kwargs:


        # A config file and paste.ini to use just for this test...we don't want

        # to trample on currently-running Glance servers, now do we?

        conf_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'etc')

        conf_filepath = os.path.join(conf_dir, "%s.conf" % self.server_name)

        if os.path.exists(conf_filepath):


        paste_conf_filepath = conf_filepath.replace(".conf", "-paste.ini")

        if os.path.exists(paste_conf_filepath):



        def override_conf(filepath, overridden):

            with open(filepath, 'wb') as conf_file:



                return conf_file.name

        overridden_core = self.conf_base % conf_override

        self.conf_file_name = override_conf(conf_filepath, overridden_core)

        overridden_paste = ''

        if self.paste_conf_base:

            overridden_paste = self.paste_conf_base % conf_override

            override_conf(paste_conf_filepath, overridden_paste)

        overridden = ('==Core config==\n%s\n==Paste config==\n%s' %

                      (overridden_core, overridden_paste))

        return self.conf_file_name, overridden

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def override_conf(filepath, overridden):

            with open(filepath, 'wb') as conf_file:



                return conf_file.name

        overridden_core = self.conf_base % conf_override

        self.conf_file_name = override_conf(conf_filepath, overridden_core)

        overridden_paste = ''

        if self.paste_conf_base:

            overridden_paste = self.paste_conf_base % conf_override

            override_conf(paste_conf_filepath, overridden_paste)

        overridden = ('==Core config==\n%s\n==Paste config==\n%s' %

                      (overridden_core, overridden_paste))

        return self.conf_file_name, overridden

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start(self, expect_exit=True, expected_exitcode=0, **kwargs):


        Starts the server.

        Any kwargs passed to this method will override the configuration

        value in the conf file used in starting the servers.


        # Ensure the configuration file is written



        cmd = ("%(server_module)s --config-file %(conf_file_name)s"

               % self.__dict__)

        cmd = "%s -m %s" % (sys.executable, cmd)

        # close the sock and release the unused port closer to start time

        if self.exec_env:

            exec_env = self.exec_env.copy()


            exec_env = {}

        if self.sock:

            if not self.fork_socket:


                self.sock = None


                fd = os.dup(self.sock.fileno())

                exec_env[utils.GLANCE_TEST_SOCKET_FD_STR] = str(fd)


        self.process_pid = test_utils.fork_exec(cmd,



        self.stop_kill = not expect_exit

        if self.pid_file:

            pf = open(self.pid_file, 'w')

            pf.write('%d\n' % self.process_pid)


        if not expect_exit:

            rc = 0


                os.kill(self.process_pid, 0)

            except OSError:

                raise RuntimeError("The process did not start")


            rc = test_utils.wait_for_fork(



        # avoid an FD leak

        if self.sock:


            self.sock = None

        return (rc, '', '')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def reload(self, expect_exit=True, expected_exitcode=0, **kwargs):


        Start and stop the service to reload

        Any kwargs passed to this method will override the configuration

        value in the conf file used in starting the servers.



        return self.start(expect_exit=expect_exit,

                          expected_exitcode=expected_exitcode, **kwargs)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_database(self):

        """Create database if required for this server"""

        if self.needs_database:

            conf_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'etc')


            conf_filepath = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'glance-manage.conf')

            with open(conf_filepath, 'wb') as conf_file:


                conf_file.write('sql_connection = %s' % self.sql_connection)


            glance_db_env = 'GLANCE_DB_TEST_SQLITE_FILE'

            if glance_db_env in os.environ:

                # use the empty db created and cached as a tempfile

                # instead of spending the time creating a new one

                db_location = os.environ[glance_db_env]

                os.system('cp %s %s/tests.sqlite'

                          % (db_location, self.test_dir))


                cmd = ('%s -m glance.cmd.manage --config-file %s db sync' %

                       (sys.executable, conf_filepath))

                execute(cmd, no_venv=self.no_venv, exec_env=self.exec_env,


                # copy the clean db to a temp location so that it

                # can be reused for future tests

                (osf, db_location) = tempfile.mkstemp()


                os.system('cp %s/tests.sqlite %s'

                          % (self.test_dir, db_location))

                os.environ[glance_db_env] = db_location

                # cleanup the temp file when the test suite is

                # complete

                def _delete_cached_db():



                    except Exception:


                            "Error cleaning up the file %s" %



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def stop(self):


        Spin down the server.


        if not self.process_pid:

            raise Exception('why is this being called? %s' % self.server_name)

        if self.stop_kill:

            os.kill(self.process_pid, signal.SIGTERM)

        rc = test_utils.wait_for_fork(self.process_pid, raise_error=False)

        return (rc, '', '')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def dump_log(self, name):

        log = logging.getLogger(name)

        if not self.log_file or not os.path.exists(self.log_file):


        fptr = open(self.log_file, 'r')

        for line in fptr:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ApiServer(Server):


Server object that starts/stops/manages the API server


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, test_dir, port, policy_file, delayed_delete=False,

                 pid_file=None, sock=None, **kwargs):

        super(ApiServer, self).__init__(test_dir, port, sock=sock)

        self.server_name = 'api'

        self.server_module = 'glance.cmd.%s' % self.server_name

        self.default_store = kwargs.get("default_store", "file")

        self.key_file = ""

        self.cert_file = ""

        self.metadata_encryption_key = "012345678901234567890123456789ab"

        self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "images")

        self.pid_file = pid_file or os.path.join(self.test_dir, "api.pid")

        self.scrubber_datadir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "scrubber")

        self.log_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "api.log")

        self.s3_store_host = "s3.amazonaws.com"

        self.s3_store_access_key = ""

        self.s3_store_secret_key = ""

        self.s3_store_bucket = ""

        self.s3_store_bucket_url_format = ""

        self.swift_store_auth_version = kwargs.get("swift_store_auth_version",


        self.swift_store_auth_address = kwargs.get("swift_store_auth_address",


        self.swift_store_user = kwargs.get("swift_store_user", "")

        self.swift_store_key = kwargs.get("swift_store_key", "")

        self.swift_store_container = kwargs.get("swift_store_container", "")

        self.swift_store_create_container_on_put = kwargs.get(

            "swift_store_create_container_on_put", "True")

        self.swift_store_large_object_size = 5 * units.Ki

        self.swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200

        self.swift_store_multi_tenant = False

        self.swift_store_admin_tenants = []

        self.rbd_store_ceph_conf = ""

        self.rbd_store_pool = ""

        self.rbd_store_user = ""

        self.rbd_store_chunk_size = 4

        self.delayed_delete = delayed_delete

        self.owner_is_tenant = True

        self.workers = 0

        self.scrub_time = 5

        self.image_cache_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir,


        self.image_cache_driver = 'sqlite'

        self.policy_file = policy_file

        self.policy_default_rule = 'default'

        self.property_protection_rule_format = 'roles'

        self.image_member_quota = 10

        self.image_property_quota = 10

        self.image_tag_quota = 10

        self.image_location_quota = 2

        self.needs_database = True

        default_sql_connection = 'sqlite:////%s/tests.sqlite' % self.test_dir

        self.sql_connection = os.environ.get('GLANCE_TEST_SQL_CONNECTION',


        self.user_storage_quota = 0

        self.lock_path = self.test_dir

        self.location_strategy = 'location_order'

        self.store_type_location_strategy_preference = ""

        self.conf_base = """[DEFAULT]

verbose = %(verbose)s

debug = %(debug)s

default_log_levels = eventlet.wsgi.server=DEBUG


default_store = %(default_store)s

bind_host =

bind_port = %(bind_port)s

key_file = %(key_file)s

cert_file = %(cert_file)s

metadata_encryption_key = %(metadata_encryption_key)s

registry_host =

registry_port = %(registry_port)s

log_file = %(log_file)s

s3_store_host = %(s3_store_host)s

s3_store_access_key = %(s3_store_access_key)s

s3_store_secret_key = %(s3_store_secret_key)s

s3_store_bucket = %(s3_store_bucket)s

s3_store_bucket_url_format = %(s3_store_bucket_url_format)s

swift_store_auth_version = %(swift_store_auth_version)s

swift_store_auth_address = %(swift_store_auth_address)s

swift_store_user = %(swift_store_user)s

swift_store_key = %(swift_store_key)s

swift_store_container = %(swift_store_container)s

swift_store_create_container_on_put = %(swift_store_create_container_on_put)s

swift_store_large_object_size = %(swift_store_large_object_size)s

swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = %(swift_store_large_object_chunk_size)s

swift_store_multi_tenant = %(swift_store_multi_tenant)s

swift_store_admin_tenants = %(swift_store_admin_tenants)s

rbd_store_chunk_size = %(rbd_store_chunk_size)s

rbd_store_user = %(rbd_store_user)s

rbd_store_pool = %(rbd_store_pool)s

rbd_store_ceph_conf = %(rbd_store_ceph_conf)s

delayed_delete = %(delayed_delete)s

owner_is_tenant = %(owner_is_tenant)s

workers = %(workers)s

scrub_time = %(scrub_time)s

scrubber_datadir = %(scrubber_datadir)s

image_cache_dir = %(image_cache_dir)s

image_cache_driver = %(image_cache_driver)s

policy_file = %(policy_file)s

policy_default_rule = %(policy_default_rule)s

db_auto_create = False

sql_connection = %(sql_connection)s

show_image_direct_url = %(show_image_direct_url)s

show_multiple_locations = %(show_multiple_locations)s

user_storage_quota = %(user_storage_quota)s

enable_v1_api = %(enable_v1_api)s

enable_v2_api = %(enable_v2_api)s

lock_path = %(lock_path)s

enable_v2_api= %(enable_v2_api)s

property_protection_file = %(property_protection_file)s

property_protection_rule_format = %(property_protection_rule_format)s







flavor = %(deployment_flavor)s


store_type_preference = %(store_type_location_strategy_preference)s


        self.paste_conf_base = """[pipeline:glance-api]

pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip unauthenticated-context rootapp


pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip unauthenticated-context cache rootapp


pipeline =








pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip fakeauth context rootapp


pipeline = versionnegotiation gzip context rootapp


paste.composite_factory = glance.api:root_app_factory

/: apiversions

/v1: apiv1app

/v2: apiv2app


paste.app_factory = glance.api.versions:create_resource


paste.app_factory = glance.api.v1.router:API.factory


paste.app_factory = glance.api.v2.router:API.factory


paste.filter_factory =



paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.gzip:GzipMiddleware.factory


paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.cache:CacheFilter.factory


paste.filter_factory =



paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory


paste.filter_factory =



paste.filter_factory = glance.tests.utils:FakeAuthMiddleware.factory


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class RegistryServer(Server):


Server object that starts/stops/manages the Registry server


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, test_dir, port, sock=None):

        super(RegistryServer, self).__init__(test_dir, port, sock=sock)

        self.server_name = 'registry'

        self.server_module = 'glance.cmd.%s' % self.server_name

        self.needs_database = True

        default_sql_connection = 'sqlite:////%s/tests.sqlite' % self.test_dir

        self.sql_connection = os.environ.get('GLANCE_TEST_SQL_CONNECTION',


        self.pid_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "registry.pid")

        self.log_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "registry.log")

        self.owner_is_tenant = True

        self.workers = 0

        self.api_version = 1

        self.user_storage_quota = 0

        self.conf_base = """[DEFAULT]

verbose = %(verbose)s

debug = %(debug)s

bind_host =

bind_port = %(bind_port)s

log_file = %(log_file)s

db_auto_create = False

sql_connection = %(sql_connection)s

sql_idle_timeout = 3600

api_limit_max = 1000

limit_param_default = 25

owner_is_tenant = %(owner_is_tenant)s

enable_v2_registry = %(enable_v2_registry)s

workers = %(workers)s

user_storage_quota = %(user_storage_quota)s


flavor = %(deployment_flavor)s


        self.paste_conf_base = """[pipeline:glance-registry]

pipeline = unauthenticated-context registryapp


pipeline = fakeauth context registryapp


paste.app_factory = glance.registry.api:API.factory


paste.filter_factory = glance.api.middleware.context:ContextMiddleware.factory


paste.filter_factory =



paste.filter_factory = glance.tests.utils:FakeAuthMiddleware.factory


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class ScrubberDaemon(Server):


Server object that starts/stops/manages the Scrubber server


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, test_dir, daemon=False, **kwargs):

        # NOTE(jkoelker): Set the port to 0 since we actually don't listen

        super(ScrubberDaemon, self).__init__(test_dir, 0)

        self.server_name = 'scrubber'

        self.server_module = 'glance.cmd.%s' % self.server_name

        self.daemon = daemon

        self.image_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "images")

        self.scrubber_datadir = os.path.join(self.test_dir,


        self.pid_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "scrubber.pid")

        self.log_file = os.path.join(self.test_dir, "scrubber.log")

        self.swift_store_auth_address = kwargs.get("swift_store_auth_address",


        self.swift_store_user = kwargs.get("swift_store_user", "")

        self.swift_store_key = kwargs.get("swift_store_key", "")

        self.swift_store_container = kwargs.get("swift_store_container", "")

        self.swift_store_auth_version = kwargs.get("swift_store_auth_version",


        self.metadata_encryption_key = "012345678901234567890123456789ab"

        self.lock_path = self.test_dir

        self.conf_base = """[DEFAULT]

verbose = %(verbose)s

debug = %(debug)s


log_file = %(log_file)s

daemon = %(daemon)s

wakeup_time = 2

scrubber_datadir = %(scrubber_datadir)s

registry_host =

registry_port = %(registry_port)s

metadata_encryption_key = %(metadata_encryption_key)s

swift_store_auth_address = %(swift_store_auth_address)s

swift_store_user = %(swift_store_user)s

swift_store_key = %(swift_store_key)s

swift_store_container = %(swift_store_container)s

swift_store_auth_version = %(swift_store_auth_version)s

lock_path = %(lock_path)s


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start(self, expect_exit=True, expected_exitcode=0, **kwargs):

        if 'daemon' in kwargs:

            expect_exit = False

        return super(ScrubberDaemon, self).start(




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class FunctionalTest(test_utils.BaseTestCase):


Base test class for any test that wants to test the actual

servers and clients and not just the stubbed out interfaces


inited = False

disabled = False

launched_servers = []

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(FunctionalTest, self).setUp()

        self.test_dir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()).path

        self.api_protocol = 'http'

        self.api_port, api_sock = test_utils.get_unused_port_and_socket()

        self.registry_port, registry_sock = \


        conf_dir = os.path.join(self.test_dir, 'etc')


        self.copy_data_file('schema-image.json', conf_dir)

        self.copy_data_file('policy.json', conf_dir)

        self.copy_data_file('property-protections.conf', conf_dir)

        self.copy_data_file('property-protections-policies.conf', conf_dir)

        self.property_file_roles = os.path.join(conf_dir,


        property_policies = 'property-protections-policies.conf'

        self.property_file_policies = os.path.join(conf_dir,


        self.policy_file = os.path.join(conf_dir, 'policy.json')

        self.api_server = ApiServer(self.test_dir,




        self.registry_server = RegistryServer(self.test_dir,



        self.scrubber_daemon = ScrubberDaemon(self.test_dir)

        self.pid_files = [self.api_server.pid_file,



        self.files_to_destroy = []

        self.launched_servers = []

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tearDown(self):

        if not self.disabled:


            # We destroy the test data store between each test case,

            # and recreate it, which ensures that we have no side-effects

            # from the tests



        super(FunctionalTest, self).tearDown()




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    def set_policy_rules(self, rules):

        fap = open(self.policy_file, 'w')



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    def _reset_database(self, conn_string):

        conn_pieces = urlparse.urlparse(conn_string)

        if conn_string.startswith('sqlite'):

            # We leave behind the sqlite DB for failing tests to aid

            # in diagnosis, as the file size is relatively small and

            # won't interfere with subsequent tests as it's in a per-

            # test directory (which is blown-away if the test is green)


        elif conn_string.startswith('mysql'):

            # We can execute the MySQL client to destroy and re-create

            # the MYSQL database, which is easier and less error-prone

            # than using SQLAlchemy to do this via MetaData...trust me.

            database = conn_pieces.path.strip('/')

            loc_pieces = conn_pieces.netloc.split('@')

            host = loc_pieces[1]

            auth_pieces = loc_pieces[0].split(':')

            user = auth_pieces[0]

            password = ""

            if len(auth_pieces) > 1:

                if auth_pieces[1].strip():

                    password = "-p%s" % auth_pieces[1]

            sql = ("drop database if exists %(database)s; "

                   "create database %(database)s;") % {'database': database}

            cmd = ("mysql -u%(user)s %(password)s -h%(host)s "

                   "-e\"%(sql)s\"") % {'user': user, 'password': password,

                                       'host': host, 'sql': sql}

            exitcode, out, err = execute(cmd)

            self.assertEqual(0, exitcode)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def cleanup(self):


        Makes sure anything we created or started up in the

        tests are destroyed or spun down


        # NOTE(jbresnah) call stop on each of the servers instead of

        # checking the pid file.  stop() will wait until the child

        # server is dead.  This eliminates the possibility of a race

        # between a child process listening on a port actually dying

        # and a new process being started

        servers = [self.api_server,



        for s in servers:



            except Exception:


        for f in self.files_to_destroy:

            if os.path.exists(f):


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start_server(self,







        Starts a server on an unused port.

        Any kwargs passed to this method will override the configuration

        value in the conf file used in starting the server.

        :param server: the server to launch

        :param expect_launch: true iff the server is expected to

                              successfully start

        :param expect_exit: true iff the launched process is expected

                            to exit in a timely fashion

        :param expected_exitcode: expected exitcode from the launcher



        # Start up the requested server

        exitcode, out, err = server.start(expect_exit=expect_exit,



        if expect_exit:

            self.assertEqual(expected_exitcode, exitcode,

                             "Failed to spin up the requested server. "

                             "Got: %s" % err)


        launch_msg = self.wait_for_servers([server], expect_launch)

        self.assertTrue(launch_msg is None, launch_msg)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def start_with_retry(self, server, port_name, max_retries,




        Starts a server, with retries if the server launches but

        fails to start listening on the expected port.

        :param server: the server to launch

        :param port_name: the name of the port attribute

        :param max_retries: the maximum number of attempts

        :param expect_launch: true iff the server is expected to

                              successfully start

        :param expect_exit: true iff the launched process is expected

                            to exit in a timely fashion


        launch_msg = None

        for i in range(max_retries):

            exitcode, out, err = server.start(expect_exit=not expect_launch,


            name = server.server_name

            self.assertEqual(0, exitcode,

                             "Failed to spin up the %s server. "

                             "Got: %s" % (name, err))

            launch_msg = self.wait_for_servers([server], expect_launch)

            if launch_msg:


                server.bind_port = get_unused_port()

                setattr(self, port_name, server.bind_port)




        self.assertTrue(launch_msg is None, launch_msg)

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    def start_servers(self, **kwargs):


        Starts the API and Registry servers (glance-control api start

        & glance-control registry start) on unused ports.  glance-control

        should be installed into the python path

        Any kwargs passed to this method will override the configuration

        value in the conf file used in starting the servers.



        # Start up the API and default registry server

        # We start the registry server first, as the API server config

        # depends on the registry port - this ordering allows for

        # retrying the launch on a port clash

        self.start_with_retry(self.registry_server, 'registry_port', 3,


        kwargs['registry_port'] = self.registry_server.bind_port

        self.start_with_retry(self.api_server, 'api_port', 3, **kwargs)

        exitcode, out, err = self.scrubber_daemon.start(**kwargs)

        self.assertEqual(0, exitcode,

                         "Failed to spin up the Scrubber daemon. "

                         "Got: %s" % err)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ping_server(self, port):


        Simple ping on the port. If responsive, return True, else

        return False.

        :note We use raw sockets, not ping here, since ping uses ICMP and

        has no concept of ports...


        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)


            s.connect(("", port))


            return True

        except socket.error:

            return False

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    def wait_for_servers(self, servers, expect_launch=True, timeout=10):


        Tight loop, waiting for the given server port(s) to be available.

        Returns when all are pingable. There is a timeout on waiting

        for the servers to come up.

        :param servers: Glance server ports to ping

        :param expect_launch: Optional, true iff the server(s) are

                              expected to successfully start

        :param timeout: Optional, defaults to 3 seconds

        :return: None if launch expectation is met, otherwise an

                 assertion message


        now = datetime.datetime.now()

        timeout_time = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout)

        replied = []

        while (timeout_time > now):

            pinged = 0

            for server in servers:

                if self.ping_server(server.bind_port):

                    pinged += 1

                    if server not in replied:


            if pinged == len(servers):

                msg = 'Unexpected server launch status'

                return None if expect_launch else msg

            now = datetime.datetime.now()


        failed = list(set(servers) - set(replied))

        msg = 'Unexpected server launch status for: '

        for f in failed:

            msg += ('%s, ' % f.server_name)

            if os.path.exists(f.pid_file):

                pid = f.process_pid

                trace = f.pid_file.replace('.pid', '.trace')

                cmd = 'strace -p %d -o %s' % (pid, trace)

                execute(cmd, raise_error=False, expect_exit=False)


                if os.path.exists(trace):

                    msg += ('\nstrace:\n%s\n' % open(trace).read())


        return msg if expect_launch else None

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    def reload_server(self,







        Reload a running server

        Any kwargs passed to this method will override the configuration

        value in the conf file used in starting the server.

        :param server: the server to launch

        :param expect_launch: true iff the server is expected to

                              successfully start

        :param expect_exit: true iff the launched process is expected

                            to exit in a timely fashion

        :param expected_exitcode: expected exitcode from the launcher



        # Start up the requested server

        exitcode, out, err = server.reload(expect_exit=expect_exit,



        if expect_exit:

            self.assertEqual(expected_exitcode, exitcode,

                             "Failed to spin up the requested server. "

                             "Got: %s" % err)

            self.assertTrue(re.search("Restarting glance-[a-z]+ with", out))


        launch_msg = self.wait_for_servers([server], expect_launch)

        self.assertTrue(launch_msg is None, launch_msg)

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    def stop_server(self, server, name):


        Called to stop a single server in a normal fashion using the

        glance-control stop method to gracefully shut the server down.

        :param server: the server to stop


        # Spin down the requested server


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    def stop_servers(self):


        Called to stop the started servers in a normal fashion. Note

        that cleanup() will stop the servers using a fairly draconian

        method of sending a SIGTERM signal to the servers. Here, we use

        the glance-control stop method to gracefully shut the server down.

        This method also asserts that the shutdown was clean, and so it

        is meant to be called during a normal test case sequence.


        # Spin down the API and default registry server

        self.stop_server(self.api_server, 'API server')

        self.stop_server(self.registry_server, 'Registry server')

        self.stop_server(self.scrubber_daemon, 'Scrubber daemon')


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    def run_sql_cmd(self, sql):


        Provides a crude mechanism to run manual SQL commands for backend

        DB verification within the functional tests.

        The raw result set is returned.


        engine = db_api.get_engine()

        return engine.execute(sql)

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    def copy_data_file(self, file_name, dst_dir):

        src_file_name = os.path.join('glance/tests/etc', file_name)

        shutil.copy(src_file_name, dst_dir)

        dst_file_name = os.path.join(dst_dir, file_name)

        return dst_file_name

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    def add_log_details(self, servers=None):

        logs = [s.log_file for s in (servers or self.launched_servers)]

        for log in logs:

            if os.path.exists(log):

                testtools.content.attach_file(self, log)