

OpenStack Study: volumeops.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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Implements operations on volumes residing on VMware datastores.


from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

from cinder import units

from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import error_util

from cinder.volume.drivers.vmware import vim_util

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)



ALREADY_EXISTS = 'AlreadyExists'

FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS = 'FileAlreadyExists'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

def split_datastore_path(datastore_path):

    """Split the datastore path to components.

    return the datastore name, relative folder path and the file name

    E.g. datastore_path = [datastore1] my_volume/my_volume.vmdk, returns

    (datastore1, my_volume/, my_volume.vmdk)

    :param datastore_path: Datastore path of a file

    :return: Parsed datastore name, relative folder path and file name


    splits = datastore_path.split('[', 1)[1].split(']', 1)

    datastore_name = None

    folder_path = None

    file_name = None

    if len(splits) == 1:

        datastore_name = splits[0]


        datastore_name, path = splits

        # Path will be of form my_volume/my_volume.vmdk

        # we need into my_volumes/ and my_volume.vmdk

        splits = path.split('/')

        file_name = splits[len(splits) - 1]

        folder_path = path[:-len(file_name)]

    return (datastore_name.strip(), folder_path.strip(), file_name.strip())

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VMwareVolumeOps(object):

"""Manages volume operations."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, session, max_objects):

        self._session = session

        self._max_objects = max_objects

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_backing(self, name):

        """Get the backing based on name.

        :param name: Name of the backing

        :return: Managed object reference to the backing


        retrieve_result = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_objects',




        while retrieve_result:

            vms = retrieve_result.objects

            for vm in vms:

                if vm.propSet[0].val == name:

                    # We got the result, so cancel further retrieval.


                    return vm.obj

            # Result not obtained, continue retrieving results.

            retrieve_result = self.continue_retrieval(retrieve_result)

        LOG.debug(_("Did not find any backing with name: %s") % name)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_backing(self, backing):

        """Delete the backing.

        :param backing: Managed object reference to the backing


        LOG.debug(_("Deleting the VM backing: %s.") % backing)

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim, 'Destroy_Task',


        LOG.debug(_("Initiated deletion of VM backing: %s.") % backing)


        LOG.info(_("Deleted the VM backing: %s.") % backing)

    # TODO(kartikaditya) Keep the methods not specific to volume in

    # a different file

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_host(self, instance):

        """Get host under which instance is present.

        :param instance: Managed object reference of the instance VM

        :return: Host managing the instance VM


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, instance,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_hosts(self):

        """Get all host from the inventory.

        :return: All the hosts from the inventory


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_objects',


                                        'HostSystem', self._max_objects)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def continue_retrieval(self, retrieve_result):

        """Continue retrieval of results if necessary.

        :param retrieve_result: Result from RetrievePropertiesEx


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'continue_retrieval',

                                        self._session.vim, retrieve_result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def cancel_retrieval(self, retrieve_result):

        """Cancel retrieval of results if necessary.

        :param retrieve_result: Result from RetrievePropertiesEx


        self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'cancel_retrieval',

                                 self._session.vim, retrieve_result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_usable(self, datastore, mount_info):

        """Check if the given datastore is usable as per the given mount info.

        The datastore is considered to be usable for a host only if it is

        writable, mounted and accessible.

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore entity

        :param mount_info: host mount information

        :return: True if datastore is usable


        writable = mount_info.accessMode == "readWrite"

        # If mounted attribute is not set, then default is True

        mounted = True

        if hasattr(mount_info, "mounted"):

            mounted = mount_info.mounted

        if hasattr(mount_info, "accessible"):

            accessible = mount_info.accessible


            # If accessible attribute is not set, we look at summary

            summary = self.get_summary(datastore)

            accessible = summary.accessible

        return writable and mounted and accessible

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_connected_hosts(self, datastore):

        """Get all the hosts to which the datastore is connected and usable.

        The datastore is considered to be usable for a host only if it is

        writable, mounted and accessible.

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore entity

        :return: List of managed object references of all connected



        host_mounts = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                               self._session.vim, datastore,


        connected_hosts = []

        for host_mount in host_mounts.DatastoreHostMount:

            if self._is_usable(datastore, host_mount.mountInfo):


        return connected_hosts

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _is_valid(self, datastore, host):

        """Check if host's datastore is accessible, mounted and writable.

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore entity

        :param host: Reference to the host entity

        :return: True if datastore can be used for volume creation


        host_mounts = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                               self._session.vim, datastore,


        for host_mount in host_mounts.DatastoreHostMount:

            if host_mount.key.value == host.value:

                return self._is_usable(datastore, host_mount.mountInfo)

        return False

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_dss_rp(self, host):

        """Get accessible datastores and resource pool of the host.

        :param host: Managed object reference of the host

        :return: Datastores accessible to the host and resource pool to which

                 the host belongs to


        props = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_properties',

                                         self._session.vim, host,

                                         ['datastore', 'parent'])

        # Get datastores and compute resource or cluster compute resource

        datastores = []

        compute_resource = None

        for elem in props:

            for prop in elem.propSet:

                if prop.name == 'datastore' and prop.val:

                    # Consider only if datastores are present under host

                    datastores = prop.val.ManagedObjectReference

                elif prop.name == 'parent':

                    compute_resource = prop.val

        LOG.debug(_("Datastores attached to host %(host)s are: %(ds)s."),

                  {'host': host, 'ds': datastores})

        # Filter datastores based on if it is accessible, mounted and writable

        valid_dss = []

        for datastore in datastores:

            if self._is_valid(datastore, host):


        # Get resource pool from compute resource or cluster compute resource

        resource_pool = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util,





        if not valid_dss:

            msg = _("There are no valid datastores attached to %s.") % host


            raise error_util.VimException(msg)


            LOG.debug(_("Valid datastores are: %s"), valid_dss)

        return (valid_dss, resource_pool)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_parent(self, child, parent_type):

        """Get immediate parent of given type via 'parent' property.

        :param child: Child entity reference

        :param parent_type: Entity type of the parent

        :return: Immediate parent of specific type up the hierarchy via

                 'parent' property


        if not child:

            return None

        if child._type == parent_type:

            return child

        parent = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                          self._session.vim, child, 'parent')

        return self._get_parent(parent, parent_type)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_dc(self, child):

        """Get parent datacenter up the hierarchy via 'parent' property.

        :param child: Reference of the child entity

        :return: Parent Datacenter of the param child entity


        return self._get_parent(child, 'Datacenter')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vmfolder(self, datacenter):

        """Get the vmFolder.

        :param datacenter: Reference to the datacenter entity

        :return: vmFolder property of the datacenter


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, datacenter,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_folder(self, parent_folder, child_folder_name):

        """Creates child folder with given name under the given parent folder.

        The method first checks if a child folder already exists, if it does,

        then it returns a moref for the folder, else it creates one and then

        return the moref.

        :param parent_folder: Reference to the folder entity

        :param child_folder_name: Name of the child folder

        :return: Reference to the child folder with input name if it already

                 exists, else create one and return the reference


        LOG.debug(_("Creating folder: %(child_folder_name)s under parent "

                    "folder: %(parent_folder)s.") %

                  {'child_folder_name': child_folder_name,

                   'parent_folder': parent_folder})

        # Get list of child entities for the parent folder

        prop_val = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                            self._session.vim, parent_folder,


        child_entities = prop_val.ManagedObjectReference

        # Return if the child folder with input name is already present

        for child_entity in child_entities:

            if child_entity._type != 'Folder':


            child_entity_name = self.get_entity_name(child_entity)

            if child_entity_name == child_folder_name:

                LOG.debug(_("Child folder already present: %s.") %


                return child_entity

        # Need to create the child folder

        child_folder = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,

                                                'CreateFolder', parent_folder,


        LOG.debug(_("Created child folder: %s.") % child_folder)

        return child_folder

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def extend_virtual_disk(self, requested_size_in_gb, name, dc_ref,


        """Extend the virtual disk to the requested size.

        :param requested_size_in_gb: Size of the volume in GB

        :param name: Name of the backing

        :param dc_ref: Reference datacenter

        :param eager_zero: Boolean determining if the free space

        is zeroed out


        LOG.debug(_("Extending the volume %(name)s to %(size)s GB."),

                  {'name': name, 'size': requested_size_in_gb})

        diskMgr = self._session.vim.service_content.virtualDiskManager

        # VMWare API needs the capacity unit to be in KB, so convert the

        # capacity unit from GB to KB.

        size_in_kb = requested_size_in_gb * units.MiB

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,








        LOG.info(_("Successfully extended the volume %(name)s to "

                   "%(size)s GB."),

                 {'name': name, 'size': requested_size_in_gb})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_create_spec(self, name, size_kb, disk_type, ds_name,


        """Return spec for creating volume backing.

        :param name: Name of the backing

        :param size_kb: Size in KB of the backing

        :param disk_type: VMDK type for the disk

        :param ds_name: Datastore name where the disk is to be provisioned

        :param profileId: storage profile ID for the backing

        :return: Spec for creation


        cf = self._session.vim.client.factory

        controller_device = cf.create('ns0:VirtualLsiLogicController')

        controller_device.key = -100

        controller_device.busNumber = 0

        controller_device.sharedBus = 'noSharing'

        controller_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConfigSpec')

        controller_spec.operation = 'add'

        controller_spec.device = controller_device

        disk_device = cf.create('ns0:VirtualDisk')

        # for very small disks allocate at least 1KB

        disk_device.capacityInKB = max(1, int(size_kb))

        disk_device.key = -101

        disk_device.unitNumber = 0

        disk_device.controllerKey = -100

        disk_device_bkng = cf.create('ns0:VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo')

        if disk_type == 'eagerZeroedThick':

            disk_device_bkng.eagerlyScrub = True

        elif disk_type == 'thin':

            disk_device_bkng.thinProvisioned = True

        disk_device_bkng.fileName = ''

        disk_device_bkng.diskMode = 'persistent'

        disk_device.backing = disk_device_bkng

        disk_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualDeviceConfigSpec')

        disk_spec.operation = 'add'

        disk_spec.fileOperation = 'create'

        disk_spec.device = disk_device

        vm_file_info = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineFileInfo')

        vm_file_info.vmPathName = '[%s]' % ds_name

        create_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineConfigSpec')

        create_spec.name = name

        create_spec.guestId = 'otherGuest'

        create_spec.numCPUs = 1

        create_spec.memoryMB = 128

        create_spec.deviceChange = [controller_spec, disk_spec]

        create_spec.files = vm_file_info

        if profileId:

            vmProfile = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineDefinedProfileSpec')

            vmProfile.profileId = profileId

            create_spec.vmProfile = [vmProfile]

        LOG.debug(_("Spec for creating the backing: %s.") % create_spec)

        return create_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_backing(self, name, size_kb, disk_type, folder, resource_pool,

                       host, ds_name, profileId=None):

        """Create backing for the volume.

        Creates a VM with one VMDK based on the given inputs.

        :param name: Name of the backing

        :param size_kb: Size in KB of the backing

        :param disk_type: VMDK type for the disk

        :param folder: Folder, where to create the backing under

        :param resource_pool: Resource pool reference

        :param host: Host reference

        :param ds_name: Datastore name where the disk is to be provisioned

        :param profileId: storage profile ID to be associated with backing

        :return: Reference to the created backing entity


        LOG.debug(_("Creating volume backing name: %(name)s "

                    "disk_type: %(disk_type)s size_kb: %(size_kb)s at "

                    "folder: %(folder)s resourse pool: %(resource_pool)s "

                    "datastore name: %(ds_name)s profileId: %(profile)s.") %

                  {'name': name, 'disk_type': disk_type, 'size_kb': size_kb,

                   'folder': folder, 'resource_pool': resource_pool,

                   'ds_name': ds_name, 'profile': profileId})

        create_spec = self._get_create_spec(name, size_kb, disk_type, ds_name,


        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim, 'CreateVM_Task',

                                        folder, config=create_spec,

                                        pool=resource_pool, host=host)

        LOG.debug(_("Initiated creation of volume backing: %s.") % name)

        task_info = self._session.wait_for_task(task)

        backing = task_info.result

        LOG.info(_("Successfully created volume backing: %s.") % backing)

        return backing

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_datastore(self, backing):

        """Get datastore where the backing resides.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing

        :return: Datastore reference to which the backing belongs


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, backing,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_summary(self, datastore):

        """Get datastore summary.

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore

        :return: 'summary' property of the datastore


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, datastore,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_relocate_spec(self, datastore, resource_pool, host,


        """Return spec for relocating volume backing.

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore

        :param resource_pool: Reference to the resource pool

        :param host: Reference to the host

        :param disk_move_type: Disk move type option

        :return: Spec for relocation


        cf = self._session.vim.client.factory

        relocate_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineRelocateSpec')

        relocate_spec.datastore = datastore

        relocate_spec.pool = resource_pool

        relocate_spec.host = host

        relocate_spec.diskMoveType = disk_move_type

        LOG.debug(_("Spec for relocating the backing: %s.") % relocate_spec)

        return relocate_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def relocate_backing(self, backing, datastore, resource_pool, host):

        """Relocates backing to the input datastore and resource pool.

        The implementation uses moveAllDiskBackingsAndAllowSharing disk move


        :param backing: Reference to the backing

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore

        :param resource_pool: Reference to the resource pool

        :param host: Reference to the host


        LOG.debug(_("Relocating backing: %(backing)s to datastore: %(ds)s "

                    "and resource pool: %(rp)s.") %

                  {'backing': backing, 'ds': datastore, 'rp': resource_pool})

        # Relocate the volume backing

        disk_move_type = 'moveAllDiskBackingsAndAllowSharing'

        relocate_spec = self._get_relocate_spec(datastore, resource_pool, host,


        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim, 'RelocateVM_Task',

                                        backing, spec=relocate_spec)

        LOG.debug(_("Initiated relocation of volume backing: %s.") % backing)


        LOG.info(_("Successfully relocated volume backing: %(backing)s "

                   "to datastore: %(ds)s and resource pool: %(rp)s.") %

                 {'backing': backing, 'ds': datastore, 'rp': resource_pool})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def move_backing_to_folder(self, backing, folder):

        """Move the volume backing to the folder.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing

        :param folder: Reference to the folder


        LOG.debug(_("Moving backing: %(backing)s to folder: %(fol)s.") %

                  {'backing': backing, 'fol': folder})

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,

                                        'MoveIntoFolder_Task', folder,


        LOG.debug(_("Initiated move of volume backing: %(backing)s into the "

                    "folder: %(fol)s.") % {'backing': backing, 'fol': folder})


        LOG.info(_("Successfully moved volume backing: %(backing)s into the "

                   "folder: %(fol)s.") % {'backing': backing, 'fol': folder})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_snapshot(self, backing, name, description, quiesce=False):

        """Create snapshot of the backing with given name and description.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :param name: Snapshot name

        :param description: Snapshot description

        :param quiesce: Whether to quiesce the backing when taking snapshot

        :return: Created snapshot entity reference


        LOG.debug(_("Snapshoting backing: %(backing)s with name: %(name)s.") %

                  {'backing': backing, 'name': name})

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,


                                        backing, name=name,


                                        memory=False, quiesce=quiesce)

        LOG.debug(_("Initiated snapshot of volume backing: %(backing)s "

                    "named: %(name)s.") % {'backing': backing, 'name': name})

        task_info = self._session.wait_for_task(task)

        snapshot = task_info.result

        LOG.info(_("Successfully created snapshot: %(snap)s for volume "

                   "backing: %(backing)s.") %

                 {'snap': snapshot, 'backing': backing})

        return snapshot


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_snapshot_from_tree(name, root):

        """Get snapshot by name from the snapshot tree root.

        :param name: Snapshot name

        :param root: Current root node in the snapshot tree

        :return: None in the snapshot tree with given snapshot name


        if not root:

            return None

        if root.name == name:

            return root.snapshot

        if (not hasattr(root, 'childSnapshotList') or

                not root.childSnapshotList):

            # When root does not have children, the childSnapshotList attr

            # is missing sometime. Adding an additional check.

            return None

        for node in root.childSnapshotList:

            snapshot = VMwareVolumeOps._get_snapshot_from_tree(name, node)

            if snapshot:

                return snapshot

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_snapshot(self, backing, name):

        """Get snapshot of the backing with given name.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :param name: Snapshot name

        :return: Snapshot entity of the backing with given name


        snapshot = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                            self._session.vim, backing,


        if not snapshot or not snapshot.rootSnapshotList:

            return None

        for root in snapshot.rootSnapshotList:

            return VMwareVolumeOps._get_snapshot_from_tree(name, root)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_snapshot(self, backing, name):

        """Delete a given snapshot from volume backing.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :param name: Snapshot name


        LOG.debug(_("Deleting the snapshot: %(name)s from backing: "

                    "%(backing)s.") %

                  {'name': name, 'backing': backing})

        snapshot = self.get_snapshot(backing, name)

        if not snapshot:

            LOG.info(_("Did not find the snapshot: %(name)s for backing: "

                       "%(backing)s. Need not delete anything.") %

                     {'name': name, 'backing': backing})


        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,


                                        snapshot, removeChildren=False)

        LOG.debug(_("Initiated snapshot: %(name)s deletion for backing: "

                    "%(backing)s.") %

                  {'name': name, 'backing': backing})


        LOG.info(_("Successfully deleted snapshot: %(name)s of backing: "

                   "%(backing)s.") % {'backing': backing, 'name': name})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_folder(self, backing):

        """Get parent folder of the backing.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :return: Reference to parent folder of the backing entity


        return self._get_parent(backing, 'Folder')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_clone_spec(self, datastore, disk_move_type, snapshot):

        """Get the clone spec.

        :param datastore: Reference to datastore

        :param disk_move_type: Disk move type

        :param snapshot: Reference to snapshot

        :return: Clone spec


        relocate_spec = self._get_relocate_spec(datastore, None, None,


        cf = self._session.vim.client.factory

        clone_spec = cf.create('ns0:VirtualMachineCloneSpec')

        clone_spec.location = relocate_spec

        clone_spec.powerOn = False

        clone_spec.template = False

        clone_spec.snapshot = snapshot

        LOG.debug(_("Spec for cloning the backing: %s.") % clone_spec)

        return clone_spec

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def clone_backing(self, name, backing, snapshot, clone_type, datastore):

        """Clone backing.

        If the clone_type is 'full', then a full clone of the source volume

        backing will be created. Else, if it is 'linked', then a linked clone

        of the source volume backing will be created.

        :param name: Name for the clone

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :param snapshot: Snapshot point from which the clone should be done

        :param clone_type: Whether a full clone or linked clone is to be made

        :param datastore: Reference to the datastore entity


        LOG.debug(_("Creating a clone of backing: %(back)s, named: %(name)s, "

                    "clone type: %(type)s from snapshot: %(snap)s on "

                    "datastore: %(ds)s") %

                  {'back': backing, 'name': name, 'type': clone_type,

                   'snap': snapshot, 'ds': datastore})

        folder = self._get_folder(backing)

        if clone_type == LINKED_CLONE_TYPE:

            disk_move_type = 'createNewChildDiskBacking'


            disk_move_type = 'moveAllDiskBackingsAndDisallowSharing'

        clone_spec = self._get_clone_spec(datastore, disk_move_type, snapshot)

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim, 'CloneVM_Task',

                                        backing, folder=folder, name=name,


        LOG.debug(_("Initiated clone of backing: %s.") % name)

        task_info = self._session.wait_for_task(task)

        new_backing = task_info.result

        LOG.info(_("Successfully created clone: %s.") % new_backing)

        return new_backing

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_file(self, file_path, datacenter=None):

        """Delete file or folder on the datastore.

        :param file_path: Datastore path of the file or folder


        LOG.debug(_("Deleting file: %(file)s under datacenter: %(dc)s.") %

                  {'file': file_path, 'dc': datacenter})

        fileManager = self._session.vim.service_content.fileManager

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,





        LOG.debug(_("Initiated deletion via task: %s.") % task)


        LOG.info(_("Successfully deleted file: %s.") % file_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_path_name(self, backing):

        """Get path name of the backing.

        :param backing: Reference to the backing entity

        :return: Path name of the backing


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, backing,


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_entity_name(self, entity):

        """Get name of the managed entity.

        :param entity: Reference to the entity

        :return: Name of the managed entity


        return self._session.invoke_api(vim_util, 'get_object_property',

                                        self._session.vim, entity, 'name')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_vmdk_path(self, backing):

        """Get the vmdk file name of the backing.

        The vmdk file path of the backing returned is of the form:

        "[datastore1] my_folder/my_vm.vmdk"

        :param backing: Reference to the backing

        :return: VMDK file path of the backing


        hardware_devices = self._session.invoke_api(vim_util,





        if hardware_devices.__class__.__name__ == "ArrayOfVirtualDevice":

            hardware_devices = hardware_devices.VirtualDevice

        for device in hardware_devices:

            if device.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDisk":

                bkng = device.backing

                if bkng.__class__.__name__ == "VirtualDiskFlatVer2BackingInfo":

                    return bkng.fileName

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def copy_vmdk_file(self, dc_ref, src_vmdk_file_path, dest_vmdk_file_path):

        """Copy contents of the src vmdk file to dest vmdk file.

        During the copy also coalesce snapshots of src if present.

        dest_vmdk_file_path will be created if not already present.

        :param dc_ref: Reference to datacenter containing src and dest

        :param src_vmdk_file_path: Source vmdk file path

        :param dest_vmdk_file_path: Destination vmdk file path


        LOG.debug(_('Copying disk data before snapshot of the VM'))

        diskMgr = self._session.vim.service_content.virtualDiskManager

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,








        LOG.debug(_("Initiated copying disk data via task: %s.") % task)


        LOG.info(_("Successfully copied disk at: %(src)s to: %(dest)s.") %

                 {'src': src_vmdk_file_path, 'dest': dest_vmdk_file_path})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_vmdk_file(self, vmdk_file_path, dc_ref):

        """Delete given vmdk files.

        :param vmdk_file_path: VMDK file path to be deleted

        :param dc_ref: Reference to datacenter that contains this VMDK file


        LOG.debug(_("Deleting vmdk file: %s.") % vmdk_file_path)

        diskMgr = self._session.vim.service_content.virtualDiskManager

        task = self._session.invoke_api(self._session.vim,





        LOG.debug(_("Initiated deleting vmdk file via task: %s.") % task)


        LOG.info(_("Deleted vmdk file: %s.") % vmdk_file_path)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_all_profiles(self):

        """Get all profiles defined in current VC.

        :return: PbmProfile data objects from VC


        LOG.debug(_("Get all profiles defined in current VC."))

        pbm = self._session.pbm

        profile_manager = pbm.service_content.profileManager

        res_type = pbm.client.factory.create('ns0:PbmProfileResourceType')

        res_type.resourceType = 'STORAGE'

        profileIds = self._session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryProfile',



        LOG.debug(_("Got profile IDs: %s"), profileIds)

        return self._session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmRetrieveContent',



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def retrieve_profile_id(self, profile_name):

        """Get the profile uuid from current VC for given profile name.

        :param profile_name: profile name as string

        :return: profile id as string


        LOG.debug(_("Trying to retrieve profile id for %s"), profile_name)

        for profile in self.get_all_profiles():

            if profile.name == profile_name:

                profileId = profile.profileId

                LOG.debug(_("Got profile id %(id)s for profile %(name)s."),

                          {'id': profileId, 'name': profile_name})

                return profileId

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def filter_matching_hubs(self, hubs, profile_id):

        """Filter and return only hubs that match given profile.

        :param hubs: PbmPlacementHub morefs candidates

        :param profile_id: profile id string

        :return: subset of hubs that match given profile_id


        LOG.debug(_("Filtering hubs %(hubs)s that match profile "

                    "%(profile)s."), {'hubs': hubs, 'profile': profile_id})

        pbm = self._session.pbm

        placement_solver = pbm.service_content.placementSolver

        filtered_hubs = self._session.invoke_api(pbm, 'PbmQueryMatchingHub',




        LOG.debug(_("Filtered hubs: %s"), filtered_hubs)

        return filtered_hubs