

OpenStack Study: test_volume_rpcapi.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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Unit Tests for cinder.volume.rpcapi


import copy

from oslo.config import cfg

from cinder import context

from cinder import db

from cinder.openstack.common import jsonutils

from cinder import test

from cinder.volume import rpcapi as volume_rpcapi


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class VolumeRpcAPITestCase(test.TestCase):

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    def setUp(self):

        super(VolumeRpcAPITestCase, self).setUp()

        self.context = context.get_admin_context()

        vol = {}

        vol['host'] = 'fake_host'

        vol['availability_zone'] = CONF.storage_availability_zone

        vol['status'] = "available"

        vol['attach_status'] = "detached"

        vol['metadata'] = {"test_key": "test_val"}

        volume = db.volume_create(self.context, vol)

        snpshot = {

            'volume_id': 'fake_id',

            'status': "creating",

            'progress': '0%',

            'volume_size': 0,

            'display_name': 'fake_name',

            'display_description': 'fake_description'}

        snapshot = db.snapshot_create(self.context, snpshot)

        self.fake_volume = jsonutils.to_primitive(volume)

        self.fake_volume_metadata = volume["volume_metadata"]

        self.fake_snapshot = jsonutils.to_primitive(snapshot)

        self.fake_reservations = ["RESERVATION"]

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    def test_serialized_volume_has_id(self):

        self.assertIn('id', self.fake_volume)

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    def _test_volume_api(self, method, rpc_method, **kwargs):

        ctxt = context.RequestContext('fake_user', 'fake_project')

        if 'rpcapi_class' in kwargs:

            rpcapi_class = kwargs['rpcapi_class']

            del kwargs['rpcapi_class']


            rpcapi_class = volume_rpcapi.VolumeAPI

        rpcapi = rpcapi_class()

        expected_retval = 'foo' if method == 'call' else None

        target = {

            "version": kwargs.pop('version', rpcapi.BASE_RPC_API_VERSION)


        if 'request_spec' in kwargs:

            spec = jsonutils.to_primitive(kwargs['request_spec'])

            kwargs['request_spec'] = spec

        expected_msg = copy.deepcopy(kwargs)

        if 'volume' in expected_msg:

            volume = expected_msg['volume']

            del expected_msg['volume']

            expected_msg['volume_id'] = volume['id']

        if 'snapshot' in expected_msg:

            snapshot = expected_msg['snapshot']

            del expected_msg['snapshot']

            expected_msg['snapshot_id'] = snapshot['id']

        if 'host' in expected_msg:

            del expected_msg['host']

        if 'dest_host' in expected_msg:

            dest_host = expected_msg['dest_host']

            dest_host_dict = {'host': dest_host.host,

                              'capabilities': dest_host.capabilities}

            del expected_msg['dest_host']

            expected_msg['host'] = dest_host_dict

        if 'new_volume' in expected_msg:

            volume = expected_msg['new_volume']

            del expected_msg['new_volume']

            expected_msg['new_volume_id'] = volume['id']

        if 'host' in kwargs:

            host = kwargs['host']


            host = kwargs['volume']['host']

        target['server'] = host

        target['topic'] = '%s.%s' % (CONF.volume_topic, host)

        self.fake_args = None

        self.fake_kwargs = None

        real_prepare = rpcapi.client.prepare

        def _fake_prepare_method(*args, **kwds):

            for kwd in kwds:

                self.assertEqual(kwds[kwd], target[kwd])

            return rpcapi.client

        def _fake_rpc_method(*args, **kwargs):

            self.fake_args = args

            self.fake_kwargs = kwargs

            if expected_retval:

                return expected_retval

        self.stubs.Set(rpcapi.client, "prepare", _fake_prepare_method)

        self.stubs.Set(rpcapi.client, rpc_method, _fake_rpc_method)

        retval = getattr(rpcapi, method)(ctxt, **kwargs)

        self.assertEqual(retval, expected_retval)

        expected_args = [ctxt, method]

        for arg, expected_arg in zip(self.fake_args, expected_args):

            self.assertEqual(arg, expected_arg)

        for kwarg, value in self.fake_kwargs.items():

            self.assertEqual(value, expected_msg[kwarg])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _fake_prepare_method(*args, **kwds):

            for kwd in kwds:

                self.assertEqual(kwds[kwd], target[kwd])

            return rpcapi.client

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def _fake_rpc_method(*args, **kwargs):

            self.fake_args = args

            self.fake_kwargs = kwargs

            if expected_retval:

                return expected_retval

        self.stubs.Set(rpcapi.client, "prepare", _fake_prepare_method)

        self.stubs.Set(rpcapi.client, rpc_method, _fake_rpc_method)

        retval = getattr(rpcapi, method)(ctxt, **kwargs)

        self.assertEqual(retval, expected_retval)

        expected_args = [ctxt, method]

        for arg, expected_arg in zip(self.fake_args, expected_args):

            self.assertEqual(arg, expected_arg)

        for kwarg, value in self.fake_kwargs.items():

            self.assertEqual(value, expected_msg[kwarg])

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume(self):












**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_serialization(self):

        request_spec = {"metadata": self.fake_volume_metadata}












**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_volume(self):






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_snapshot(self):





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot(self):





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    def test_attach_volume_to_instance(self):









**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_attach_volume_to_host(self):









**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_detach_volume(self):




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_copy_volume_to_image(self):




                              image_meta={'id': 'fake_image_id',

                                          'container_format': 'fake_type',

                                          'disk_format': 'fake_type'},


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    def test_initialize_connection(self):





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    def test_terminate_connection(self):






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    def test_accept_transfer(self):









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    def test_extend_volume(self):







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    def test_migrate_volume(self):

        class FakeHost(object):

            def __init__(self):

                self.host = 'host'

                self.capabilities = {}

        dest_host = FakeHost()







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    def test_migrate_volume_completion(self):







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    def test_retype(self):

        class FakeHost(object):

            def __init__(self):

                self.host = 'host'

                self.capabilities = {}

        dest_host = FakeHost()









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    def test_manage_existing(self):




                              ref={'lv_name': 'foo'},
