

OpenStack Study: solidfire.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

# Copyright 2013 SolidFire Inc

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the

# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations

# under the License.

import base64

import httplib

import json

import random

import socket

import string

import time

import uuid

from oslo.config import cfg

from cinder import context

from cinder import exception

from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

from cinder.openstack.common import timeutils

from cinder import units

from cinder.volume.drivers.san.san import SanISCSIDriver

from cinder.volume import qos_specs

from cinder.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

sf_opts = [



help='Set 512 byte emulation on volume creation; '),



help='Allow tenants to specify QOS on create'),



help='Create SolidFire accounts with this prefix. Any string '

'can be used here, but the string \"hostname\" is special '

'and will create a prefix using the cinder node hostsname '

'(previous default behavior). The default is NO prefix.'),



help='SolidFire API port. Useful if the device api is behind '

'a proxy on a different port.'), ]



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SolidFireDriver(SanISCSIDriver):

"""OpenStack driver to enable SolidFire cluster.

Version history:

1.0 - Initial driver

1.1 - Refactor, clone support, qos by type and minor bug fixes


VERSION = '1.2.0'

sf_qos_dict = {'slow': {'minIOPS': 100,

'maxIOPS': 200,

'burstIOPS': 200},

'medium': {'minIOPS': 200,

'maxIOPS': 400,

'burstIOPS': 400},

'fast': {'minIOPS': 500,

'maxIOPS': 1000,

'burstIOPS': 1000},

'performant': {'minIOPS': 2000,

'maxIOPS': 4000,

'burstIOPS': 4000},

'off': None}

sf_qos_keys = ['minIOPS', 'maxIOPS', 'burstIOPS']

cluster_stats = {}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        super(SolidFireDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)




        except exception.SolidFireAPIException:


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _issue_api_request(self, method_name, params, version='1.0'):

        """All API requests to SolidFire device go through this method.

        Simple json-rpc web based API calls.

        each call takes a set of parameters (dict)

        and returns results in a dict as well.


        max_simultaneous_clones = ['xMaxSnapshotsPerVolumeExceeded',




        host = self.configuration.san_ip

        port = self.configuration.sf_api_port

        cluster_admin = self.configuration.san_login

        cluster_password = self.configuration.san_password

        # NOTE(jdg): We're wrapping a retry loop for a know XDB issue

        # Shows up in very high request rates (ie create 1000 volumes)

        # we have to wrap the whole sequence because the request_id

        # can't be re-used

        retry_count = 5

        while retry_count > 0:

            request_id = hash(uuid.uuid4())  # just generate a random number

            command = {'method': method_name,

                       'id': request_id}

            if params is not None:

                command['params'] = params

            payload = json.dumps(command, ensure_ascii=False)


            header = {'Content-Type': 'application/json-rpc; charset=utf-8'}

            if cluster_password is not None:

                # base64.encodestring includes a newline character

                # in the result, make sure we strip it off

                auth_key = base64.encodestring('%s:%s' % (cluster_admin,


                header['Authorization'] = 'Basic %s' % auth_key

            LOG.debug(_("Payload for SolidFire API call: %s"), payload)

            api_endpoint = '/json-rpc/%s' % version

            connection = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, port)


                connection.request('POST', api_endpoint, payload, header)

            except Exception as ex:

                LOG.error(_('Failed to make httplib connection '

                            'SolidFire Cluster: %s (verify san_ip '

                            'settings)') % ex.message)

                msg = _("Failed to make httplib connection: %s") % ex.message

                raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)

            response = connection.getresponse()

            data = {}

            if response.status != 200:


                LOG.error(_('Request to SolidFire cluster returned '

                            'bad status: %(status)s / %(reason)s (check '

                            'san_login/san_password settings)') %

                          {'status': response.status,

                           'reason': response.reason})

                msg = (_("HTTP request failed, with status: %(status)s "

                         "and reason: %(reason)s") %

                       {'status': response.status, 'reason': response.reason})

                raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)


                data = response.read()


                    data = json.loads(data)

                except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc:


                    msg = _("Call to json.loads() raised "

                            "an exception: %s") % exc

                    raise exception.SfJsonEncodeFailure(msg)


            LOG.debug(_("Results of SolidFire API call: %s"), data)

            if 'error' in data:

                if data['error']['name'] in max_simultaneous_clones:

                    LOG.warning(_('Clone operation '

                                  'encountered: %s') % data['error']['name'])


                        'Waiting for outstanding operation '

                        'before retrying snapshot: %s') % params['name'])


                    # Don't decrement the retry count for this one

                elif 'xDBVersionMismatch' in data['error']['name']:

                    LOG.warning(_('Detected xDBVersionMismatch, '

                                'retry %s of 5') % (5 - retry_count))


                    retry_count -= 1

                elif 'xUnknownAccount' in data['error']['name']:

                    retry_count = 0


                    msg = _("API response: %s") % data

                    raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)


                retry_count = 0

        return data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_volumes_by_sfaccount(self, account_id):

        """Get all volumes on cluster for specified account."""

        params = {'accountID': account_id}

        data = self._issue_api_request('ListVolumesForAccount', params)

        if 'result' in data:

            return data['result']['volumes']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_sfaccount_by_name(self, sf_account_name):

        """Get SolidFire account object by name."""

        sfaccount = None

        params = {'username': sf_account_name}

        data = self._issue_api_request('GetAccountByName', params)

        if 'result' in data and 'account' in data['result']:

            LOG.debug(_('Found solidfire account: %s'), sf_account_name)

            sfaccount = data['result']['account']

        return sfaccount

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_sf_account_name(self, project_id):

        """Build the SolidFire account name to use."""

        prefix = self.configuration.sf_account_prefix or ''

        if prefix == 'hostname':

            prefix = socket.gethostname()

        return '%s%s%s' % (prefix, '-' if prefix else '', project_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_sfaccount(self, project_id):

        sf_account_name = self._get_sf_account_name(project_id)

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)

        if sfaccount is None:

            raise exception.SolidFireAccountNotFound(


        return sfaccount

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _create_sfaccount(self, project_id):

        """Create account on SolidFire device if it doesn't already exist.

        We're first going to check if the account already exits, if it does

        just return it.  If not, then create it.


        sf_account_name = self._get_sf_account_name(project_id)

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)

        if sfaccount is None:

            LOG.debug(_('solidfire account: %s does not exist, create it...'),


            chap_secret = self._generate_random_string(12)

            params = {'username': sf_account_name,

                      'initiatorSecret': chap_secret,

                      'targetSecret': chap_secret,

                      'attributes': {}}

            data = self._issue_api_request('AddAccount', params)

            if 'result' in data:

                sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount_by_name(sf_account_name)

        return sfaccount

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_cluster_info(self):

        """Query the SolidFire cluster for some property info."""

        params = {}

        data = self._issue_api_request('GetClusterInfo', params)

        if 'result' not in data:

            msg = _("API response: %s") % data

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)

        return data['result']

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _do_export(self, volume):

        """Gets the associated account, retrieves CHAP info and updates."""

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        model_update = {}

        model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %s %s'

                                         % (sfaccount['username'],


        return model_update

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _generate_random_string(self, length):

        """Generates random_string to use for CHAP password."""

        char_set = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits

        return ''.join(random.sample(char_set, length))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_model_info(self, sfaccount, sf_volume_id):

        """Gets the connection info for specified account and volume."""

        cluster_info = self._get_cluster_info()

        iscsi_portal = cluster_info['clusterInfo']['svip'] + ':3260'

        chap_secret = sfaccount['targetSecret']

        found_volume = False

        iteration_count = 0

        while not found_volume and iteration_count < 600:

            volume_list = self._get_volumes_by_sfaccount(


            iqn = None

            for v in volume_list:

                if v['volumeID'] == sf_volume_id:

                    iqn = v['iqn']

                    found_volume = True


            if not found_volume:


            iteration_count += 1

        if not found_volume:

            LOG.error(_('Failed to retrieve volume SolidFire-'

                        'ID: %s in get_by_account!') % sf_volume_id)

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=sf_volume_id)

        model_update = {}

        # NOTE(john-griffith): SF volumes are always at lun 0

        model_update['provider_location'] = ('%s %s %s'

                                             % (iscsi_portal, iqn, 0))

        model_update['provider_auth'] = ('CHAP %s %s'

                                         % (sfaccount['username'],


        if not self.configuration.sf_emulate_512:

            model_update['provider_geometry'] = ('%s %s' % (4096, 4096))

        return model_update

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _do_clone_volume(self, src_uuid, src_project_id, v_ref):

        """Create a clone of an existing volume.

        Currently snapshots are the same as clones on the SF cluster.

        Due to the way the SF cluster works there's no loss in efficiency

        or space usage between the two.  The only thing different right

        now is the restore snapshot functionality which has not been

        implemented in the pre-release version of the SolidFire Cluster.


        attributes = {}

        qos = {}

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(src_project_id)

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(src_uuid, params)

        if sf_vol is None:

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=src_uuid)

        if src_project_id != v_ref['project_id']:

            sfaccount = self._create_sfaccount(v_ref['project_id'])

        if v_ref.get('size', None):

            new_size = v_ref['size']


            new_size = v_ref['volume_size']

        params = {'volumeID': int(sf_vol['volumeID']),

                  'name': 'UUID-%s' % v_ref['id'],

                  'newSize': int(new_size * units.GiB),

                  'newAccountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        data = self._issue_api_request('CloneVolume', params)

        if (('result' not in data) or ('volumeID' not in data['result'])):

            msg = _("API response: %s") % data

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)

        sf_volume_id = data['result']['volumeID']

        if (self.configuration.sf_allow_tenant_qos and

                v_ref.get('volume_metadata')is not None):

            qos = self._set_qos_presets(v_ref)

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        type_id = v_ref.get('volume_type_id', None)

        if type_id is not None:

            qos = self._set_qos_by_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)

        # NOTE(jdg): all attributes are copied via clone, need to do an update

        # to set any that were provided

        params = {'volumeID': sf_volume_id}

        create_time = timeutils.strtime(v_ref['created_at'])

        attributes = {'uuid': v_ref['id'],

                      'is_clone': 'True',

                      'src_uuid': src_uuid,

                      'created_at': create_time}

        if qos:

            params['qos'] = qos

            for k, v in qos.items():

                attributes[k] = str(v)

        params['attributes'] = attributes

        data = self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume', params)

        model_update = self._get_model_info(sfaccount, sf_volume_id)

        if model_update is None:

            mesg = _('Failed to get model update from clone')

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(mesg)

        return (data, sfaccount, model_update)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _do_volume_create(self, project_id, params):

        sfaccount = self._create_sfaccount(project_id)

        params['accountID'] = sfaccount['accountID']

        data = self._issue_api_request('CreateVolume', params)

        if (('result' not in data) or ('volumeID' not in data['result'])):

            msg = _("Failed volume create: %s") % data

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)

        sf_volume_id = data['result']['volumeID']

        return self._get_model_info(sfaccount, sf_volume_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _set_qos_presets(self, volume):

        qos = {}

        valid_presets = self.sf_qos_dict.keys()

        #First look to see if they included a preset

        presets = [i.value for i in volume.get('volume_metadata')

                   if i.key == 'sf-qos' and i.value in valid_presets]

        if len(presets) > 0:

            if len(presets) > 1:

                LOG.warning(_('More than one valid preset was '

                              'detected, using %s') % presets[0])

            qos = self.sf_qos_dict[presets[0]]


            #look for explicit settings

            for i in volume.get('volume_metadata'):

                if i.key in self.sf_qos_keys:

                    qos[i.key] = int(i.value)

        return qos

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _set_qos_by_volume_type(self, ctxt, type_id):

        qos = {}

        volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)

        qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id')

        specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')

        # NOTE(jdg): We prefer the qos_specs association

        # and over-ride any existing

        # extra-specs settings if present

        if qos_specs_id is not None:

            kvs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(ctxt, qos_specs_id)['specs']


            kvs = specs

        for key, value in kvs.iteritems():

            if ':' in key:

                fields = key.split(':')

                key = fields[1]

            if key in self.sf_qos_keys:

                qos[key] = int(value)

        return qos

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _get_sf_volume(self, uuid, params):

        data = self._issue_api_request('ListVolumesForAccount', params)

        if 'result' not in data:

            msg = _("Failed to get SolidFire Volume: %s") % data

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)

        found_count = 0

        sf_volref = None

        for v in data['result']['volumes']:

            if uuid in v['name']:

                found_count += 1

                sf_volref = v

                LOG.debug(_("Mapped SolidFire volumeID %(sfid)s "

                            "to cinder ID %(uuid)s.") %

                          {'sfid': v['volumeID'],

                           'uuid': uuid})

        if found_count == 0:

            # NOTE(jdg): Previously we would raise here, but there are cases

            # where this might be a cleanup for a failed delete.

            # Until we get better states we'll just log an error

            LOG.error(_("Volume %s, not found on SF Cluster."), uuid)

        if found_count > 1:

            LOG.error(_("Found %(count)s volumes mapped to id: %(uuid)s.") %

                      {'count': found_count,

                       'uuid': uuid})

            raise exception.DuplicateSfVolumeNames(vol_name=uuid)

        return sf_volref

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_volume(self, volume):

        """Create volume on SolidFire device.

        The account is where CHAP settings are derived from, volume is

        created and exported.  Note that the new volume is immediately ready

        for use.

        One caveat here is that an existing user account must be specified

        in the API call to create a new volume.  We use a set algorithm to

        determine account info based on passed in cinder volume object.  First

        we check to see if the account already exists (and use it), or if it

        does not already exist, we'll go ahead and create it.


        slice_count = 1

        attributes = {}

        qos = {}

        if (self.configuration.sf_allow_tenant_qos and

                volume.get('volume_metadata')is not None):

            qos = self._set_qos_presets(volume)

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        type_id = volume['volume_type_id']

        if type_id is not None:

            qos = self._set_qos_by_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)

        create_time = timeutils.strtime(volume['created_at'])

        attributes = {'uuid': volume['id'],

                      'is_clone': 'False',

                      'created_at': create_time}

        if qos:

            for k, v in qos.items():

                attributes[k] = str(v)

        params = {'name': 'UUID-%s' % volume['id'],

                  'accountID': None,

                  'sliceCount': slice_count,

                  'totalSize': int(volume['size'] * units.GiB),

                  'enable512e': self.configuration.sf_emulate_512,

                  'attributes': attributes,

                  'qos': qos}

        return self._do_volume_create(volume['project_id'], params)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):

        """Create a clone of an existing volume."""

        (data, sfaccount, model) = self._do_clone_volume(




        return model

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_volume(self, volume):

        """Delete SolidFire Volume from device.

        SolidFire allows multiple volumes with same name,

        volumeID is what's guaranteed unique.


        LOG.debug(_("Enter SolidFire delete_volume..."))

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        if sfaccount is None:

            LOG.error(_("Account for Volume ID %s was not found on "

                        "the SolidFire Cluster!") % volume['id'])

            LOG.error(_("This usually means the volume was never "

                        "successfully created."))


        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if sf_vol is not None:

            params = {'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID']}

            data = self._issue_api_request('DeleteVolume', params)

            if 'result' not in data:

                msg = _("Failed to delete SolidFire Volume: %s") % data

                raise exception.SolidFireAPIException(msg)


            LOG.error(_("Volume ID %s was not found on "

                        "the SolidFire Cluster!"), volume['id'])

        LOG.debug(_("Leaving SolidFire delete_volume"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def ensure_export(self, context, volume):

        """Verify the iscsi export info."""

        LOG.debug(_("Executing SolidFire ensure_export..."))


            return self._do_export(volume)

        except exception.SolidFireAPIException:

            return None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_export(self, context, volume):

        """Setup the iscsi export info."""

        LOG.debug(_("Executing SolidFire create_export..."))

        return self._do_export(volume)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):

        """Delete the specified snapshot from the SolidFire cluster."""


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):

        """Create a snapshot of a volume on the SolidFire cluster.

        Note that for SolidFire Clusters currently there is no snapshot

        implementation.  Due to the way SF does cloning there's no performance

        hit or extra space used.  The only thing that's lacking from this is

        the abilit to restore snaps.

        After GA a true snapshot implementation will be available with

        restore at which time we'll rework this appropriately.


        (data, sfaccount, model) = self._do_clone_volume(




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):

        """Create a volume from the specified snapshot."""

        (data, sfaccount, model) = self._do_clone_volume(




        return model

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def get_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):

        """Get volume status.

        If 'refresh' is True, run update first.

        The name is a bit misleading as

        the majority of the data here is cluster



        if refresh:



            except exception.SolidFireAPIException:


        return self.cluster_stats

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):

        """Extend an existing volume."""

        LOG.debug(_("Entering SolidFire extend_volume..."))

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if sf_vol is None:

            LOG.error(_("Volume ID %s was not found on "

                        "the SolidFire Cluster!"), volume['id'])

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume['id'])

        params = {

            'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID'],

            'totalSize': int(new_size * units.GiB)


        data = self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume',

                                       params, version='5.0')

        if 'result' not in data:

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)

        LOG.debug(_("Leaving SolidFire extend_volume"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _update_cluster_status(self):

        """Retrieve status info for the Cluster."""

        LOG.debug(_("Updating cluster status info"))

        params = {}

        # NOTE(jdg): The SF api provides an UNBELIEVABLE amount

        # of stats data, this is just one of the calls

        results = self._issue_api_request('GetClusterCapacity', params)

        if 'result' not in results:

            LOG.error(_('Failed to get updated stats'))

        results = results['result']['clusterCapacity']

        free_capacity =\

            results['maxProvisionedSpace'] - results['usedSpace']

        data = {}

        backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')

        data["volume_backend_name"] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__

        data["vendor_name"] = 'SolidFire Inc'

        data["driver_version"] = self.VERSION

        data["storage_protocol"] = 'iSCSI'

        data['total_capacity_gb'] = results['maxProvisionedSpace']

        data['free_capacity_gb'] = float(free_capacity / units.GiB)

        data['reserved_percentage'] = 0

        data['QoS_support'] = True

        data['compression_percent'] =\


        data['deduplicaton_percent'] =\


        data['thin_provision_percent'] =\


        self.cluster_stats = data

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def attach_volume(self, context, volume,

                      instance_uuid, host_name,


        LOG.debug(_("Entering SolidFire attach_volume..."))

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if sf_vol is None:

            LOG.error(_("Volume ID %s was not found on "

                        "the SolidFire Cluster!"), volume['id'])

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume['id'])

        attributes = sf_vol['attributes']

        attributes['attach_time'] = volume.get('attach_time', None)

        attributes['attached_to'] = instance_uuid

        params = {

            'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID'],

            'attributes': attributes


        data = self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume', params)

        if 'result' not in data:

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def detach_volume(self, context, volume):

        LOG.debug(_("Entering SolidFire attach_volume..."))

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if sf_vol is None:

            LOG.error(_("Volume ID %s was not found on "

                        "the SolidFire Cluster!"), volume['id'])

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume['id'])

        attributes = sf_vol['attributes']

        attributes['attach_time'] = None

        attributes['attached_to'] = None

        params = {

            'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID'],

            'attributes': attributes


        data = self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume', params)

        if 'result' not in data:

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def accept_transfer(self, context, volume,

                        new_user, new_project):

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if new_project != volume['project_id']:

            # do a create_sfaccount here as this tenant

            # may not exist on the cluster yet

            sfaccount = self._create_sfaccount(new_project)

        params = {

            'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID'],

            'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']


        data = self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume',

                                       params, version='5.0')

        if 'result' not in data:

            raise exception.SolidFireAPIDataException(data=data)

        LOG.debug(_("Leaving SolidFire transfer volume"))

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):

        """Convert the volume to be of the new type.

        Returns a boolean indicating whether the retype occurred.

        :param ctxt: Context

        :param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to migrate

        :param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to

        :param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types

        :param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where

                     host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a

                     dictionary of its reported capabilities (Not Used).


        qos = {}

        attributes = {}

        sfaccount = self._get_sfaccount(volume['project_id'])

        params = {'accountID': sfaccount['accountID']}

        sf_vol = self._get_sf_volume(volume['id'], params)

        if sf_vol is None:

            raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume['id'])

        attributes = sf_vol['attributes']

        attributes['retyped_at'] = timeutils.strtime()

        params = {'volumeID': sf_vol['volumeID']}

        qos = self._set_qos_by_volume_type(ctxt, new_type['id'])

        if qos:

            params['qos'] = qos

            for k, v in qos.items():

                attributes[k] = str(v)

            params['attributes'] = attributes

        self._issue_api_request('ModifyVolume', params)

        return True