

OpenStack Study: test_hplefthand.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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"""Unit tests for OpenStack Cinder volume drivers."""

import mock

from hplefthandclient import exceptions as hpexceptions

from cinder import context

from cinder import exception

from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

from cinder import test

from cinder import units

from cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp import hp_lefthand_iscsi

from cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp import hp_lefthand_rest_proxy

from cinder.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HPLeftHandBaseDriver():

cluster_id = 1

volume_name = "fakevolume"

volume_id = 1

volume = {

'name': volume_name,

'provider_location': (' iqn.2003-10.com.lefthandnetworks:'

'group01:25366:fakev 0'),

'id': volume_id,

'provider_auth': None,

'size': 1}

serverName = 'fakehost'

server_id = 0

snapshot_name = "fakeshapshot"

snapshot_id = 3

snapshot = {

'name': snapshot_name,

'volume_name': volume_name}

cloned_volume_name = "clone_volume"

cloned_volume = {'name': cloned_volume_name}

cloned_snapshot_name = "clonedshapshot"

cloned_snapshot_id = 5

cloned_snapshot = {

'name': cloned_snapshot_name,

'volume_name': volume_name}

volume_type_id = 4

init_iqn = 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222'

connector = {

'ip': '',

'initiator': 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222',

'host': serverName}

driver_startup_call_stack = [

mock.call.login('foo1', 'bar2'),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestHPLeftHandCLIQISCSIDriver(HPLeftHandBaseDriver, test.TestCase):

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def _fake_cliq_run(self, verb, cliq_args, check_exit_code=True):

        """Return fake results for the various methods."""

        def create_volume(cliq_args):

            """Create volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createVolume description="fake description"

                                  clusterName=Cluster01 volumeName=fakevolume

                                  thinProvision=0 output=XML size=1GB"


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['thinProvision'], '1')

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['size'], '1GB')

            return output, None

        def delete_volume(cliq_args):

            """Delete volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "deleteVolume volumeName=fakevolume prompt=false



            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="164" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['prompt'], 'false')

            return output, None

        def extend_volume(cliq_args):

            """Extend volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "modifyVolume description="fake description"


                                  output=XML size=2GB"


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['size'], '2GB')

            return output, None

        def assign_volume(cliq_args):

            """Assign volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "assignVolumeToServer volumeName=fakevolume




            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="174" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)



            return output, None

        def unassign_volume(cliq_args):

            """Unassign volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "unassignVolumeToServer volumeName=fakevolume

                                            serverName=fakehost output=XML


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="205" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)



            return output, None

        def create_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Create snapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createSnapshot description="fake description"





            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            return output, None

        def delete_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Delete shapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "deleteSnapshot snapshotName=fakesnapshot prompt=false



            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="164" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['prompt'], 'false')

            return output, None

        def create_volume_from_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Create volume from snapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "cloneSnapshot description="fake description"





            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            return output, None

        def get_cluster_info(cliq_args):

            """Get cluster info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getClusterInfo clusterName=Cluster01 searchDepth=1

                                    verbose=0 output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="1164" result="0">



                         minVolumeSize="262144" name="Cluster01"

                         pageSize="262144" spaceTotal="633697992"

                         storageNodeCount="2" unprovisionedSpace="622960574"






            return output, None

        def get_volume_info(cliq_args):

            """Get volume info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getVolumeInfo volumeName=fakevolume output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="87" result="0">

                                        blockSize="1024" bytesWritten="0" checkSum="false"

                        clusterName="Cluster01" created="2011-02-08T19:56:53Z"

                        deleting="false" description="" groupName="Group01"

                        initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"


                maxSize="6865387257856" md5="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca"

                minReplication="1" name="vol-b" parity="0" replication="2"

                reserveQuota="536870912" scratchQuota="4194304"


                size="1073741824" stridePages="32" thinProvision="true">


                                            chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true"

                            id="25369" initiatorSecret="" iqn=""

                            iscsiEnabled="true" loadBalance="true"



            return output, None

        def get_snapshot_info(cliq_args):

            """Get snapshot info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getSnapshotInfo snapshotName=fakesnapshot output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="87" result="0">

                                    automatic="false" availability="online" bytesWritten="0"

                    clusterName="CloudCluster1" created="2013-08-26T07:03:44Z"

                    deleting="false" description="" groupName="CloudGroup1"

                    id="730" initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"


                    md5="a64b4f850539c07fb5ce3cee5db1fcce" minReplication="1"


                    replication="2" reserveQuota="536870912" scheduleId="0"

                    scratchQuota="4194304" scratchWritten="0"


                    size="2147483648" stridePages="32"




                     chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true" id="25369"

                     initiatorSecret="" iqn="" iscsiEnabled="true"

                     loadBalance="true" targetSecret="supersecret"/>


            return output, None

        def get_server_info(cliq_args):

            """Get server info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getServerInfo serverName=fakeName"


            output = """


            return output, None

        def create_server(cliq_args):

            """Create server CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createServer serverName=fakeName initiator=something"


            output = """


            return output, None

        def test_error(cliq_args):

            output = """

                                name="CliqVolumeNotFound" processingTime="1083"



            return output, None

        self.assertEqual(cliq_args['output'], 'XML')


            verbs = {'createVolume': create_volume,

                     'deleteVolume': delete_volume,

                     'modifyVolume': extend_volume,

                     'assignVolumeToServer': assign_volume,

                     'unassignVolumeToServer': unassign_volume,

                     'createSnapshot': create_snapshot,

                     'deleteSnapshot': delete_snapshot,

                     'cloneSnapshot': create_volume_from_snapshot,

                     'getClusterInfo': get_cluster_info,

                     'getVolumeInfo': get_volume_info,

                     'getSnapshotInfo': get_snapshot_info,

                     'getServerInfo': get_server_info,

                     'createServer': create_server,

                     'testError': test_error}

        except KeyError:

            raise NotImplementedError()

        return verbs[verb](cliq_args)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_volume(cliq_args):

            """Create volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createVolume description="fake description"

                                  clusterName=Cluster01 volumeName=fakevolume

                                  thinProvision=0 output=XML size=1GB"


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['thinProvision'], '1')

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['size'], '1GB')

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def delete_volume(cliq_args):

            """Delete volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "deleteVolume volumeName=fakevolume prompt=false



            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="164" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['prompt'], 'false')

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def extend_volume(cliq_args):

            """Extend volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "modifyVolume description="fake description"


                                  output=XML size=2GB"


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['size'], '2GB')

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def assign_volume(cliq_args):

            """Assign volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "assignVolumeToServer volumeName=fakevolume




            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="174" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)



            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def unassign_volume(cliq_args):

            """Unassign volume CLIQ input for test.

            input = "unassignVolumeToServer volumeName=fakevolume

                                            serverName=fakehost output=XML


            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="205" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)



            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Create snapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createSnapshot description="fake description"





            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def delete_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Delete shapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "deleteSnapshot snapshotName=fakesnapshot prompt=false



            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="164" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['prompt'], 'false')

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_volume_from_snapshot(cliq_args):

            """Create volume from snapshot CLIQ input for test.

            input = "cloneSnapshot description="fake description"





            output = """

                                          name="CliqSuccess" processingTime="181" result="0"/>


            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['snapshotName'], self.snapshot_name)

            self.assertEqual(cliq_args['volumeName'], self.volume_name)

            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_cluster_info(cliq_args):

            """Get cluster info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getClusterInfo clusterName=Cluster01 searchDepth=1

                                    verbose=0 output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="1164" result="0">



                         minVolumeSize="262144" name="Cluster01"

                         pageSize="262144" spaceTotal="633697992"

                         storageNodeCount="2" unprovisionedSpace="622960574"






            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_volume_info(cliq_args):

            """Get volume info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getVolumeInfo volumeName=fakevolume output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="87" result="0">

                                        blockSize="1024" bytesWritten="0" checkSum="false"

                        clusterName="Cluster01" created="2011-02-08T19:56:53Z"

                        deleting="false" description="" groupName="Group01"

                        initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"


                maxSize="6865387257856" md5="9fa5c8b2cca54b2948a63d833097e1ca"

                minReplication="1" name="vol-b" parity="0" replication="2"

                reserveQuota="536870912" scratchQuota="4194304"


                size="1073741824" stridePages="32" thinProvision="true">


                                            chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true"

                            id="25369" initiatorSecret="" iqn=""

                            iscsiEnabled="true" loadBalance="true"



            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_snapshot_info(cliq_args):

            """Get snapshot info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getSnapshotInfo snapshotName=fakesnapshot output=XML"


            output = """

                                          processingTime="87" result="0">

                                    automatic="false" availability="online" bytesWritten="0"

                    clusterName="CloudCluster1" created="2013-08-26T07:03:44Z"

                    deleting="false" description="" groupName="CloudGroup1"

                    id="730" initialQuota="536870912" isPrimary="true"


                    md5="a64b4f850539c07fb5ce3cee5db1fcce" minReplication="1"


                    replication="2" reserveQuota="536870912" scheduleId="0"

                    scratchQuota="4194304" scratchWritten="0"


                    size="2147483648" stridePages="32"




                     chapName="chapusername" chapRequired="true" id="25369"

                     initiatorSecret="" iqn="" iscsiEnabled="true"

                     loadBalance="true" targetSecret="supersecret"/>


            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def get_server_info(cliq_args):

            """Get server info CLIQ input for test.

            input = "getServerInfo serverName=fakeName"


            output = """


            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def create_server(cliq_args):

            """Create server CLIQ input for test.

            input = "createServer serverName=fakeName initiator=something"


            output = """


            return output, None

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

        def test_error(cliq_args):

            output = """

                                name="CliqVolumeNotFound" processingTime="1083"



            return output, None

        self.assertEqual(cliq_args['output'], 'XML')


            verbs = {'createVolume': create_volume,

                     'deleteVolume': delete_volume,

                     'modifyVolume': extend_volume,

                     'assignVolumeToServer': assign_volume,

                     'unassignVolumeToServer': unassign_volume,

                     'createSnapshot': create_snapshot,

                     'deleteSnapshot': delete_snapshot,

                     'cloneSnapshot': create_volume_from_snapshot,

                     'getClusterInfo': get_cluster_info,

                     'getVolumeInfo': get_volume_info,

                     'getSnapshotInfo': get_snapshot_info,

                     'getServerInfo': get_server_info,

                     'createServer': create_server,

                     'testError': test_error}

        except KeyError:

            raise NotImplementedError()

        return verbs[verb](cliq_args)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestHPLeftHandCLIQISCSIDriver, self).setUp()

        self.properties = {

            'target_discoverd': True,

            'target_portal': '',



            'volume_id': self.volume_id}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tearDown(self):

        super(TestHPLeftHandCLIQISCSIDriver, self).tearDown()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def default_mock_conf(self):

        mock_conf = mock.Mock()

        mock_conf.san_ip = ''

        mock_conf.san_login = 'foo'

        mock_conf.san_password = 'bar'

        mock_conf.san_ssh_port = 16022

        mock_conf.san_clustername = 'CloudCluster1'

        mock_conf.hplefthand_api_url = None

        return mock_conf

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_driver(self, config=None):

        if config is None:

            config = self.default_mock_conf()

        self.driver = hp_lefthand_iscsi.HPLeftHandISCSIDriver(



        self.driver.proxy._cliq_run = mock.Mock(


        return self.driver.proxy._cliq_run

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume = {'name': self.volume_name, 'size': 1}

        model_update = self.driver.create_volume(volume)

        expected_iqn = "iqn.2003-10.com.lefthandnetworks:group01:25366:fakev 0"

        expected_location = ",1 %s" % expected_iqn

        self.assertEqual(model_update['provider_location'], expected_location)

        expected = [


                'createVolume', {

                    'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1',

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'thinProvision': '1',

                    'output': 'XML',

                    'size': '1GB'},



                'getVolumeInfo', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'output': 'XML'},



                'getClusterInfo', {

                    'clusterName': 'Cluster01',

                    'searchDepth': '1',

                    'verbose': '0',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_volume(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume = {'name': self.volume_name}


        expected = [


                'getVolumeInfo', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'output': 'XML'},



                'deleteVolume', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'prompt': 'false',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extend_volume(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume = {'name': self.volume_name}

        self.driver.extend_volume(volume, 2)

        expected = [


                'modifyVolume', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'output': 'XML',

                    'size': '2GB'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initialize_connection(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        self.driver.proxy._get_iscsi_properties = mock.Mock(


        volume = {'name': self.volume_name}

        result = self.driver.initialize_connection(volume,


        self.assertEqual(result['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')

        self.assertDictMatch(result['data'], self.properties)

        expected = [


                'getServerInfo', {

                    'output': 'XML',

                    'serverName': 'fakehost'},



                'assignVolumeToServer', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'serverName': 'fakehost',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_terminate_connection(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume = {'name': self.volume_name}

        self.driver.terminate_connection(volume, self.connector)

        expected = [


                'unassignVolumeToServer', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'serverName': 'fakehost',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_snapshot(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        snapshot = {'name': self.snapshot_name,

                    'volume_name': self.volume_name}


        expected = [


                'createSnapshot', {

                    'snapshotName': 'fakeshapshot',

                    'output': 'XML',

                    'inheritAccess': 1,

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        snapshot = {'name': self.snapshot_name}


        expected = [


                'getSnapshotInfo', {

                    'snapshotName': 'fakeshapshot',

                    'output': 'XML'},



                'deleteSnapshot', {

                    'snapshotName': 'fakeshapshot',

                    'prompt': 'false',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume = {'name': self.volume_name}

        snapshot = {'name': self.snapshot_name}

        model_update = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume,


        expected_iqn = "iqn.2003-10.com.lefthandnetworks:group01:25366:fakev 0"

        expected_location = ",1 %s" % expected_iqn

        self.assertEqual(model_update['provider_location'], expected_location)

        expected = [


                'cloneSnapshot', {

                    'snapshotName': 'fakeshapshot',

                    'output': 'XML',

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume'},



                'getVolumeInfo', {

                    'volumeName': 'fakevolume',

                    'output': 'XML'},



                'getClusterInfo', {

                    'clusterName': 'Cluster01',

                    'searchDepth': '1',

                    'verbose': '0',

                    'output': 'XML'},


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_volume_stats(self):

        # set up driver with default config

        mock_cliq_run = self.setup_driver()

        volume_stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(volume_stats['vendor_name'], 'Hewlett-Packard')

        self.assertEqual(volume_stats['storage_protocol'], 'iSCSI')

        expected = [

            mock.call('getClusterInfo', {

                'searchDepth': 1,

                'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1',

                'output': 'XML'}, True)]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestHPLeftHandRESTISCSIDriver(HPLeftHandBaseDriver, test.TestCase):

driver_startup_call_stack = [

mock.call.login('foo1', 'bar2'),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestHPLeftHandRESTISCSIDriver, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tearDown(self):

        super(TestHPLeftHandRESTISCSIDriver, self).tearDown()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def default_mock_conf(self):

        mock_conf = mock.Mock()

        mock_conf.hplefthand_api_url = 'http://fake.foo:8080/lhos'

        mock_conf.hplefthand_username = 'foo1'

        mock_conf.hplefthand_password = 'bar2'

        mock_conf.hplefthand_iscsi_chap_enabled = False

        mock_conf.hplefthand_debug = False

        mock_conf.hplefthand_clustername = "CloudCluster1"

        return mock_conf

    @mock.patch('hplefthandclient.client.HPLeftHandClient', spec=True)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_driver(self, _mock_client, config=None):

        if config is None:

            config = self.default_mock_conf()

        _mock_client.return_value.getClusterByName.return_value = {

            'id': 1, 'virtualIPAddresses': [{'ipV4Address': ''}]}

        _mock_client.return_value.getCluster.return_value = {

            'spaceTotal': units.GiB * 500,

            'spaceAvailable': units.GiB * 250}

        self.driver = hp_lefthand_iscsi.HPLeftHandISCSIDriver(



        return _mock_client.return_value

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        # mock return value of createVolume

        mock_client.createVolume.return_value = {

            'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}

        # execute driver

        volume_info = self.driver.create_volume(self.volume)

        self.assertEqual(',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0',


        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [





                {'isThinProvisioned': True, 'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1'})]


        # mock HTTPServerError

        mock_client.createVolume.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPServerError()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception


                          self.driver.create_volume, self.volume)




        return_value={'extra_specs': {'hplh:provisioning': 'full'}})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_with_es(self, _mock_volume_type):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        volume_with_vt = self.volume

        volume_with_vt['volume_type_id'] = 1

        # mock return value of createVolume

        mock_client.createVolume.return_value = {

            'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}

        # execute creat_volume

        volume_info = self.driver.create_volume(volume_with_vt)

        self.assertEqual(',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0',


        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [





                {'isThinProvisioned': False, 'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1'})]


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_volume(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        # mock return value of getVolumeByName

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute delete_volume


        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [




        # mock HTTPNotFound (volume not found)

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        # no exception should escape method


        # mock HTTPConflict

        mock_client.deleteVolume.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPConflict()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception


                          self.driver.delete_volume, self.volume_id)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extend_volume(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        # mock return value of getVolumeByName

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute extend_volume

        self.driver.extend_volume(self.volume, 2)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [


            mock.call.modifyVolume(1, {'size': 2 * units.GiB})]

        # validate call chain


        # mock HTTPServerError (array failure)

        mock_client.modifyVolume.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPServerError()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception


                          self.driver.extend_volume, self.volume, 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initialize_connection(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        # mock return value of getVolumeByName

        mock_client.getServerByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        mock_client.createServer.return_value = {'id': self.server_id}

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute initialize_connection

        result = self.driver.initialize_connection(



        # validate

        self.assertEqual(result['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')

        self.assertEqual(result['data']['target_discovered'], False)

        self.assertEqual(result['data']['volume_id'], self.volume_id)

        self.assertTrue('auth_method' not in result['data'])

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [









            mock.call.addServerAccess(1, 0)]

        # validate call chain


        # mock HTTPServerError (array failure)

        mock_client.createServer.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPServerError()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception



            self.driver.initialize_connection, self.volume, self.connector)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initialize_connection_with_chaps(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        # mock return value of getVolumeByName

        mock_client.getServerByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        mock_client.createServer.return_value = {

            'id': self.server_id,

            'chapAuthenticationRequired': True,

            'chapTargetSecret': 'dont_tell'}

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute initialize_connection

        result = self.driver.initialize_connection(



        # validate

        self.assertEqual(result['driver_volume_type'], 'iscsi')

        self.assertEqual(result['data']['target_discovered'], False)

        self.assertEqual(result['data']['volume_id'], self.volume_id)

        self.assertEqual(result['data']['auth_method'], 'CHAP')

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [









            mock.call.addServerAccess(1, 0)]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_terminate_connection(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        mock_client.getServerByName.return_value = {'id': self.server_id}

        # execute terminate_connection

        self.driver.terminate_connection(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [



            mock.call.removeServerAccess(1, 0)]

        # validate call chain


        mock_client.getVolumeByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_snapshot(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute create_snapshot


        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [





                {'inheritAccess': True})]

        # validate call chain


        # mock HTTPServerError (array failure)

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception



            self.driver.create_snapshot, self.snapshot)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getSnapshotByName.return_value = {'id': self.snapshot_id}

        # execute delete_snapshot


        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [



        # validate call chain


        mock_client.getSnapshotByName.side_effect = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

        # no exception is thrown, just error msg is logged


        # mock HTTPServerError (array failure)

        ex = hpexceptions.HTTPServerError({'message': 'Some message.'})

        mock_client.getSnapshotByName.side_effect = ex

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception





        # mock HTTPServerError because the snap is in use

        ex = hpexceptions.HTTPServerError({


            'Hey, dude cannot be deleted because it is a clone point duh.'})

        mock_client.getSnapshotByName.side_effect = ex

        # ensure the raised exception is a cinder exception





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getSnapshotByName.return_value = {'id': self.snapshot_id}

        mock_client.cloneSnapshot.return_value = {

            'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}

        # execute create_volume_from_snapshot

        model_update = self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(

            self.volume, self.snapshot)

        expected_iqn = 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0'

        expected_location = ",1 %s" % expected_iqn

        self.assertEqual(model_update['provider_location'], expected_location)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [


            mock.call.cloneSnapshot('fakevolume', 3)]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_cloned_volume(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        # execute create_cloned_volume


            self.cloned_volume, self.volume)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [


            mock.call.cloneVolume('clone_volume', 1)]

        # validate call chain


    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extra_spec_mapping(self, _mock_get_volume_type):

        # setup drive with default configuration


        # 2 extra specs we don't care about, and

        # 1 that will get mapped

        _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {

            'extra_specs': {

                'foo:bar': 'fake',

                'bar:foo': 1234,

                'hplh:provisioning': 'full'}}

        volume_with_vt = self.volume

        volume_with_vt['volume_type_id'] = self.volume_type_id

        # get the extra specs of interest from this volume's volume type

        volume_extra_specs = self.driver.proxy._get_volume_extra_specs(


        extra_specs = self.driver.proxy._get_lh_extra_specs(



        # map the extra specs key/value pairs to key/value pairs

        # used as optional configuration values by the LeftHand backend

        optional = self.driver.proxy._map_extra_specs(extra_specs)

        self.assertDictMatch({'isThinProvisioned': False}, optional)

    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extra_spec_mapping_invalid_value(self, _mock_get_volume_type):

        # setup drive with default configuration


        volume_with_vt = self.volume

        volume_with_vt['volume_type_id'] = self.volume_type_id

        _mock_get_volume_type.return_value = {

            'extra_specs': {

                # r-07 is an invalid value for hplh:ao

                'hplh:data_pl': 'r-07',

                'hplh:ao': 'true'}}

        # get the extra specs of interest from this volume's volume type

        volume_extra_specs = self.driver.proxy._get_volume_extra_specs(


        extra_specs = self.driver.proxy._get_lh_extra_specs(



        # map the extra specs key/value pairs to key/value pairs

        # used as optional configuration values by the LeftHand backend

        optional = self.driver.proxy._map_extra_specs(extra_specs)

        # {'hplh:ao': 'true'} should map to

        # {'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': True}

        # without hplh:data_pl since r-07 is an invalid value

        self.assertDictMatch({'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': True}, optional)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_retype_with_no_LH_extra_specs(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        host = {'host': self.serverName}

        key_specs_old = {'foo': False, 'bar': 2, 'error': True}

        key_specs_new = {'foo': True, 'bar': 5, 'error': False}

        old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)

        new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new', key_specs_new)

        diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'],


        volume = dict.copy(self.volume)

        old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])

        volume['volume_type'] = old_type

        volume['host'] = host

        new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])

        self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [


        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_retype_with_only_LH_extra_specs(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        host = {'host': self.serverName}

        key_specs_old = {'hplh:provisioning': 'thin'}

        key_specs_new = {'hplh:provisioning': 'full', 'hplh:ao': 'true'}

        old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)

        new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new', key_specs_new)

        diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'],


        volume = dict.copy(self.volume)

        old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])

        volume['volume_type'] = old_type

        volume['host'] = host

        new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])

        self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [



                1, {

                    'isThinProvisioned': False,

                    'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': True})]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_retype_with_both_extra_specs(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        host = {'host': self.serverName}

        key_specs_old = {'hplh:provisioning': 'full', 'foo': 'bar'}

        key_specs_new = {'hplh:provisioning': 'thin', 'foo': 'foobar'}

        old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)

        new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new', key_specs_new)

        diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'],


        volume = dict.copy(self.volume)

        old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])

        volume['volume_type'] = old_type

        volume['host'] = host

        new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])

        self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [


            mock.call.modifyVolume(1, {'isThinProvisioned': True})]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_retype_same_extra_specs(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        host = {'host': self.serverName}

        key_specs_old = {'hplh:provisioning': 'full', 'hplh:ao': 'true'}

        key_specs_new = {'hplh:provisioning': 'full', 'hplh:ao': 'false'}

        old_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'old', key_specs_old)

        new_type_ref = volume_types.create(ctxt, 'new', key_specs_new)

        diff, equal = volume_types.volume_types_diff(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'],


        volume = dict.copy(self.volume)

        old_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, old_type_ref['id'])

        volume['volume_type'] = old_type

        volume['host'] = host

        new_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, new_type_ref['id'])

        self.driver.retype(ctxt, volume, new_type, diff, host)

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [




                {'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': False})]

        # validate call chain


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_no_location(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        host = {'host': self.serverName, 'capabilities': {}}

        (migrated, update) = self.driver.migrate_volume(





        # only startup code is called


        # and nothing else




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_incorrect_vip(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getClusterByName.return_value = {

            "virtualIPAddresses": [{

                "ipV4Address": "",

                "ipV4NetMask": ""}]}

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id}

        location = (self.driver.proxy.DRIVER_LOCATION % {

            'cluster': 'New_CloudCluster',

            'vip': ''})

        host = {

            'host': self.serverName,

            'capabilities': {'location_info': location}}

        (migrated, update) = self.driver.migrate_volume(





        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [



        # and nothing else




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_with_location(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getClusterByName.return_value = {

            "virtualIPAddresses": [{

                "ipV4Address": "",

                "ipV4NetMask": ""}]}

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {'id': self.volume_id,

                                                    'iscsiSessions': None}

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'snapshots': {

            'resource': None}}

        location = (self.driver.proxy.DRIVER_LOCATION % {

            'cluster': 'New_CloudCluster',

            'vip': ''})

        host = {

            'host': self.serverName,

            'capabilities': {'location_info': location}}

        (migrated, update) = self.driver.migrate_volume(





        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [






            mock.call.modifyVolume(1, {'clusterName': 'New_CloudCluster'})]


        # and nothing else




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_with_Snapshots(self):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getClusterByName.return_value = {

            "virtualIPAddresses": [{

                "ipV4Address": "",

                "ipV4NetMask": ""}]}

        mock_client.getVolumeByName.return_value = {

            'id': self.volume_id,

            'iscsiSessions': None}

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'snapshots': {

            'resource': 'snapfoo'}}

        location = (self.driver.proxy.DRIVER_LOCATION % {

            'cluster': 'New_CloudCluster',

            'vip': ''})

        host = {

            'host': self.serverName,

            'capabilities': {'location_info': location}}

        (migrated, update) = self.driver.migrate_volume(





        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [







        # and nothing else




    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type',

                       return_value={'extra_specs': {'hplh:ao': 'true'}})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_with_ao_true(self, _mock_volume_type):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        volume_with_vt = self.volume

        volume_with_vt['volume_type_id'] = 1

        # mock return value of createVolume

        mock_client.createVolume.return_value = {

            'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}

        volume_info = self.driver.create_volume(volume_with_vt)

        self.assertEqual(',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0',


        # make sure createVolume is called without

        # isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled == true

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [





                {'isThinProvisioned': True, 'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1'})]


    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type',

                       return_value={'extra_specs': {'hplh:ao': 'false'}})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_with_ao_false(self, _mock_volume_type):

        # setup drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP LeftHand client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        volume_with_vt = self.volume

        volume_with_vt['volume_type_id'] = 1

        # mock return value of createVolume

        mock_client.createVolume.return_value = {

            'iscsiIqn': self.connector['initiator']}

        volume_info = self.driver.create_volume(volume_with_vt)

        self.assertEqual(',1 iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222 0',


        # make sure createVolume is called with

        # isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled == false

        expected = self.driver_startup_call_stack + [





                {'isThinProvisioned': True,

                 'clusterName': 'CloudCluster1',

                 'isAdaptiveOptimizationEnabled': False})]
