:8081/lhos"), cfg.StrOpt('hplefthand_username',
help="HP LeftHand Super user username"),
help="HP LeftHand Super user password",
help="HP LeftHand cluster name"),
help='Configure CHAP authentication for iSCSI connections '
'(Default: Disabled)'),
help="Enable HTTP debugging to LeftHand"),
# map the extra spec key to the REST client option key
extra_specs_key_map = {
'hplh:provisioning': 'isThinProvisioned',
'hplh:ao': 'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled',
'hplh:data_pl': 'dataProtectionLevel',
# map the extra spec value to the REST client option value
extra_specs_value_map = {
'isThinProvisioned': {'thin': True, 'full': False},
'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': {'true': True, 'false': False},
'dataProtectionLevel': {
'r-0': 0, 'r-5': 1, 'r-10-2': 2, 'r-10-3': 3, 'r-10-4': 4, 'r-6': 5}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class HPLeftHandRESTProxy(ISCSIDriver):
"""Executes REST commands relating to HP/LeftHand SAN ISCSI volumes.
Version history:
1.0.0 - Initial REST iSCSI proxy
1.0.1 - Added support for retype
1.0.2 - Added support for volume migrate
1.0.3 - Fixed bug #1285829, HP LeftHand backend assisted migration
should check for snapshots
1.0.4 - Fixed bug #1285925, LeftHand AO volume create performance
VERSION = "1.0.4"
device_stats = {}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(HPLeftHandRESTProxy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self.configuration.hplefthand_api_url:
raise exception.NotFound(_("HPLeftHand url not found"))
# blank is the only invalid character for cluster names
# so we need to use it as a separator
self.DRIVER_LOCATION = self.__class__.__name__ + ' %(cluster)s %(vip)s'
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def do_setup(self, context):
"""Set up LeftHand client."""
self.client = client.HPLeftHandClient(
if self.configuration.hplefthand_debug:
cluster_info = self.client.getClusterByName(
self.cluster_id = cluster_info['id']
virtual_ips = cluster_info['virtualIPAddresses']
self.cluster_vip = virtual_ips[0]['ipV4Address']
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(
_('LeftHand cluster not found'))
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.DriverNotInitialized(ex)
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def check_for_setup_error(self):
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def get_version_string(self):
return (_('REST %(proxy_ver)s hplefthandclient %(rest_ver)s') % {
'proxy_ver': self.VERSION,
'rest_ver': hplefthandclient.get_version_string()})
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_volume(self, volume):
"""Creates a volume."""
# get the extra specs of interest from this volume's volume type
volume_extra_specs = self._get_volume_extra_specs(volume)
extra_specs = self._get_lh_extra_specs(
# map the extra specs key/value pairs to key/value pairs
# used as optional configuration values by the LeftHand backend
optional = self._map_extra_specs(extra_specs)
# if provisioning is not set, default to thin
if 'isThinProvisioned' not in optional:
optional['isThinProvisioned'] = True
# AdaptiveOptimization defaults to 'true' if you don't specify the
# value on a create, and that is the most efficient way to create
# a volume. If you pass in 'false' or 'true' for AO, it will result
# in an update operation following the create operation to set this
# value, so it is best to not specify the value and let it default
# to 'true'.
if optional.get('isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled'):
del optional['isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled']
clusterName = self.configuration.hplefthand_clustername
optional['clusterName'] = clusterName
volume_info = self.client.createVolume(
volume['name'], self.cluster_id,
volume['size'] * units.GiB,
return self._update_provider(volume_info)
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Deletes a volume."""
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
LOG.error(_("Volume did not exist. It will not be deleted"))
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
"""Extend the size of an existing volume."""
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
# convert GB to bytes
options = {'size': int(new_size) * units.GiB}
self.client.modifyVolume(volume_info['id'], options)
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Creates a snapshot."""
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(snapshot['volume_name'])
option = {'inheritAccess': True}
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
"""Deletes a snapshot."""
snap_info = self.client.getSnapshotByName(snapshot['name'])
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
LOG.error(_("Snapshot did not exist. It will not be deleted"))
except hpexceptions.HTTPServerError as ex:
in_use_msg = 'cannot be deleted because it is a clone point'
if in_use_msg in ex.get_description():
raise exception.SnapshotIsBusy(ex)
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
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def get_volume_stats(self, refresh):
"""Gets volume stats."""
if refresh:
return self.device_stats
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def _update_backend_status(self):
data = {}
backend_name = self.configuration.safe_get('volume_backend_name')
data['volume_backend_name'] = backend_name or self.__class__.__name__
data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
data['storage_protocol'] = 'iSCSI'
data['vendor_name'] = 'Hewlett-Packard'
data['location_info'] = (self.DRIVER_LOCATION % {
'cluster': self.configuration.hplefthand_clustername,
'vip': self.cluster_vip})
cluster_info = self.client.getCluster(self.cluster_id)
total_capacity = cluster_info['spaceTotal']
free_capacity = cluster_info['spaceAvailable']
# convert to GB
data['total_capacity_gb'] = int(total_capacity) / units.GiB
data['free_capacity_gb'] = int(free_capacity) / units.GiB
self.device_stats = data
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def initialize_connection(self, volume, connector):
"""Assigns the volume to a server.
Assign any created volume to a compute node/host so that it can be
used from that host. HP VSA requires a volume to be assigned
to a server.
server_info = self._create_server(connector)
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
self.client.addServerAccess(volume_info['id'], server_info['id'])
iscsi_properties = self._get_iscsi_properties(volume)
if ('chapAuthenticationRequired' in server_info
and server_info['chapAuthenticationRequired']):
iscsi_properties['auth_method'] = 'CHAP'
iscsi_properties['auth_username'] = connector['initiator']
iscsi_properties['auth_password'] = (
return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': iscsi_properties}
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Unassign the volume from the host."""
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
server_info = self.client.getServerByName(connector['host'])
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Creates a volume from a snapshot."""
snap_info = self.client.getSnapshotByName(snapshot['name'])
volume_info = self.client.cloneSnapshot(
return self._update_provider(volume_info)
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(src_vref['name'])
self.client.cloneVolume(volume['name'], volume_info['id'])
except Exception as ex:
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(ex)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_volume_extra_specs(self, volume):
"""Get extra specs from a volume."""
extra_specs = {}
type_id = volume.get('volume_type_id', None)
if type_id is not None:
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
extra_specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
return extra_specs
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_lh_extra_specs(self, extra_specs, valid_keys):
"""Get LeftHand extra_specs (valid_keys only)."""
extra_specs_of_interest = {}
for key, value in extra_specs.iteritems():
if key in valid_keys:
extra_specs_of_interest[key] = value
return extra_specs_of_interest
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _map_extra_specs(self, extra_specs):
"""Map the extra spec key/values to LeftHand key/values."""
client_options = {}
for key, value in extra_specs.iteritems():
# map extra spec key to lh client option key
client_key = extra_specs_key_map[key]
# map extra spect value to lh client option value
value_map = extra_specs_value_map[client_key]
# an invalid value will throw KeyError
client_value = value_map[value]
client_options[client_key] = client_value
except KeyError:
LOG.error(_("'%(value)s' is an invalid value "
"for extra spec '%(key)s'") %
{'value': value, 'key': key})
return client_options
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _update_provider(self, volume_info):
# TODO(justinsb): Is this always 1? Does it matter?
cluster_interface = '1'
iscsi_portal = self.cluster_vip + ":3260," + cluster_interface
return {'provider_location': (
"%s %s %s" % (iscsi_portal, volume_info['iscsiIqn'], 0))}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_server(self, connector):
server_info = None
chap_enabled = self.configuration.hplefthand_iscsi_chap_enabled
server_info = self.client.getServerByName(connector['host'])
chap_secret = server_info['chapTargetSecret']
if not chap_enabled and chap_secret:
LOG.warning(_('CHAP secret exists for host %s but CHAP is '
'disabled') % connector['host'])
if chap_enabled and chap_secret is None:
LOG.warning(_('CHAP is enabled, but server secret not '
'configured on server %s') % connector['host'])
return server_info
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
# server does not exist, so create one
optional = None
if chap_enabled:
chap_secret = utils.generate_password()
optional = {'chapName': connector['initiator'],
'chapTargetSecret': chap_secret,
'chapAuthenticationRequired': True
server_info = self.client.createServer(connector['host'],
return server_info
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_export(self, context, volume):
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def ensure_export(self, context, volume):
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def remove_export(self, context, volume):
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def retype(self, ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host):
"""Convert the volume to be of the new type.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the retype occurred.
:param ctxt: Context
:param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to retype
:param new_type: A dictionary describing the volume type to convert to
:param diff: A dictionary with the difference between the two types
:param host: A dictionary describing the host, where
host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a
dictionary of its reported capabilities.
LOG.debug(_('enter: retype: id=%(id)s, new_type=%(new_type)s,'
'diff=%(diff)s, host=%(host)s') % {'id': volume['id'],
'new_type': new_type,
'diff': diff,
'host': host})
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=volume['id'])
# pick out the LH extra specs
new_extra_specs = dict(new_type).get('extra_specs')
lh_extra_specs = self._get_lh_extra_specs(
LOG.debug(_('LH specs=%(specs)s') % {'specs': lh_extra_specs})
# only set the ones that have changed
changed_extra_specs = {}
for key, value in lh_extra_specs.iteritems():
(old, new) = diff['extra_specs'][key]
if old != new:
changed_extra_specs[key] = value
# map extra specs to LeftHand options
options = self._map_extra_specs(changed_extra_specs)
if len(options) > 0:
self.client.modifyVolume(volume_info['id'], options)
return True
except Exception as ex:
LOG.warning("%s" % ex)
return False
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def migrate_volume(self, ctxt, volume, host):
"""Migrate the volume to the specified host.
Backend assisted volume migration will occur if and only if;
1. Same LeftHand backend
2. Volume cannot be attached
3. Volumes with snapshots cannot be migrated
4. Source and Destination clusters must be in the same management group
Volume re-type is not supported.
Returns a boolean indicating whether the migration occurred, as well as
:param ctxt: Context
:param volume: A dictionary describing the volume to migrate
:param host: A dictionary describing the host to migrate to, where
host['host'] is its name, and host['capabilities'] is a
dictionary of its reported capabilities.
LOG.debug(_('enter: migrate_volume: id=%(id)s, host=%(host)s, '
'cluster=%(cluster)s') % {
'id': volume['id'],
'host': host,
'cluster': self.configuration.hplefthand_clustername})
false_ret = (False, None)
if 'location_info' not in host['capabilities']:
return false_ret
host_location = host['capabilities']['location_info']
(driver, cluster, vip) = host_location.split(' ')
# get the cluster info, if it exists and compare
cluster_info = self.client.getClusterByName(cluster)
LOG.debug(_('Clister info: %s') % cluster_info)
virtual_ips = cluster_info['virtualIPAddresses']
if driver != self.__class__.__name__:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration for "
"volume: %s because volume is from a different "
"backend.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
if vip != virtual_ips[0]['ipV4Address']:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration for "
"volume: %s because cluster exists in different "
"management group.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration for "
"volume: %s because cluster exists in different "
"management group.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
volume_info = self.client.getVolumeByName(volume['name'])
LOG.debug(_('Volume info: %s') % volume_info)
# can't migrate if server is attached
if volume_info['iscsiSessions'] is not None:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration "
"for volume: %s because the volume has been "
"exported.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
# can't migrate if volume has snapshots
snap_info = self.client.getVolume(
LOG.debug(_('Snapshot info: %s') % snap_info)
if snap_info['snapshots']['resource'] is not None:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration "
"for volume: %s because the volume has "
"snapshots.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
options = {'clusterName': cluster}
self.client.modifyVolume(volume_info['id'], options)
except hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound:
LOG.info(_("Cannot provide backend assisted migration for "
"volume: %s because volume does not exist in this "
"management group.") % volume['name'])
return false_ret
except hpexceptions.HTTPServerError as ex:
return false_ret
return (True, None)