**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
# Copyright (c) 2013 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
# Copyright (c) 2013 OpenStack Foundation
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Common class for Huawei HVS storage drivers."""
import base64
import cookielib
import json
import time
import urllib2
import uuid
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
from cinder import context
from cinder import exception
from cinder.openstack.common import excutils
from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging
from cinder import units
from cinder import utils
from cinder.volume.drivers.huawei import huawei_utils
from cinder.volume import volume_types
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
QOS_KEY = ["Qos-high", "Qos-normal", "Qos-low"]
TIER_KEY = ["Tier-high", "Tier-normal", "Tier-low"]
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
class HVSCommon():
"""Common class for Huawei OceanStor HVS storage system."""
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def __init__(self, configuration):
self.configuration = configuration
self.cookie = cookielib.CookieJar()
self.url = None
self.xml_conf = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def call(self, url=False, data=None, method=None):
"""Send requests to HVS server.
Send HTTPS call, get response in JSON.
Convert response into Python Object and return it.
LOG.debug(_('HVS Request URL: %(url)s') % {'url': url})
LOG.debug(_('HVS Request Data: %(data)s') % {'data': data})
headers = {"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Content-Type": "application/json"}
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(self.cookie))
req = urllib2.Request(url, data, headers)
if method:
req.get_method = lambda: method
res = urllib2.urlopen(req).read().decode("utf-8")
LOG.debug(_('HVS Response Data: %(res)s') % {'res': res})
except Exception as err:
err_msg = _('Bad response from server: %s') % err
raise err
res_json = json.loads(res)
except Exception as err:
LOG.error(_('JSON transfer error'))
raise err
return res_json
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def login(self):
"""Log in HVS array.
If login failed, the driver will sleep 30's to avoid frequent
connection to the server.
login_info = self._get_login_info()
url = login_info['HVSURL'] + "xx/sessions"
data = json.dumps({"username": login_info['UserName'],
"password": login_info['UserPassword'],
"scope": "0"})
result = self.call(url, data)
if (result['error']['code'] != 0) or ("data" not in result):
msg = _("Login error, reason is %s") % result
raise exception.CinderException(msg)
deviceid = result['data']['deviceid']
self.url = login_info['HVSURL'] + deviceid
return deviceid
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def _init_tier_parameters(self, parameters, lunparam):
"""Init the LUN parameters through the volume type "performance"."""
if "tier" in parameters:
smart_tier = parameters['tier']
if smart_tier == 'Tier_high':
elif smart_tier == 'Tier_normal':
elif smart_tier == 'Tier_low':
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _init_lun_parameters(self, name, parameters):
"""Init basic LUN parameters."""
lunparam = {"TYPE": "11",
"NAME": name,
"PARENTTYPE": "216",
"PARENTID": parameters['pool_id'],
"ALLOCTYPE": parameters['LUNType'],
"CAPACITY": parameters['volume_size'],
"WRITEPOLICY": parameters['WriteType'],
"MIRRORPOLICY": parameters['MirrorSwitch'],
"PREFETCHPOLICY": parameters['PrefetchType'],
"PREFETCHVALUE": parameters['PrefetchValue'],
return lunparam
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def _init_qos_parameters(self, parameters, lun_param):
"""Init the LUN parameters through the volume type "Qos-xxx"."""
policy_id = None
policy_info = None
if "qos" in parameters:
policy_info = self._find_qos_policy_info(parameters['qos'])
if policy_info:
policy_id = policy_info['ID']
lun_param['IOClASSID'] = policy_info['ID']
qos_level = parameters['qos_level']
if qos_level == 'Qos-high':
lun_param['IOPRIORITY'] = "3"
elif qos_level == 'Qos-normal':
lun_param['IOPRIORITY'] = "2"
elif qos_level == 'Qos-low':
lun_param['IOPRIORITY'] = "1"
lun_param['IOPRIORITY'] = "2"
return (policy_info, policy_id)
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def _assert_rest_result(self, result, err_str):
error_code = result['error']['code']
if error_code != 0:
msg = _('%(err)s\nresult: %(res)s') % {'err': err_str,
'res': result}
raise exception.CinderException(msg)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _assert_data_in_result(self, result, msg):
if "data" not in result:
err_msg = _('%s "data" was not in result.') % msg
raise exception.CinderException(err_msg)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_volume(self, lun_param):
url = self.url + "/lun"
data = json.dumps(lun_param)
result = self.call(url, data)
msg = 'Create volume error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data']['ID']
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def create_volume(self, volume):
volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
config_params = self._parse_volume_type(volume)
# Prepare lun parameters, including qos parameter and tier parameter.
lun_param = self._init_lun_parameters(volume_name, config_params)
self._init_tier_parameters(config_params, lun_param)
policy_info, policy_id = self._init_qos_parameters(config_params,
# Create LUN in array
lunid = self._create_volume(lun_param)
# Enable qos, need to add lun into qos policy
if "qos" in config_params:
lun_list = policy_info['LUNLIST']
if policy_id:
self._update_qos_policy_lunlist(lun_list, policy_id)
LOG.warn(_("Can't find the Qos policy in array"))
# Create lun group and add LUN into to lun group
lungroup_id = self._create_lungroup(volume_name)
self._associate_lun_to_lungroup(lungroup_id, lunid)
return lunid
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def _get_volume_size(self, poolinfo, volume):
"""Calculate the volume size.
We should divide the given volume size by 512 for the HVS system
calculates volume size with sectors, which is 512 bytes.
volume_size = units.GiB / 512 # 1G
if int(volume['size']) != 0:
volume_size = int(volume['size']) * units.GiB / 512
return volume_size
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def delete_volume(self, volume):
"""Delete a volume.
Three steps: first, remove associate from lun group.
Second, remove associate from qos policy. Third, remove the lun.
name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(name)
lungroup_id = self._find_lungroup(name)
if lun_id and lungroup_id:
self._delete_lun_from_qos_policy(volume, lun_id)
self._delete_associated_lun_from_lungroup(lungroup_id, lun_id)
LOG.warn(_("Can't find lun or lun group in array"))
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_lun_from_qos_policy(self, volume, lun_id):
"""Remove lun from qos policy."""
parameters = self._parse_volume_type(volume)
if "qos" in parameters:
qos = parameters['qos']
policy_info = self._find_qos_policy_info(qos)
if policy_info:
lun_list = policy_info['LUNLIST']
for item in lun_list:
if lun_id == item:
self._update_qos_policy_lunlist(lun_list, policy_info['ID'])
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_lun(self, lun_id):
url = self.url + "/lun/" + lun_id
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
"ID": lun_id})
result = self.call(url, data, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'delete lun error')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _encode_name(self, name):
uuid_str = name.replace("-", "")
vol_uuid = uuid.UUID('urn:uuid:%s' % uuid_str)
vol_encoded = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(vol_uuid.bytes)
newuuid = vol_encoded.replace("=", "")
return newuuid
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_pool_info(self):
root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_conf)
pool_name = root.findtext('LUN/StoragePool')
if not pool_name:
err_msg = _("Invalid resource pool: %s") % pool_name
raise exception.InvalidInput(err_msg)
url = self.url + "/storagepool"
result = self.call(url, None)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Query resource pool error')
poolinfo = {}
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if pool_name.strip() == item['NAME']:
poolinfo['ID'] = item['ID']
if not poolinfo:
msg = (_('Get pool info error, pool name is:%s') % pool_name)
raise exception.CinderException(msg)
return poolinfo
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_volume_by_name(self, name):
url = self.url + "/lun"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get volume by name error!')
volume_id = None
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if name == item['NAME']:
volume_id = item['ID']
return volume_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _active_snapshot(self, snapshot_id):
activeurl = self.url + "/snapshot/activate"
data = json.dumps({"SNAPSHOTLIST": [snapshot_id]})
result = self.call(activeurl, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Active snapshot error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
volume_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
LOG.debug(_('create_snapshot:snapshot name:%(snapshot)s, '
'volume name:%(volume)s.')
% {'snapshot': snapshot_name,
'volume': volume_name})
lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
url = self.url + "/snapshot"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27",
"NAME": snapshot_name,
"PARENTID": lun_id})
result = self.call(url, data)
msg = 'Create snapshot error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data']['ID']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_snapshot(self, snapshot):
snapshot_id = self._create_snapshot(snapshot)
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def _stop_snapshot(self, snapshot):
snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
volume_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['volume_id'])
LOG.debug(_('_stop_snapshot:snapshot name:%(snapshot)s, '
'volume name:%(volume)s.')
% {'snapshot': snapshot_name,
'volume': volume_name})
snapshotid = self._get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshot_name)
stopdata = json.dumps({"ID": snapshotid})
url = self.url + "/snapshot/stop"
result = self.call(url, stopdata, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Stop snapshot error.')
return snapshotid
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_snapshot(self, snapshotid):
url = self.url + "/snapshot/%s" % snapshotid
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27", "ID": snapshotid})
result = self.call(url, data, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete snapshot error.')
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def delete_snapshot(self, snapshot):
snapshotid = self._stop_snapshot(snapshot)
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def _get_snapshotid_by_name(self, name):
url = self.url + "/snapshot"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "27"})
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get snapshot id error.')
snapshot_id = None
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if name == item['NAME']:
snapshot_id = item['ID']
return snapshot_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _copy_volume(self, volume, copy_name, src_lun, tgt_lun):
luncopy_id = self._create_luncopy(copy_name,
src_lun, tgt_lun)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_volume_from_snapshot(self, volume, snapshot):
"""Create a volume from a snapshot.
We use LUNcopy to copy a new volume from snapshot.
The time needed increases as volume size does.
snapshot_name = self._encode_name(snapshot['id'])
src_lun_id = self._get_snapshotid_by_name(snapshot_name)
tgt_lun_id = self.create_volume(volume)
luncopy_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
self._copy_volume(volume, luncopy_name, src_lun_id, tgt_lun_id)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def create_cloned_volume(self, volume, src_vref):
"""Clone a new volume from an existing volume."""
volume_name = self._encode_name(src_vref['id'])
src_lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
tgt_lun_id = self.create_volume(volume)
luncopy_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
self._copy_volume(volume, luncopy_name, src_lun_id, tgt_lun_id)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_luncopy(self, luncopyname, srclunid, tgtlunid):
"""Create a luncopy."""
url = self.url + "/luncopy"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219",
"NAME": luncopyname,
"DESCRIPTION": luncopyname,
% srclunid),
% tgtlunid)})
result = self.call(url, data)
msg = 'Create lun copy error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data']['ID']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _add_host_into_hostgroup(self, host_name, host_ip):
"""Associate host to hostgroup.
If host group doesn't exist, create one.
hostgroup_id = self._find_hostgroup(host_name)
if hostgroup_id is None:
hostgroup_id = self._create_hostgroup(host_name)
hostid = self._find_host(host_name)
if hostid is None:
os_type = huawei_utils.get_conf_host_os_type(host_ip,
hostid = self._add_host(host_name, os_type)
self._associate_host_to_hostgroup(hostgroup_id, hostid)
return hostid, hostgroup_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(self, volume_name,
hostgroup_id, host_id):
"""Add hostgroup and lungroup to view."""
lungroup_id = self._find_lungroup(volume_name)
lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(volume_name)
view_id = self._find_mapping_view(volume_name)
LOG.debug(_('_mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup: lun_group: %(lun_group)s'
'view_id: %(view_id)s')
% {'lun_group': lungroup_id,
'view_id': view_id})
if view_id is None:
view_id = self._add_mapping_view(volume_name, host_id)
self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
if not self._hostgroup_associated(view_id, hostgroup_id):
self._associate_hostgroup_to_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
if not self._lungroup_associated(view_id, lungroup_id):
self._associate_lungroup_to_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
self._delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
self._delete_lungroup_mapping_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
return lun_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _ensure_initiator_added(self, initiator_name, hostid):
added = self._initiator_is_added_to_array(initiator_name)
if not added:
if self._is_initiator_associated_to_host(initiator_name) is False:
self._associate_initiator_to_host(initiator_name, hostid)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def initialize_connection_iscsi(self, volume, connector):
"""Map a volume to a host and return target iSCSI information."""
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
LOG.debug(_('initiator name:%(initiator_name)s, '
'volume name:%(volume)s.')
% {'initiator_name': initiator_name,
'volume': volume_name})
(iscsi_iqn, target_ip) = self._get_iscsi_params(connector)
#create host_group if not exist
hostid, hostgroup_id = self._add_host_into_hostgroup(connector['host'],
self._ensure_initiator_added(initiator_name, hostid)
# Mapping lungroup and hostgroup to view
lun_id = self._mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
hostgroup_id, hostid)
hostlunid = self._find_host_lun_id(hostid, lun_id)
LOG.debug(_("host lun id is %s") % hostlunid)
# Return iSCSI properties.
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = False
properties['target_portal'] = ('%s:%s' % (target_ip, '3260'))
properties['target_iqn'] = iscsi_iqn
properties['target_lun'] = int(hostlunid)
properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
return {'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi', 'data': properties}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def initialize_connection_fc(self, volume, connector):
wwns = connector['wwpns']
volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
LOG.debug(_('initiator name:%(initiator_name)s, '
'volume name:%(volume)s.')
% {'initiator_name': wwns,
'volume': volume_name})
# Create host group if not exist
hostid, hostgroup_id = self._add_host_into_hostgroup(connector['host'],
free_wwns = self._get_connected_free_wwns()
LOG.debug(_("the free wwns %s") % free_wwns)
for wwn in wwns:
if wwn in free_wwns:
self._add_fc_port_to_host(hostid, wwn)
lun_id = self._mapping_hostgroup_and_lungroup(volume_name,
hostgroup_id, hostid)
host_lun_id = self._find_host_lun_id(hostid, lun_id)
tgt_port_wwns = []
for wwn in wwns:
tgtwwpns = self._get_fc_target_wwpns(wwn)
if tgtwwpns:
# Return FC properties.
properties = {}
properties['target_discovered'] = False
properties['target_wwn'] = tgt_port_wwns
properties['target_lun'] = int(host_lun_id)
properties['volume_id'] = volume['id']
LOG.debug(_("the fc server properties is:%s") % properties)
return {'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',
'data': properties}
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_iscsi_tgt_port(self):
url = self.url + "/iscsidevicename"
result = self.call(url, None)
msg = 'Get iSCSI target port error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data'][0]['CMO_ISCSI_DEVICE_NAME']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_hostgroup(self, groupname):
"""Get the given hostgroup id."""
url = self.url + "/hostgroup"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get host group information error.')
host_group_id = None
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if groupname == item['NAME']:
host_group_id = item['ID']
return host_group_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_lungroup(self, lungroupname):
"""Get the given hostgroup id."""
url = self.url + "/lungroup"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lun group information error.')
lun_group_id = None
if 'data' in result:
for item in result['data']:
if lungroupname == item['NAME']:
lun_group_id = item['ID']
return lun_group_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_hostgroup(self, hostgroupname):
url = self.url + "/hostgroup"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "14", "NAME": hostgroupname})
result = self.call(url, data)
msg = 'Create host group error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data']['ID']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _create_lungroup(self, lungroupname):
url = self.url + "/lungroup"
data = json.dumps({"DESCRIPTION": lungroupname,
"NAME": lungroupname})
result = self.call(url, data)
msg = 'Create lun group error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
return result['data']['ID']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_lungroup(self, lungroupid):
url = self.url + "/LUNGroup/" + lungroupid
result = self.call(url, None, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun group error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _lungroup_associated(self, viewid, lungroupid):
url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
url = self.url + url_subfix
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check lun group associated error.')
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if viewid == item['ID']:
return True
return False
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _hostgroup_associated(self, viewid, hostgroupid):
url_subfix = ("/mappingview/associate?TYPE=245&"
url = self.url + url_subfix
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Check host group associated error.')
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if viewid == item['ID']:
return True
return False
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_host_lun_id(self, hostid, lunid):
url = self.url + ("/lun/associate?TYPE=11&ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE=21"
"&ASSOCIATEOBJID=%s" % (hostid))
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host lun id error.')
host_lun_id = 1
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if lunid == item['ID']:
associate_data = result['data'][0]['ASSOCIATEMETADATA']
hostassoinfo = json.loads(associate_data)
host_lun_id = hostassoinfo['HostLUNID']
except Exception as err:
msg = _("JSON transfer data error. %s") % err
raise err
return host_lun_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_host(self, hostname):
"""Get the given host ID."""
url = self.url + "/host"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21"})
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Find host in host group error.')
host_id = None
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if hostname == item['NAME']:
host_id = item['ID']
return host_id
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _add_host(self, hostname, type):
"""Add a new host."""
url = self.url + "/host"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "21",
"NAME": hostname,
result = self.call(url, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add new host error.')
if "data" in result:
return result['data']['ID']
return None
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _associate_host_to_hostgroup(self, hostgroupid, hostid):
url = self.url + "/host/associate"
data = json.dumps({"ID": hostgroupid,
result = self.call(url, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to host group error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _associate_lun_to_lungroup(self, lungroupid, lunid):
"""Associate lun to lun group."""
url = self.url + "/lungroup/associate"
data = json.dumps({"ID": lungroupid,
result = self.call(url, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lun to lun group error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_associated_lun_from_lungroup(self, lungroupid, lunid):
"""Remove lun from lun group."""
url = self.url + ("/lungroup/associate?ID=%s"
% (lungroupid, lunid))
result = self.call(url, None, 'DELETE')
'Delete associated lun from lun group error')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _initiator_is_added_to_array(self, ininame):
"""Check whether the initiator is already added in array."""
url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222", "ID": ininame})
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
'Check initiator added to array error.')
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if item["ID"] == ininame:
return True
return False
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _is_initiator_associated_to_host(self, ininame):
"""Check whether the initiator is associated to the host."""
url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222", "ID": ininame})
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
'Check initiator associated to host error.')
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if item['ID'] == ininame and item['ISFREE'] == "true":
return False
return True
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _add_initiator_to_array(self, ininame):
"""Add a new initiator to storage device."""
url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
"ID": ininame,
"USECHAP": "False"})
result = self.call(url, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add initiator to array error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _associate_initiator_to_host(self, ininame, hostid):
"""Associate initiator with the host."""
url = self.url + "/iscsi_initiator/" + ininame
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "222",
"ID": ininame,
"USECHAP": "False",
"PARENTID": hostid})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate initiator to host error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_mapping_view(self, name):
"""Find mapping view."""
url = self.url + "/mappingview"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "245"})
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
msg = 'Find map view error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
viewid = None
for item in result['data']:
if name == item['NAME']:
viewid = item['ID']
return viewid
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _add_mapping_view(self, name, host_id):
url = self.url + "/mappingview"
data = json.dumps({"NAME": name, "TYPE": "245"})
result = self.call(url, data)
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add map view error.')
return result['data']['ID']
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _associate_hostgroup_to_view(self, viewID, hostGroupID):
data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
"TYPE": "245",
"ID": viewID})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate host to view error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _associate_lungroup_to_view(self, viewID, lunGroupID):
data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
"TYPE": "245",
"ID": viewID})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Associate lun group to view error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_lungroup_mapping_view(self, view_id, lungroup_id):
"""remove lun group associate from the mapping view."""
url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "256",
"ASSOCIATEOBJID": lungroup_id,
"TYPE": "245",
"ID": view_id})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun group from view error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(self, view_id, hostgroup_id):
"""remove host group associate from the mapping view."""
url = self.url + "/mappingview/REMOVE_ASSOCIATE"
data = json.dumps({"ASSOCIATEOBJTYPE": "14",
"ASSOCIATEOBJID": hostgroup_id,
"TYPE": "245",
"ID": view_id})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete host group from view error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_mapping_view(self, view_id):
"""remove mapping view from the storage."""
url = self.url + "/mappingview/" + view_id
result = self.call(url, None, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete map view error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def terminate_connection(self, volume, connector, **kwargs):
"""Delete map between a volume and a host."""
initiator_name = connector['initiator']
volume_name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
host_name = connector['host']
LOG.debug(_('terminate_connection:volume name: %(volume)s, '
'initiator name: %(ini)s.')
% {'volume': volume_name,
'ini': initiator_name})
view_id = self._find_mapping_view(volume_name)
hostgroup_id = self._find_hostgroup(host_name)
lungroup_id = self._find_lungroup(volume_name)
if view_id is not None:
self._delete_hostgoup_mapping_view(view_id, hostgroup_id)
self._delete_lungroup_mapping_view(view_id, lungroup_id)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def login_out(self):
"""logout the session."""
url = self.url + "/sessions"
result = self.call(url, None, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Log out of session error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _start_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
"""Start a LUNcopy."""
url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/start"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", "ID": luncopyid})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Start lun copy error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_capacity(self):
"""Get free capacity and total capacity of the pools."""
poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
pool_capacity = {'total_capacity': 0.0,
'CAPACITY': 0.0}
if poolinfo:
total = int(poolinfo['TOTALCAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
free = int(poolinfo['CAPACITY']) / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 2
pool_capacity['total_capacity'] = total
pool_capacity['free_capacity'] = free
return pool_capacity
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_lun_conf_params(self):
"""Get parameters from config file for creating lun."""
# Default lun set information
lunsetinfo = {'LUNType': 'Thick',
'StripUnitSize': '64',
'WriteType': '1',
'MirrorSwitch': '1',
'PrefetchType': '3',
'PrefetchValue': '0',
'PrefetchTimes': '0'}
root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_conf)
luntype = root.findtext('LUN/LUNType')
if luntype:
if luntype.strip() in ['Thick', 'Thin']:
lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = luntype.strip()
if luntype.strip() == 'Thick':
lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 0
if luntype.strip() == 'Thin':
lunsetinfo['LUNType'] = 1
elif luntype is not '' and luntype is not None:
err_msg = (_('Config file is wrong. LUNType must be "Thin"'
' or "Thick". LUNType:%(fetchtype)s')
% {'fetchtype': luntype})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
stripunitsize = root.findtext('LUN/StripUnitSize')
if stripunitsize is not None:
lunsetinfo['StripUnitSize'] = stripunitsize.strip()
writetype = root.findtext('LUN/WriteType')
if writetype is not None:
lunsetinfo['WriteType'] = writetype.strip()
mirrorswitch = root.findtext('LUN/MirrorSwitch')
if mirrorswitch is not None:
lunsetinfo['MirrorSwitch'] = mirrorswitch.strip()
prefetch = root.find('LUN/Prefetch')
fetchtype = prefetch.attrib['Type']
if prefetch is not None and prefetch.attrib['Type']:
if fetchtype in ['0', '1', '2', '3']:
lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] = fetchtype.strip()
typevalue = prefetch.attrib['Value'].strip()
if lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '1':
lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue
elif lunsetinfo['PrefetchType'] == '2':
lunsetinfo['PrefetchValue'] = typevalue
err_msg = (_('PrefetchType config is wrong. PrefetchType'
' must in 1,2,3,4. fetchtype is:%(fetchtype)s')
% {'fetchtype': fetchtype})
raise exception.CinderException(err_msg)
LOG.debug(_('Use default prefetch fetchtype. '
'Prefetch fetchtype:Intelligent.'))
return lunsetinfo
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _wait_for_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
"""Wait for LUNcopy to complete."""
while True:
luncopy_info = self._get_luncopy_info(luncopyid)
if luncopy_info['status'] == '40':
elif luncopy_info['state'] != '1':
err_msg = (_('_wait_for_luncopy:LUNcopy status is not normal.'
'LUNcopy name: %(luncopyname)s')
% {'luncopyname': luncopyid})
raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=err_msg)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_luncopy_info(self, luncopyid):
"""Get LUNcopy information."""
url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY?range=[0-100000]"
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "219", })
result = self.call(url, data, "GET")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Get lun copy information error.')
luncopyinfo = {}
if "data" in result:
for item in result['data']:
if luncopyid == item['ID']:
luncopyinfo['name'] = item['NAME']
luncopyinfo['id'] = item['ID']
luncopyinfo['state'] = item['HEALTHSTATUS']
luncopyinfo['status'] = item['RUNNINGSTATUS']
return luncopyinfo
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _delete_luncopy(self, luncopyid):
"""Delete a LUNcopy."""
url = self.url + "/LUNCOPY/%s" % luncopyid
result = self.call(url, None, "DELETE")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Delete lun copy error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_connected_free_wwns(self):
"""Get free connected FC port WWNs.
If no new ports connected, return an empty list.
url = self.url + "/fc_initiator?ISFREE=true&range=[0-1000]"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
msg = 'Get connected free FC wwn error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
wwns = []
for item in result['data']:
return wwns
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _add_fc_port_to_host(self, hostid, wwn, multipathtype=0):
"""Add a FC port to the host."""
url = self.url + "/fc_initiator/" + wwn
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "223",
"ID": wwn,
"PARENTID": hostid})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Add FC port to host error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_iscsi_port_info(self, ip):
"""Get iscsi port info in order to build the iscsi target iqn."""
url = self.url + "/eth_port"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
msg = 'Get iSCSI port information error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
iscsi_port_info = None
for item in result['data']:
if ip == item['IPV4ADDR']:
iscsi_port_info = item['LOCATION']
if not iscsi_port_info:
msg = (_('_get_iscsi_port_info: Failed to get iscsi port info '
'through config IP %(ip)s, please check config file.')
% {'ip': ip})
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
return iscsi_port_info
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_iscsi_conf(self):
"""Get iSCSI info from config file."""
iscsiinfo = {}
root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_conf)
iscsiinfo['DefaultTargetIP'] = \
initiator_list = []
tmp_dic = {}
for dic in root.findall('iSCSI/Initiator'):
# Strip values of dic
for k, v in dic.items():
tmp_dic[k] = v.strip()
iscsiinfo['Initiator'] = initiator_list
return iscsiinfo
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_tgt_iqn(self, iscsiip):
"""Get target iSCSI iqn."""
LOG.debug(_('_get_tgt_iqn: iSCSI IP is %s.') % iscsiip)
ip_info = self._get_iscsi_port_info(iscsiip)
iqn_prefix = self._get_iscsi_tgt_port()
split_list = ip_info.split(".")
newstr = split_list[1] + split_list[2]
if newstr[0] == 'A':
ctr = "0"
elif newstr[0] == 'B':
ctr = "1"
interface = '0' + newstr[1]
port = '0' + newstr[3]
iqn_suffix = ctr + '02' + interface + port
for i in range(0, len(iqn_suffix)):
if iqn_suffix[i] != '0':
iqn_suffix = iqn_suffix[i:]
iqn = iqn_prefix + ':' + iqn_suffix + ':' + iscsiip
LOG.debug(_('_get_tgt_iqn: iSCSI target iqn is %s') % iqn)
return iqn
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_fc_target_wwpns(self, wwn):
url = (self.url +
"/host_link?INITIATOR_TYPE=223&INITIATOR_PORT_WWN=" + wwn)
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
msg = 'Get FC target wwpn error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
fc_wwpns = None
for item in result['data']:
if wwn == item['INITIATOR_PORT_WWN']:
fc_wwpns = item['TARGET_PORT_WWN']
return fc_wwpns
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _parse_volume_type(self, volume):
type_id = volume['volume_type_id']
params = self._get_lun_conf_params()
LOG.debug(_('_parse_volume_type: type id: %(type_id)s '
'config parameter is: %(params)s')
% {'type_id': type_id,
'params': params})
poolinfo = self._find_pool_info()
volume_size = self._get_volume_size(poolinfo, volume)
params['volume_size'] = volume_size
params['pool_id'] = poolinfo['ID']
if type_id is not None:
ctxt = context.get_admin_context()
volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id)
specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs')
for key, value in specs.iteritems():
key_split = key.split(':')
if len(key_split) > 1:
if key_split[0] == 'drivers':
key = key_split[1]
key = key_split[0]
if key in QOS_KEY:
params["qos"] = value.strip()
params["qos_level"] = key
elif key in TIER_KEY:
params["tier"] = value.strip()
elif key in params.keys():
params[key] = value.strip()
conf = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
LOG.warn(_('_parse_volume_type: Unacceptable parameter '
'%(key)s. Please check this key in extra_specs '
'and make it consistent with the configuration '
'file %(conf)s.') % {'key': key, 'conf': conf})
LOG.debug(_("The config parameters are: %s") % params)
return params
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def update_volume_stats(self, refresh=False):
capacity = self._get_capacity()
data = {}
data['vendor_name'] = 'Huawei'
data['total_capacity_gb'] = capacity['total_capacity']
data['free_capacity_gb'] = capacity['free_capacity']
data['reserved_percentage'] = 0
data['QoS_support'] = True
data['Tier_support'] = True
return data
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _find_qos_policy_info(self, policy_name):
url = self.url + "/ioclass"
result = self.call(url, None, "GET")
msg = 'Get qos policy error.'
self._assert_rest_result(result, msg)
self._assert_data_in_result(result, msg)
qos_info = {}
for item in result['data']:
if policy_name == item['NAME']:
qos_info['ID'] = item['ID']
lun_list = json.loads(item['LUNLIST'])
qos_info['LUNLIST'] = lun_list
return qos_info
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _update_qos_policy_lunlist(self, lunlist, policy_id):
url = self.url + "/ioclass/" + policy_id
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "230",
"ID": policy_id,
"LUNLIST": lunlist})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Up date qos policy error.')
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_login_info(self):
"""Get login IP, username and password from config file."""
logininfo = {}
filename = self.configuration.cinder_huawei_conf_file
tree = ET.parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
logininfo['HVSURL'] = root.findtext('Storage/HVSURL').strip()
need_encode = False
for key in ['UserName', 'UserPassword']:
node = root.find('Storage/%s' % key)
node_text = node.text
# Prefix !$$$ means encoded already.
if node_text.find('!$$$') > -1:
logininfo[key] = base64.b64decode(node_text[4:])
logininfo[key] = node_text
node.text = '!$$$' + base64.b64encode(node_text)
need_encode = True
if need_encode:
tree.write(filename, 'UTF-8')
except Exception as err:
LOG.warn(_('%s') % err)
return logininfo
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _change_file_mode(self, filepath):
utils.execute('chmod', '777', filepath, run_as_root=True)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _check_conf_file(self):
"""Check the config file, make sure the essential items are set."""
root = huawei_utils.parse_xml_file(self.xml_conf)
check_list = ['Storage/HVSURL', 'Storage/UserName',
for item in check_list:
if not huawei_utils.is_xml_item_exist(root, item):
err_msg = (_('_check_conf_file: Config file invalid. '
'%s must be set.') % item)
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
# make sure storage pool is set
if not huawei_utils.is_xml_item_exist(root, 'LUN/StoragePool'):
err_msg = _('_check_conf_file: Config file invalid. '
'StoragePool must be set.')
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
# make sure host os type valid
if huawei_utils.is_xml_item_exist(root, 'Host', 'OSType'):
os_list = huawei_utils.os_type.keys()
if not huawei_utils.is_xml_item_valid(root, 'Host', os_list,
err_msg = (_('_check_conf_file: Config file invalid. '
'Host OSType invalid.\n'
'The valid values are: %(os_list)s')
% {'os_list': os_list})
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=err_msg)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def _get_iscsi_params(self, connector):
"""Get target iSCSI params, including iqn, IP."""
initiator = connector['initiator']
iscsi_conf = self._get_iscsi_conf()
target_ip = None
for ini in iscsi_conf['Initiator']:
if ini['Name'] == initiator:
target_ip = ini['TargetIP']
# If didn't specify target IP for some initiator, use default IP.
if not target_ip:
if iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']:
target_ip = iscsi_conf['DefaultTargetIP']
msg = (_('_get_iscsi_params: Failed to get target IP '
'for initiator %(ini)s, please check config file.')
% {'ini': initiator})
raise exception.InvalidInput(reason=msg)
target_iqn = self._get_tgt_iqn(target_ip)
return (target_iqn, target_ip)
**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****
def extend_volume(self, volume, new_size):
name = self._encode_name(volume['id'])
lun_id = self._get_volume_by_name(name)
if lun_id:
url = self.url + "/lun/expand"
capacity = int(new_size) * units.GiB / 512
data = json.dumps({"TYPE": "11",
"ID": lun_id,
"CAPACITY": capacity})
result = self.call(url, data, "PUT")
self._assert_rest_result(result, 'Extend lun error.')
LOG.warn(_('Can not find lun in array'))