

OpenStack Study: exception.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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"""Glance exception subclasses"""

import six

import six.moves.urllib.parse as urlparse


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class RedirectException(Exception):

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    def __init__(self, url):

        self.url = urlparse.urlparse(url)

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class GlanceException(Exception):


Base Glance Exception

To correctly use this class, inherit from it and

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    def __init__(self, message=None, *args, **kwargs):

        if not message:

            message = self.message


            if kwargs:

                message = message % kwargs

        except Exception:




                # at least get the core message out if something happened


        self.msg = message

        super(GlanceException, self).__init__(message)

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    def __unicode__(self):

        # NOTE(flwang): By default, self.msg is an instance of Message, which

        # can't be converted by str(). Based on the definition of

        # __unicode__, it should return unicode always.

        return six.text_type(self.msg)

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class MissingCredentialError(GlanceException):

message = _("Missing required credential: %(required)s")

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class BadAuthStrategy(GlanceException):

message = _("Incorrect auth strategy, expected \"%(expected)s\" but "

"received \"%(received)s\"")

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class NotFound(GlanceException):

message = _("An object with the specified identifier was not found.")

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class UnknownScheme(GlanceException):

message = _("Unknown scheme '%(scheme)s' found in URI")

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class BadStoreUri(GlanceException):

message = _("The Store URI was malformed.")

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class Duplicate(GlanceException):

message = _("An object with the same identifier already exists.")

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class Conflict(GlanceException):

message = _("An object with the same identifier is currently being "

"operated on.")

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class StorageFull(GlanceException):

message = _("There is not enough disk space on the image storage media.")

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class StorageQuotaFull(GlanceException):

message = _("The size of the data %(image_size)s will exceed the limit. "

"%(remaining)s bytes remaining.")

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class StorageWriteDenied(GlanceException):

message = _("Permission to write image storage media denied.")

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class AuthBadRequest(GlanceException):

message = _("Connect error/bad request to Auth service at URL %(url)s.")

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class AuthUrlNotFound(GlanceException):

message = _("Auth service at URL %(url)s not found.")

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class AuthorizationFailure(GlanceException):

message = _("Authorization failed.")

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class NotAuthenticated(GlanceException):

message = _("You are not authenticated.")

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class Forbidden(GlanceException):

message = _("You are not authorized to complete this action.")

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class ForbiddenPublicImage(Forbidden):

message = _("You are not authorized to complete this action.")

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class ProtectedImageDelete(Forbidden):

message = _("Image %(image_id)s is protected and cannot be deleted.")

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class Invalid(GlanceException):

message = _("Data supplied was not valid.")

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class InvalidSortKey(Invalid):

message = _("Sort key supplied was not valid.")

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class InvalidPropertyProtectionConfiguration(Invalid):

message = _("Invalid configuration in property protection file.")

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class InvalidFilterRangeValue(Invalid):

message = _("Unable to filter using the specified range.")

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class ReadonlyProperty(Forbidden):

message = _("Attribute '%(property)s' is read-only.")

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class ReservedProperty(Forbidden):

message = _("Attribute '%(property)s' is reserved.")

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class AuthorizationRedirect(GlanceException):

message = _("Redirecting to %(uri)s for authorization.")

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class ClientConnectionError(GlanceException):

message = _("There was an error connecting to a server")

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class ClientConfigurationError(GlanceException):

message = _("There was an error configuring the client.")

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class MultipleChoices(GlanceException):

message = _("The request returned a 302 Multiple Choices. This generally "

"means that you have not included a version indicator in a "

"request URI.\n\nThe body of response returned:\n%(body)s")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class LimitExceeded(GlanceException):

message = _("The request returned a 413 Request Entity Too Large. This "

"generally means that rate limiting or a quota threshold was "

"breached.\n\nThe response body:\n%(body)s")

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    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.retry_after = (int(kwargs['retry']) if kwargs.get('retry')

                            else None)

        super(LimitExceeded, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

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class ServiceUnavailable(GlanceException):

message = _("The request returned 503 Service Unavilable. This "

"generally occurs on service overload or other transient "


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    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.retry_after = (int(kwargs['retry']) if kwargs.get('retry')

                            else None)

        super(ServiceUnavailable, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

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class ServerError(GlanceException):

message = _("The request returned 500 Internal Server Error.")

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class UnexpectedStatus(GlanceException):

message = _("The request returned an unexpected status: %(status)s."

"\n\nThe response body:\n%(body)s")

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class InvalidContentType(GlanceException):

message = _("Invalid content type %(content_type)s")

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class BadRegistryConnectionConfiguration(GlanceException):

message = _("Registry was not configured correctly on API server. "

"Reason: %(reason)s")

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class BadStoreConfiguration(GlanceException):

message = _("Store %(store_name)s could not be configured correctly. "

"Reason: %(reason)s")

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class BadDriverConfiguration(GlanceException):

message = _("Driver %(driver_name)s could not be configured correctly. "

"Reason: %(reason)s")

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class StoreDeleteNotSupported(GlanceException):

message = _("Deleting images from this store is not supported.")

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class StoreGetNotSupported(GlanceException):

message = _("Getting images from this store is not supported.")

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class StoreAddNotSupported(GlanceException):

message = _("Adding images to this store is not supported.")

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class StoreAddDisabled(GlanceException):

message = _("Configuration for store failed. Adding images to this "

"store is disabled.")

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class MaxRedirectsExceeded(GlanceException):

message = _("Maximum redirects (%(redirects)s) was exceeded.")

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class InvalidRedirect(GlanceException):

message = _("Received invalid HTTP redirect.")

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class NoServiceEndpoint(GlanceException):

message = _("Response from Keystone does not contain a Glance endpoint.")

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class RegionAmbiguity(GlanceException):

message = _("Multiple 'image' service matches for region %(region)s. This "

"generally means that a region is required and you have not "

"supplied one.")

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class WorkerCreationFailure(GlanceException):

message = _("Server worker creation failed: %(reason)s.")

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class SchemaLoadError(GlanceException):

message = _("Unable to load schema: %(reason)s")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class InvalidObject(GlanceException):

message = _("Provided object does not match schema "

"'%(schema)s': %(reason)s")

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class UnsupportedHeaderFeature(GlanceException):

message = _("Provided header feature is unsupported: %(feature)s")

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class InUseByStore(GlanceException):

message = _("The image cannot be deleted because it is in use through "

"the backend store outside of Glance.")

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class ImageSizeLimitExceeded(GlanceException):

message = _("The provided image is too large.")

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class ImageMemberLimitExceeded(LimitExceeded):

message = _("The limit has been exceeded on the number of allowed image "

"members for this image. Attempted: %(attempted)s, "

"Maximum: %(maximum)s")

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class ImagePropertyLimitExceeded(LimitExceeded):

message = _("The limit has been exceeded on the number of allowed image "

"properties. Attempted: %(attempted)s, Maximum: %(maximum)s")

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class ImageTagLimitExceeded(LimitExceeded):

message = _("The limit has been exceeded on the number of allowed image "

"tags. Attempted: %(attempted)s, Maximum: %(maximum)s")

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class ImageLocationLimitExceeded(LimitExceeded):

message = _("The limit has been exceeded on the number of allowed image "

"locations. Attempted: %(attempted)s, Maximum: %(maximum)s")

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class RPCError(GlanceException):

message = _("%(cls)s exception was raised in the last rpc call: %(val)s")

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class TaskException(GlanceException):

message = _("An unknown task exception occurred")

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class TaskNotFound(TaskException, NotFound):

message = _("Task with the given id %(task_id)s was not found")

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class InvalidTaskStatus(TaskException, Invalid):

message = _("Provided status of task is unsupported: %(status)s")

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class InvalidTaskType(TaskException, Invalid):

message = _("Provided type of task is unsupported: %(type)s")

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class InvalidTaskStatusTransition(TaskException, Invalid):

message = _("Status transition from %(cur_status)s to"

" %(new_status)s is not allowed")

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class DuplicateLocation(Duplicate):

message = _("The location %(location)s already exists")

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class ImageDataNotFound(NotFound):

message = _("No image data could be found")

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class InvalidParameterValue(Invalid):

message = _("Invalid value '%(value)s' for parameter '%(param)s': "


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class InvalidImageStatusTransition(Invalid):

message = _("Image status transition from %(cur_status)s to"

" %(new_status)s is not allowed")