

OpenStack Study: api.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def log_call(func):


    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):

        LOG.info(_('Calling %(funcname)s: args=%(args)s, kwargs=%(kwargs)s') %

                 {"funcname": func.__name__,

                  "args": args,

                  "kwargs": kwargs})

        output = func(*args, **kwargs)

        LOG.info(_('Returning %(funcname)s: %(output)s') %

                 {"funcname": func.__name__,

                  "output": output})

        return output

    return wrapped

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def reset():

    global DATA

    DATA = {

        'images': {},

        'members': [],

        'tags': {},

        'locations': [],

        'tasks': {},

        'task_info': {}


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def clear_db_env(*args, **kwargs):


    Setup global environment configuration variables.

    We have no connection-oriented environment variables, so this is a NOOP.



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _get_session():

    return DATA

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_locations_format(image_id, value, meta_data):

    dt = timeutils.utcnow()

    return {

        'id': str(uuid.uuid4()),

        'image_id': image_id,

        'created_at': dt,

        'updated_at': dt,

        'deleted_at': None,

        'deleted': False,

        'url': value,

        'metadata': meta_data,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_property_format(image_id, name, value):

    return {

        'image_id': image_id,

        'name': name,

        'value': value,

        'deleted': False,

        'deleted_at': None,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_member_format(image_id, tenant_id, can_share, status='pending'):

    dt = timeutils.utcnow()

    return {

        'id': str(uuid.uuid4()),

        'image_id': image_id,

        'member': tenant_id,

        'can_share': can_share,

        'status': status,

        'created_at': dt,

        'updated_at': dt,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _pop_task_info_values(values):

    task_info_values = {}

    for k, v in values.items():

        if k in ['input', 'result', 'message']:


            task_info_values[k] = v

    return task_info_values

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _format_task_from_db(task_ref, task_info_ref):

    task = copy.deepcopy(task_ref)

    if task_info_ref:

        task_info = copy.deepcopy(task_info_ref)

        task_info_values = _pop_task_info_values(task_info)


    return task

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _task_format(task_id, **values):

    dt = timeutils.utcnow()

    task = {

        'id': task_id,

        'type': 'import',

        'status': 'pending',

        'owner': None,

        'expires_at': None,

        'created_at': dt,

        'updated_at': dt,

        'deleted_at': None,

        'deleted': False,



    return task

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _task_info_format(task_id, **values):

    task_info = {

        'task_id': task_id,

        'input': None,

        'result': None,

        'message': None,



    return task_info

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_format(image_id, **values):

    dt = timeutils.utcnow()

    image = {

        'id': image_id,

        'name': None,

        'owner': None,

        'locations': [],

        'status': 'queued',

        'protected': False,

        'is_public': False,

        'container_format': None,

        'disk_format': None,

        'min_ram': 0,

        'min_disk': 0,

        'size': None,

        'virtual_size': None,

        'checksum': None,

        'tags': [],

        'created_at': dt,

        'updated_at': dt,

        'deleted_at': None,

        'deleted': False,


    locations = values.pop('locations', None)

    if locations is not None:

        locations = [

            _image_locations_format(image_id, location['url'],


            for location in locations


        image['locations'] = locations

    #NOTE(bcwaldon): store properties as a list to match sqlalchemy driver

    properties = values.pop('properties', {})

    properties = [{'name': k,

                   'value': v,

                   'image_id': image_id,

                   'deleted': False} for k, v in properties.items()]

    image['properties'] = properties


    return image

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _filter_images(images, filters, context,

                   status='accepted', is_public=None,


    filtered_images = []

    if 'properties' in filters:

        prop_filter = filters.pop('properties')


    if status == 'all':

        status = None

    visibility = filters.pop('visibility', None)

    for image in images:

        member = image_member_find(context, image_id=image['id'],

                                   member=context.owner, status=status)

        is_member = len(member) > 0

        has_ownership = context.owner and image['owner'] == context.owner

        can_see = (image['is_public'] or has_ownership or is_member or

                   (context.is_admin and not admin_as_user))

        if not can_see:


        if visibility:

            if visibility == 'public':

                if not image['is_public']:


            elif visibility == 'private':

                if image['is_public']:


                if not (has_ownership or (context.is_admin

                        and not admin_as_user)):


            elif visibility == 'shared':

                if not is_member:


        if is_public is not None:

            if not image['is_public'] == is_public:


        to_add = True

        for k, value in filters.iteritems():

            key = k

            if k.endswith('_min') or k.endswith('_max'):

                key = key[0:-4]


                    value = int(value)

                except ValueError:

                    msg = _("Unable to filter on a range "

                            "with a non-numeric value.")

                    raise exception.InvalidFilterRangeValue(msg)

            if k.endswith('_min'):

                to_add = image.get(key) >= value

            elif k.endswith('_max'):

                to_add = image.get(key) <= value

            elif k != 'is_public' and image.get(k) is not None:

                to_add = image.get(key) == value

            elif k == 'tags':

                filter_tags = value

                image_tags = image_tag_get_all(context, image['id'])

                for tag in filter_tags:

                    if tag not in image_tags:

                        to_add = False



                to_add = False

                for p in image['properties']:

                    properties = {p['name']: p['value'],

                                  'deleted': p['deleted']}

                    to_add |= (properties.get(key) == value and

                               properties.get('deleted') is False)

            if not to_add:


        if to_add:


    return filtered_images

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _do_pagination(context, images, marker, limit, show_deleted,


    start = 0

    end = -1

    if marker is None:

        start = 0


        # Check that the image is accessible

        _image_get(context, marker, force_show_deleted=show_deleted,


        for i, image in enumerate(images):

            if image['id'] == marker:

                start = i + 1



            raise exception.NotFound()

    end = start + limit if limit is not None else None

    return images[start:end]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _sort_images(images, sort_key, sort_dir):

    reverse = False

    if images and not (sort_key in images[0]):

        raise exception.InvalidSortKey()

    keyfn = lambda x: (x[sort_key] if x[sort_key] is not None else '',

                       x['created_at'], x['id'])

    reverse = sort_dir == 'desc'

    images.sort(key=keyfn, reverse=reverse)

    return images

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_get(context, image_id, force_show_deleted=False, status=None):


        image = DATA['images'][image_id]

        image['locations'] = _image_location_get_all(image_id)

    except KeyError:

        LOG.info(_('Could not find image %s') % image_id)

        raise exception.NotFound()

    if image['deleted'] and not (force_show_deleted or context.show_deleted):

        LOG.info(_('Unable to get deleted image'))

        raise exception.NotFound()

    if not is_image_visible(context, image):

        LOG.info(_('Unable to get unowned image'))

        raise exception.Forbidden("Image not visible to you")

    return image


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_get(context, image_id, session=None, force_show_deleted=False):

    image = _image_get(context, image_id, force_show_deleted)

    image = _normalize_locations(image)

    return copy.deepcopy(image)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_get_all(context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None,

                  sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='desc',

                  member_status='accepted', is_public=None,


    filters = filters or {}

    images = DATA['images'].values()

    images = _filter_images(images, filters, context, member_status,

                            is_public, admin_as_user)

    images = _sort_images(images, sort_key, sort_dir)

    images = _do_pagination(context, images, marker, limit,


    for image in images:

        image['locations'] = _image_location_get_all(image['id'])


    return images


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_property_create(context, values):

    image = _image_get(context, values['image_id'])

    prop = _image_property_format(values['image_id'],




    return prop


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_property_delete(context, prop_ref, image_ref, session=None):

    prop = None

    for p in DATA['images'][image_ref]['properties']:

        if p['name'] == prop_ref:

            prop = p

    if not prop:

        raise exception.NotFound()

    prop['deleted_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

    prop['deleted'] = True

    return prop


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_member_find(context, image_id=None, member=None, status=None):

    filters = []

    images = DATA['images']

    members = DATA['members']

    def is_visible(member):

        return (member['member'] == context.owner or

                images[member['image_id']]['owner'] == context.owner)

    if not context.is_admin:


    if image_id is not None:

        filters.append(lambda m: m['image_id'] == image_id)

    if member is not None:

        filters.append(lambda m: m['member'] == member)

    if status is not None:

        filters.append(lambda m: m['status'] == status)

    for f in filters:

        members = filter(f, members)

    return [copy.deepcopy(m) for m in members]


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_member_count(context, image_id):

    """Return the number of image members for this image

    :param image_id: identifier of image entity


    if not image_id:

        msg = _("Image id is required.")

        raise exception.Invalid(msg)

    members = DATA['members']

    return len(filter(lambda x: x['image_id'] == image_id, members))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_member_create(context, values):

    member = _image_member_format(values['image_id'],


                                  values.get('can_share', False),

                                  values.get('status', 'pending'))

    global DATA


    return copy.deepcopy(member)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_member_update(context, member_id, values):

    global DATA

    for member in DATA['members']:

        if (member['id'] == member_id):


            member['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

            return copy.deepcopy(member)


        raise exception.NotFound()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_member_delete(context, member_id):

    global DATA

    for i, member in enumerate(DATA['members']):

        if (member['id'] == member_id):

            del DATA['members'][i]



        raise exception.NotFound()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_locations_set(image_id, locations):

    global DATA

    image = DATA['images'][image_id]

    for location in image['locations']:

        location['deleted'] = True

        location['deleted_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

    for i, location in enumerate(DATA['locations']):

        if image_id == location['image_id'] and location['deleted'] is False:

            del DATA['locations'][i]

    for location in locations:

        location_ref = _image_locations_format(image_id, value=location['url'],




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _normalize_locations(image):

    undeleted_locations = filter(lambda x: not x['deleted'],


    image['locations'] = [{'url': loc['url'],

                           'metadata': loc['metadata']}

                          for loc in undeleted_locations]

    return image

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _image_location_get_all(image_id):

    location_data = []

    for location in DATA['locations']:

        if image_id == location['image_id']:


    return location_data


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_create(context, image_values):

    global DATA

    image_id = image_values.get('id', str(uuid.uuid4()))

    if image_id in DATA['images']:

        raise exception.Duplicate()

    if 'status' not in image_values:

        raise exception.Invalid('status is a required attribute')

    allowed_keys = set(['id', 'name', 'status', 'min_ram', 'min_disk', 'size',

                        'virtual_size', 'checksum', 'locations', 'owner',

                        'protected', 'is_public', 'container_format',

                        'disk_format', 'created_at', 'updated_at', 'deleted',

                        'deleted_at', 'properties', 'tags'])

    incorrect_keys = set(image_values.keys()) - allowed_keys

    if incorrect_keys:

        raise exception.Invalid(

            'The keys %s are not valid' % str(incorrect_keys))

    image = _image_format(image_id, **image_values)

    DATA['images'][image_id] = image

    location_data = image_values.get('locations')

    if location_data is not None:

        _image_locations_set(image_id, location_data)

    DATA['tags'][image_id] = image.pop('tags', [])

    return _normalize_locations(copy.deepcopy(image))


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_update(context, image_id, image_values, purge_props=False,


    global DATA


        image = DATA['images'][image_id]

    except KeyError:

        raise exception.NotFound()

    location_data = image_values.pop('locations', None)

    if location_data is not None:

        _image_locations_set(image_id, location_data)

    # replace values for properties that already exist

    new_properties = image_values.pop('properties', {})

    for prop in image['properties']:

        if prop['name'] in new_properties:

            prop['value'] = new_properties.pop(prop['name'])

        elif purge_props:

            # this matches weirdness in the sqlalchemy api

            prop['deleted'] = True

    # add in any completly new properties

    image['properties'].extend([{'name': k, 'value': v,

                                 'image_id': image_id, 'deleted': False}

                                for k, v in new_properties.items()])

    image['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()


    DATA['images'][image_id] = image

    return _normalize_locations(image)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_destroy(context, image_id):

    global DATA


        DATA['images'][image_id]['deleted'] = True

        DATA['images'][image_id]['deleted_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

        # NOTE(flaper87): Move the image to one of the deleted statuses

        # if it hasn't been done yet.

        if (DATA['images'][image_id]['status'] not in

                ['deleted', 'pending_delete']):

            DATA['images'][image_id]['status'] = 'deleted'

        _image_locations_set(image_id, [])

        for prop in DATA['images'][image_id]['properties']:

            image_property_delete(context, prop['name'], image_id)

        members = image_member_find(context, image_id=image_id)

        for member in members:

            image_member_delete(context, member['id'])

        tags = image_tag_get_all(context, image_id)

        for tag in tags:

            image_tag_delete(context, image_id, tag)


        return copy.deepcopy(DATA['images'][image_id])

    except KeyError:

        raise exception.NotFound()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_tag_get_all(context, image_id):

    return DATA['tags'].get(image_id, [])


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_tag_get(context, image_id, value):

    tags = image_tag_get_all(context, image_id)

    if value in tags:

        return value


        raise exception.NotFound()


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_tag_set_all(context, image_id, values):

    global DATA

    DATA['tags'][image_id] = values


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_tag_create(context, image_id, value):

    global DATA


    return value


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def image_tag_delete(context, image_id, value):

    global DATA



    except ValueError:

        raise exception.NotFound()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def is_image_mutable(context, image):

    """Return True if the image is mutable in this context."""

    # Is admin == image mutable

    if context.is_admin:

        return True

    # No owner == image not mutable

    if image['owner'] is None or context.owner is None:

        return False

    # Image only mutable by its owner

    return image['owner'] == context.owner

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def is_image_visible(context, image, status=None):

    """Return True if the image is visible in this context."""

    # Is admin == image visible

    if context.is_admin:

        return True

    # No owner == image visible

    if image['owner'] is None:

        return True

    # Image is_public == image visible

    if image['is_public']:

        return True

    # Perform tests based on whether we have an owner

    if context.owner is not None:

        if context.owner == image['owner']:

            return True

        # Figure out if this image is shared with that tenant

        if status == 'all':

            status = None

        members = image_member_find(context,




        if members:

            return True

    # Private image

    return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def user_get_storage_usage(context, owner_id, image_id=None, session=None):

    images = image_get_all(context, filters={'owner': owner_id})

    total = 0

    for image in images:

        if image['status'] in ['killed', 'pending_delete', 'deleted']:


        if image['id'] != image_id:

            locations = [l for l in image['locations']

                         if not l.get('deleted', False)]

            total += (image['size'] * len(locations))

    return total


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def task_create(context, values):

    """Create a task object"""

    global DATA

    task_values = copy.deepcopy(values)

    task_id = task_values.get('id', str(uuid.uuid4()))

    required_attributes = ['type', 'status', 'input']

    allowed_attributes = ['id', 'type', 'status', 'input', 'result', 'owner',

                          'message', 'expires_at', 'created_at',

                          'updated_at', 'deleted_at', 'deleted']

    if task_id in DATA['tasks']:

        raise exception.Duplicate()

    for key in required_attributes:

        if key not in task_values:

            raise exception.Invalid('%s is a required attribute' % key)

    incorrect_keys = set(task_values.keys()) - set(allowed_attributes)

    if incorrect_keys:

        raise exception.Invalid(

            'The keys %s are not valid' % str(incorrect_keys))

    task_info_values = _pop_task_info_values(task_values)

    task = _task_format(task_id, **task_values)

    DATA['tasks'][task_id] = task

    task_info = _task_info_create(task['id'], task_info_values)

    return _format_task_from_db(task, task_info)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def task_update(context, task_id, values):

    """Update a task object"""

    global DATA

    task_values = copy.deepcopy(values)

    task_info_values = _pop_task_info_values(task_values)


        task = DATA['tasks'][task_id]

    except KeyError:

        msg = (_("No task found with ID %s") % task_id)


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)


    task['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

    DATA['tasks'][task_id] = task

    task_info = _task_info_update(task['id'], task_info_values)

    return _format_task_from_db(task, task_info)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def task_get(context, task_id, force_show_deleted=False):

    task, task_info = _task_get(context, task_id, force_show_deleted)

    return _format_task_from_db(task, task_info)

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def _task_get(context, task_id, force_show_deleted=False):


        task = DATA['tasks'][task_id]

    except KeyError:

        msg = _('Could not find task %s') % task_id


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)

    if task['deleted'] and not (force_show_deleted or context.show_deleted):

        msg = _('Unable to get deleted task %s') % task_id


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)

    if not _is_task_visible(context, task):

        msg = (_("Forbidding request, task %s is not visible") % task_id)


        raise exception.Forbidden(msg)

    task_info = _task_info_get(task_id)

    return task, task_info


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def task_delete(context, task_id):

    global DATA


        DATA['tasks'][task_id]['deleted'] = True

        DATA['tasks'][task_id]['deleted_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

        DATA['tasks'][task_id]['updated_at'] = timeutils.utcnow()

        return copy.deepcopy(DATA['tasks'][task_id])

    except KeyError:

        msg = (_("No task found with ID %s") % task_id)


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def task_get_all(context, filters=None, marker=None, limit=None,

                 sort_key='created_at', sort_dir='desc'):


    Get all tasks that match zero or more filters.

    :param filters: dict of filter keys and values.

    :param marker: task id after which to start page

    :param limit: maximum number of tasks to return

    :param sort_key: task attribute by which results should be sorted

    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)

    :return: tasks set


    filters = filters or {}

    tasks = DATA['tasks'].values()

    tasks = _filter_tasks(tasks, filters, context)

    tasks = _sort_tasks(tasks, sort_key, sort_dir)

    tasks = _paginate_tasks(context, tasks, marker, limit,


    filtered_tasks = []

    for task in tasks:

        filtered_tasks.append(_format_task_from_db(task, task_info_ref=None))

    return filtered_tasks

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _is_task_visible(context, task):

    """Return True if the task is visible in this context."""

    # Is admin == task visible

    if context.is_admin:

        return True

    # No owner == task visible

    if task['owner'] is None:

        return True

    # Perform tests based on whether we have an owner

    if context.owner is not None:

        if context.owner == task['owner']:

            return True

    return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _filter_tasks(tasks, filters, context, admin_as_user=False):

    filtered_tasks = []

    for task in tasks:

        has_ownership = context.owner and task['owner'] == context.owner

        can_see = (has_ownership or (context.is_admin and not admin_as_user))

        if not can_see:


        add = True

        for k, value in filters.iteritems():

            add = task[k] == value and task['deleted'] is False

            if not add:


        if add:


    return filtered_tasks

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def _sort_tasks(tasks, sort_key, sort_dir):

    reverse = False

    if tasks and not (sort_key in tasks[0]):

        raise exception.InvalidSortKey()

    keyfn = lambda x: (x[sort_key] if x[sort_key] is not None else '',

                       x['created_at'], x['id'])

    reverse = sort_dir == 'desc'

    tasks.sort(key=keyfn, reverse=reverse)

    return tasks

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def _paginate_tasks(context, tasks, marker, limit, show_deleted):

    start = 0

    end = -1

    if marker is None:

        start = 0


        # Check that the task is accessible

        _task_get(context, marker, force_show_deleted=show_deleted)

        for i, task in enumerate(tasks):

            if task['id'] == marker:

                start = i + 1



            if task:

                raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task['id'])


                msg = _("Task does not exist")

                raise exception.NotFound(message=msg)

    end = start + limit if limit is not None else None

    return tasks[start:end]

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def _task_info_create(task_id, values):

    """Create a Task Info for Task with given task ID"""

    global DATA

    task_info = _task_info_format(task_id, **values)

    DATA['task_info'][task_id] = task_info

    return task_info

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def _task_info_update(task_id, values):

    """Update Task Info for Task with given task ID and updated values"""

    global DATA


        task_info = DATA['task_info'][task_id]

    except KeyError:

        msg = (_("No task info found with task id %s") % task_id)


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)


    DATA['task_info'][task_id] = task_info

    return task_info

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def _task_info_get(task_id):

    """Get Task Info for Task with given task ID"""

    global DATA


        task_info = DATA['task_info'][task_id]

    except KeyError:

        msg = _('Could not find task info %s') % task_id


        raise exception.TaskNotFound(task_id=task_id)

    return task_info