

OpenStack Study: error_util.py

OpenStack Index

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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Exception classes and SOAP response error checking module.


from cinder import exception

NOT_AUTHENTICATED = 'NotAuthenticated'

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VimException(exception.CinderException):

"""The VIM Exception class."""

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    def __init__(self, msg):

        exception.CinderException.__init__(self, msg)

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class SessionOverLoadException(VimException):

"""Session Overload Exception."""


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class VimAttributeException(VimException):

"""VI Attribute Error."""


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class VimFaultException(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException):

"""The VIM Fault exception class."""

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    def __init__(self, fault_list, msg):

        exception.VolumeBackendAPIException.__init__(self, msg)

        self.fault_list = fault_list

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class VMwareDriverException(exception.CinderException):

"""Base class for all exceptions raised by the VMDK driver.

All exceptions raised by the vmdk driver should raise an exception

descended from this class as a root. This will allow the driver to

potentially trap problems related to its own internal configuration

before halting the cinder-volume node.


message = _("VMware VMDK driver exception.")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VMwaredriverConfigurationException(VMwareDriverException):

"""Base class for all configuration exceptions.


message = _("VMware VMDK driver configuration error.")