

OpenStack Study: test_volume_transfer.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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"""Unit Tests for volume transfers."""

import datetime

from cinder import context

from cinder import db

from cinder import exception

from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

from cinder import test

from cinder.tests import utils

from cinder.transfer import api as transfer_api

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class VolumeTransferTestCase(test.TestCase):

"""Test cases for volume transfer code."""

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(VolumeTransferTestCase, self).setUp()

        self.ctxt = context.RequestContext(user_id='user_id',


        self.updated_at = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_transfer_volume_create_delete(self):

        tx_api = transfer_api.API()

        utils.create_volume(self.ctxt, id='1',


        response = tx_api.create(self.ctxt, '1', 'Description')

        volume = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, '1')

        self.assertEqual('awaiting-transfer', volume['status'],

                         'Unexpected state')

        tx_api.delete(self.ctxt, response['id'])

        volume = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, '1')

        self.assertEqual('available', volume['status'], 'Unexpected state')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_transfer_invalid_volume(self):

        tx_api = transfer_api.API()

        utils.create_volume(self.ctxt, id='1', status='in-use',




                          self.ctxt, '1', 'Description')

        volume = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, '1')

        self.assertEqual('in-use', volume['status'], 'Unexpected state')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_transfer_accept(self):

        tx_api = transfer_api.API()

        utils.create_volume(self.ctxt, id='1',


        transfer = tx_api.create(self.ctxt, '1', 'Description')

        volume = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, '1')

        self.assertEqual('awaiting-transfer', volume['status'],

                         'Unexpected state')



                          self.ctxt, '2', transfer['auth_key'])



                          self.ctxt, transfer['id'], 'wrong')

        db.volume_update(self.ctxt, '1', {'status': 'wrong'})



                          self.ctxt, transfer['id'], transfer['auth_key'])

        db.volume_update(self.ctxt, '1', {'status': 'awaiting-transfer'})

        self.ctxt.user_id = 'new_user_id'

        self.ctxt.project_id = 'new_project_id'

        response = tx_api.accept(self.ctxt,



        volume = db.volume_get(self.ctxt, '1')

        self.assertEqual(volume['project_id'], 'new_project_id',

                         'Unexpected project id')

        self.assertEqual(volume['user_id'], 'new_user_id',

                         'Unexpected user id')

        self.assertEqual(volume['id'], response['volume_id'],

                         'Unexpected volume id in response.')

        self.assertEqual(transfer['id'], response['id'],

                         'Unexpected transfer id in response.')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_transfer_get(self):

        tx_api = transfer_api.API()

        volume = utils.create_volume(self.ctxt, id='1',


        transfer = tx_api.create(self.ctxt, volume['id'], 'Description')

        t = tx_api.get(self.ctxt, transfer['id'])

        self.assertEqual(t['id'], transfer['id'], 'Unexpected transfer id')

        ts = tx_api.get_all(self.ctxt)

        self.assertEqual(len(ts), 1, 'Unexpected number of transfers.')

        nctxt = context.RequestContext(user_id='new_user_id',


        utils.create_volume(nctxt, id='2', updated_at=self.updated_at)





        ts = tx_api.get_all(nctxt)

        self.assertEqual(len(ts), 0, 'Unexpected transfers listed.')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_transfer_with_deleted_volume(self):

        #create a volume

        volume = utils.create_volume(self.ctxt, id='1',


        #create a transfer

        tx_api = transfer_api.API()

        transfer = tx_api.create(self.ctxt, volume['id'], 'Description')

        t = tx_api.get(self.ctxt, transfer['id'])

        self.assertEqual(t['id'], transfer['id'], 'Unexpected transfer id')

        #force delete volume

        db.volume_destroy(context.get_admin_context(), volume['id'])

        #Make sure transfer has been deleted.



