

OpenStack Study: test_hp3par.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****


# (c) Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

# All Rights Reserved.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain

# a copy of the License at


# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT

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# under the License.

"""Unit tests for OpenStack Cinder volume drivers."""

import mock

from hp3parclient import client

from hp3parclient import exceptions as hpexceptions

from cinder import context

from cinder import exception

from cinder.openstack.common import log as logging

from cinder import test

from cinder import units

from cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp import hp_3par_fc as hpfcdriver

from cinder.volume.drivers.san.hp import hp_3par_iscsi as hpdriver

from cinder.volume import qos_specs

from cinder.volume import volume_types

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

HP3PAR_CPG = 'OpenStackCPG'

HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP = 'OpenStackCPGSnap'

HP3PAR_USER_NAME = 'testUser'

HP3PAR_USER_PASS = 'testPassword'





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HP3PARBaseDriver(object):

VOLUME_ID = 'd03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7'

CLONE_ID = 'd03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-000000000000'



SNAPSHOT_ID = '2f823bdc-e36e-4dc8-bd15-de1c7a28ff31'

SNAPSHOT_NAME = 'snapshot-2f823bdc-e36e-4dc8-bd15-de1c7a28ff31'


SNAPSHOT_3PAR_NAME = 'oss-L4I73ONuTci9Fd4ceij-MQ'

FAKE_HOST = 'fakehost'

USER_ID = '2689d9a913974c008b1d859013f23607'

PROJECT_ID = 'fac88235b9d64685a3530f73e490348f'

VOLUME_ID_SNAP = '761fc5e5-5191-4ec7-aeba-33e36de44156'

FAKE_DESC = 'test description name'

FAKE_FC_PORTS = [{'portPos': {'node': 7, 'slot': 1, 'cardPort': 1},

'portWWN': '0987654321234',

'protocol': 1,

'mode': 2,

'linkState': 4},

{'portPos': {'node': 6, 'slot': 1, 'cardPort': 1},

'portWWN': '123456789000987',

'protocol': 1,

'mode': 2,

'linkState': 4}]

QOS = {'qos:maxIOPS': '1000', 'qos:maxBWS': '50',

'qos:minIOPS': '100', 'qos:minBWS': '25',

'qos:latency': '25', 'qos:priority': 'low'}

QOS_SPECS = {'maxIOPS': '1000', 'maxBWS': '50',

'minIOPS': '100', 'minBWS': '25',

'latency': '25', 'priority': 'low'}

VVS_NAME = "myvvs"

FAKE_ISCSI_PORT = {'portPos': {'node': 8, 'slot': 1, 'cardPort': 1},

'protocol': 2,

'mode': 2,

'IPAddr': '',

'iSCSIName': ('iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:'


'linkState': 4}

volume = {'name': VOLUME_NAME,

'id': VOLUME_ID,

'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

'size': 2,

'host': FAKE_HOST,

'volume_type': None,

'volume_type_id': None}

volume_qos = {'name': VOLUME_NAME,

'id': VOLUME_ID,

'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

'size': 2,

'host': FAKE_HOST,

'volume_type': None,

'volume_type_id': 'gold'}

snapshot = {'name': SNAPSHOT_NAME,


'user_id': USER_ID,

'project_id': PROJECT_ID,

'volume_id': VOLUME_ID_SNAP,

'volume_name': VOLUME_NAME,

'status': 'creating',

'progress': '0%',

'volume_size': 2,

'display_name': 'fakesnap',

'display_description': FAKE_DESC}

wwn = ["123456789012345", "123456789054321"]

connector = {'ip': '',

'initiator': 'iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222',

'wwpns': [wwn[0], wwn[1]],

'wwnns': ["223456789012345", "223456789054321"],

'host': FAKE_HOST}

volume_type = {'name': 'gold',

'deleted': False,

'updated_at': None,

'extra_specs': {'qos:maxIOPS': '1000',

'qos:maxBWS': '50',

'qos:minIOPS': '100',

'qos:minBWS': '25',

'qos:latency': '25',

'qos:priority': 'low'},

'deleted_at': None,

'id': 'gold'}

cpgs = [

{'SAGrowth': {'LDLayout': {'diskPatterns': [{'diskType': 2}]},

'incrementMiB': 8192},

'SAUsage': {'rawTotalMiB': 24576,

'rawUsedMiB': 768,

'totalMiB': 8192,

'usedMiB': 256},

'SDGrowth': {'LDLayout': {'RAIDType': 4,

'diskPatterns': [{'diskType': 2}]},

'incrementMiB': 32768},

'SDUsage': {'rawTotalMiB': 49152,

'rawUsedMiB': 1023,

'totalMiB': 36864,

'usedMiB': 768},

'UsrUsage': {'rawTotalMiB': 57344,

'rawUsedMiB': 43349,

'totalMiB': 43008,

'usedMiB': 32512},

'additionalStates': [],

'degradedStates': [],

'failedStates': [],

'id': 5,

'name': HP3PAR_CPG,

'numFPVVs': 2,

'numTPVVs': 0,

'state': 1,

'uuid': '29c214aa-62b9-41c8-b198-543f6cf24edf'}]

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_configuration(self):

        configuration = mock.Mock()

        configuration.hp3par_debug = False

        configuration.hp3par_username = HP3PAR_USER_NAME

        configuration.hp3par_password = HP3PAR_USER_PASS

        configuration.hp3par_api_url = ''

        configuration.hp3par_cpg = HP3PAR_CPG

        configuration.hp3par_cpg_snap = HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP

        configuration.iscsi_ip_address = ''

        configuration.iscsi_port = '1234'

        configuration.san_ip = HP3PAR_SAN_IP

        configuration.san_login = HP3PAR_USER_NAME

        configuration.san_password = HP3PAR_USER_PASS

        configuration.san_ssh_port = HP3PAR_SAN_SSH_PORT

        configuration.ssh_conn_timeout = HP3PAR_SAN_SSH_CON_TIMEOUT

        configuration.san_private_key = HP3PAR_SAN_SSH_PRIVATE

        configuration.hp3par_snapshot_expiration = ""

        configuration.hp3par_snapshot_retention = ""

        configuration.hp3par_iscsi_ips = []

        return configuration










**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_mock_client(self, _m_client, driver, conf=None, m_conf=None):

        _m_client = _m_client.return_value

        if m_conf is not None:


        if conf is None:

            conf = self.setup_configuration()

        self.driver = driver(configuration=conf)


        return _m_client

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()


        comment = (

            '{"display_name": "Foo Volume", "type": "OpenStack",'

            ' "name": "volume-d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7",'

            ' "volume_id": "d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7"}')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),




                1907, {

                    'comment': comment,

                    'tpvv': True,

                    'snapCPG': HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP}),



    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_qos(self, _mock_volume_types):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        _mock_volume_types.return_value = {

            'name': 'gold',

            'extra_specs': {

                'cpg': HP3PAR_CPG,

                'snap_cpg': HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP,

                'vvs_name': self.VVS_NAME,

                'qos': self.QOS,

                'tpvv': True,

                'volume_type': self.volume_type}}


        comment = (

            '{"volume_type_name": "gold", "display_name": "Foo Volume"'

            ', "name": "volume-d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7'

            '", "volume_type_id": "gold", "volume_id": "d03338a9-91'

            '15-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7", "qos": {}, "type": "OpenStack"}')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),




                1907, {

                    'comment': comment,

                    'tpvv': True,

                    'snapCPG': HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP}),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()


        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_cloned_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.copyVolume.return_value = {'taskid': 1}

        volume = {'name': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_NAME,

                  'id': HP3PARBaseDriver.CLONE_ID,

                  'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

                  'size': 2,

                  'host': HP3PARBaseDriver.FAKE_HOST,

                  'source_volid': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_ID}

        src_vref = {}

        model_update = self.driver.create_cloned_volume(volume, src_vref)


        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





                {'snapCPG': 'OpenStackCPGSnap', 'tpvv': True,

                 'online': True}),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_volume(self):

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getStorageSystemInfo.return_value': {

                'serialNumber': '1234'},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1},

            'getCPG.return_value': {},

            'copyVolume.return_value': {'taskid': 1},

            'getVolume.return_value': {}


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = {'name': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_NAME,

                  'id': HP3PARBaseDriver.CLONE_ID,

                  'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

                  'size': 2,

                  'status': 'available',

                  'host': HP3PARBaseDriver.FAKE_HOST,

                  'source_volid': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_ID}

        volume_name_3par = self.driver.common._encode_name(volume['id'])

        loc_info = 'HP3PARDriver:1234:CPG-FC1'

        host = {'host': 'stack@3parfc1',

                'capabilities': {'location_info': loc_info}}

        result = self.driver.migrate_volume(context.get_admin_context(),

                                            volume, host)


        self.assertEqual((True, None), result)

        osv_matcher = 'osv-' + volume_name_3par

        omv_matcher = 'omv-' + volume_name_3par

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),




            mock.call.copyVolume(osv_matcher, omv_matcher, mock.ANY, mock.ANY),




            mock.call.modifyVolume(omv_matcher, {'newName': osv_matcher}),




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_volume_diff_host(self):

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getStorageSystemInfo.return_value': {

                'serialNumber': 'different'},


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = {'name': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_NAME,

                  'id': HP3PARBaseDriver.CLONE_ID,

                  'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

                  'size': 2,

                  'status': 'available',

                  'host': HP3PARBaseDriver.FAKE_HOST,

                  'source_volid': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_ID}

        loc_info = 'HP3PARDriver:1234:CPG-FC1'

        host = {'host': 'stack@3parfc1',

                'capabilities': {'location_info': loc_info}}

        result = self.driver.migrate_volume(context.get_admin_context(),

                                            volume, host)


        self.assertEqual((False, None), result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_volume_diff_domain(self):

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getStorageSystemInfo.return_value': {

                'serialNumber': '1234'},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1},


            lambda x: {'OpenStackCPG': {'domain': 'OpenStack'}}.get(x, {})


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = {'name': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_NAME,

                  'id': HP3PARBaseDriver.CLONE_ID,

                  'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

                  'size': 2,

                  'status': 'available',

                  'host': HP3PARBaseDriver.FAKE_HOST,

                  'source_volid': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_ID}

        loc_info = 'HP3PARDriver:1234:CPG-FC1'

        host = {'host': 'stack@3parfc1',

                'capabilities': {'location_info': loc_info}}

        result = self.driver.migrate_volume(context.get_admin_context(),

                                            volume, host)


        self.assertEqual((False, None), result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_migrate_volume_attached(self):

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getStorageSystemInfo.return_value': {

                'serialNumber': '1234'},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1}


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = {'name': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_NAME,

                  'id': HP3PARBaseDriver.CLONE_ID,

                  'display_name': 'Foo Volume',

                  'size': 2,

                  'status': 'in-use',

                  'host': HP3PARBaseDriver.FAKE_HOST,

                  'source_volid': HP3PARBaseDriver.VOLUME_ID}

        volume_name_3par = self.driver.common._encode_name(volume['id'])

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = {

            'members': [{'volumeName': 'osv-' + volume_name_3par}]}

        loc_info = 'HP3PARDriver:1234:CPG-FC1'

        host = {'host': 'stack@3parfc1',

                'capabilities': {'location_info': loc_info}}

        result = self.driver.migrate_volume(context.get_admin_context(),

                                            volume, host)


        self.assertEqual((False, None), result)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_attach_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()






        expected = [






        # test the exception

        mock_client.setVolumeMetaData.side_effect = Exception('Custom ex')








**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_detach_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        self.driver.detach_volume(context.get_admin_context(), self.volume)

        expected = [





        # test the exception

        mock_client.removeVolumeMetaData.side_effect = Exception('Custom ex')





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_snapshot(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()


        commet = (

            '{"volume_id": "761fc5e5-5191-4ec7-aeba-33e36de44156",'

            ' "display_name": "fakesnap",'

            ' "description": "test description name",'

            ' "volume_name": "volume-d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7"}')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





                    'comment': commet,

                    'readOnly': True}),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()


        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot_in_use(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()


        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume, self.snapshot)

        ex = hpexceptions.HTTPConflict("In use")

        mock_client.deleteVolume = mock.Mock(side_effect=ex)

        # Deleting the snapshot that a volume is dependent on should fail




**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_delete_snapshot_not_found(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()



            ex = hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound("not found")

            mock_client.deleteVolume = mock.Mock(side_effect=ex)


        except Exception:

            self.fail("Deleting a snapshot that is missing should act as if "

                      "it worked.")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume, self.snapshot)

        comment = (

            '{"snapshot_id": "2f823bdc-e36e-4dc8-bd15-de1c7a28ff31",'

            ' "display_name": "Foo Volume",'

            ' "volume_id": "d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7"}')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





                    'comment': comment,

                    'readOnly': False}),



        volume = self.volume.copy()

        volume['size'] = 1



                          volume, self.snapshot)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_and_extend(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1},

            'copyVolume.return_value': {'taskid': 1},

            'getVolume.return_value': {}


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = self.volume.copy()

        volume['size'] = self.volume['size'] + 10

        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(volume, self.snapshot)

        comment = (

            '{"snapshot_id": "2f823bdc-e36e-4dc8-bd15-de1c7a28ff31",'

            ' "display_name": "Foo Volume",'

            ' "volume_id": "d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7"}')

        volume_name_3par = self.driver.common._encode_name(volume['id'])

        osv_matcher = 'osv-' + volume_name_3par

        omv_matcher = 'omv-' + volume_name_3par

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





                    'comment': comment,

                    'readOnly': False}),

            mock.call.copyVolume(osv_matcher, omv_matcher, mock.ANY, mock.ANY),




            mock.call.modifyVolume(omv_matcher, {'newName': osv_matcher}),

            mock.call.growVolume(osv_matcher, 10 * 1024),



**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_and_extend_copy_fail(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 4,

                'failure message': 'out of disk space'},

            'copyVolume.return_value': {'taskid': 1},

            'getVolume.return_value': {}


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        volume = self.volume.copy()

        volume['size'] = self.volume['size'] + 10



                          volume, self.snapshot)

    @mock.patch.object(volume_types, 'get_volume_type')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_volume_from_snapshot_qos(self, _mock_volume_types):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        _mock_volume_types.return_value = {

            'name': 'gold',

            'extra_specs': {

                'cpg': HP3PAR_CPG,

                'snap_cpg': HP3PAR_CPG_SNAP,

                'vvs_name': self.VVS_NAME,

                'qos': self.QOS,

                'tpvv': True,

                'volume_type': self.volume_type}}

        self.driver.create_volume_from_snapshot(self.volume_qos, self.snapshot)

        comment = (

            '{"snapshot_id": "2f823bdc-e36e-4dc8-bd15-de1c7a28ff31",'

            ' "display_name": "Foo Volume",'

            ' "volume_id": "d03338a9-9115-48a3-8dfc-35cdfcdc15a7"}')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),



                'oss-L4I73ONuTci9Fd4ceij-MQ', {

                    'comment': comment,

                    'readOnly': False}),



        volume = self.volume.copy()

        volume['size'] = 1



                          volume, self.snapshot)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_terminate_connection(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getHostVLUNs.return_value = [

            {'active': True,

             'volumeName': self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME,

             'lun': None, 'type': 0}]





        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),









**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_update_volume_key_value_pair(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        key = 'a'

        value = 'b'





        expected = [

            mock.call.setVolumeMetaData(self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME, key, value)]


        # check exception

        mock_client.setVolumeMetaData.side_effect = Exception('fake')






**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_clear_volume_key_value_pair(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        key = 'a'

        self.driver.common.clear_volume_key_value_pair(self.volume, key)

        expected = [

            mock.call.removeVolumeMetaData(self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME, key)]


        # check the exception

        mock_client.removeVolumeMetaData.side_effect = Exception('fake')





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extend_volume(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        grow_size = 3

        old_size = self.volume['size']

        new_size = old_size + grow_size

        self.driver.extend_volume(self.volume, str(new_size))

        growth_size_mib = grow_size * units.KiB

        expected = [

            mock.call.growVolume(self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME, growth_size_mib)]


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extend_volume_non_base(self):

        extend_ex = hpexceptions.HTTPForbidden(error={'code': 150})

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1},

            'getCPG.return_value': {},

            'copyVolume.return_value': {'taskid': 1},

            'getVolume.return_value': {},

            # Throw an exception first time only

            'growVolume.side_effect': [extend_ex,



        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        grow_size = 3

        old_size = self.volume['size']

        new_size = old_size + grow_size

        self.driver.extend_volume(self.volume, str(new_size))

        self.assertEqual(2, mock_client.growVolume.call_count)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_extend_volume_non_base_failure(self):

        extend_ex = hpexceptions.HTTPForbidden(error={'code': 150})

        conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]},

            'getTask.return_value': {

                'status': 1},

            'getCPG.return_value': {},

            'copyVolume.return_value': {'taskid': 1},

            'getVolume.return_value': {},

            # Always fail

            'growVolume.side_effect': extend_ex


        mock_client = self.setup_driver(mock_conf=conf)

        grow_size = 3

        old_size = self.volume['size']

        new_size = old_size + grow_size





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_ports(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = {

            'members': [

                {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                 'protocol': 2,

                 'IPAddr': '',

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'device': [],

                 'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21810002ac00383d',

                 'mode': 2,

                 'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D2',

                 'type': 8},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'protocol': 2,

                 'IPAddr': '',

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'device': [],

                 'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21810002ac00383d',

                 'mode': 2,

                 'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D6',

                 'type': 8},

                {'portWWN': '20210002AC00383D',

                 'protocol': 1,

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'mode': 2,

                 'device': ['cage2'],

                 'nodeWWN': '20210002AC00383D',

                 'type': 2,

                 'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 6, 'cardPort': 3}}]}

        ports = self.driver.common.get_ports()['members']

        self.assertEqual(len(ports), 3)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_by_qos_spec_with_scoping(self):


        qos_ref = qos_specs.create(self.ctxt, 'qos-specs-1', self.QOS)

        type_ref = volume_types.create(self.ctxt,

                                       "type1", {"qos:maxIOPS": "100",

                                                 "qos:maxBWS": "50",

                                                 "qos:minIOPS": "10",

                                                 "qos:minBWS": "20",

                                                 "qos:latency": "5",

                                                 "qos:priority": "high"})




        type_ref = volume_types.get_volume_type(self.ctxt, type_ref['id'])

        qos = self.driver.common._get_qos_by_volume_type(type_ref)

        self.assertEqual(qos, {'maxIOPS': '1000', 'maxBWS': '50',

                               'minIOPS': '100', 'minBWS': '25',

                               'latency': '25', 'priority': 'low'})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_by_qos_spec(self):


        qos_ref = qos_specs.create(self.ctxt, 'qos-specs-1', self.QOS_SPECS)

        type_ref = volume_types.create(self.ctxt,

                                       "type1", {"qos:maxIOPS": "100",

                                                 "qos:maxBWS": "50",

                                                 "qos:minIOPS": "10",

                                                 "qos:minBWS": "20",

                                                 "qos:latency": "5",

                                                 "qos:priority": "high"})




        type_ref = volume_types.get_volume_type(self.ctxt, type_ref['id'])

        qos = self.driver.common._get_qos_by_volume_type(type_ref)

        self.assertEqual(qos, {'maxIOPS': '1000', 'maxBWS': '50',

                               'minIOPS': '100', 'minBWS': '25',

                               'latency': '25', 'priority': 'low'})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_by_qos_by_type_only(self):


        type_ref = volume_types.create(self.ctxt,

                                       "type1", {"qos:maxIOPS": "100",

                                                 "qos:maxBWS": "50",

                                                 "qos:minIOPS": "10",

                                                 "qos:minBWS": "20",

                                                 "qos:latency": "5",

                                                 "qos:priority": "high"})

        type_ref = volume_types.get_volume_type(self.ctxt, type_ref['id'])

        qos = self.driver.common._get_qos_by_volume_type(type_ref)

        self.assertEqual(qos, {'maxIOPS': '100', 'maxBWS': '50',

                               'minIOPS': '10', 'minBWS': '20',

                               'latency': '5', 'priority': 'high'})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestHP3PARFCDriver(HP3PARBaseDriver, test.TestCase):

properties = {

'driver_volume_type': 'fibre_channel',

'data': {

'target_lun': 90,

'target_wwn': ['0987654321234', '123456789000987'],

'target_discovered': True,

'initiator_target_map': {'123456789012345':

['0987654321234', '123456789000987'],


['0987654321234', '123456789000987'],


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestHP3PARFCDriver, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tearDown(self):

        super(TestHP3PARFCDriver, self).tearDown()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_driver(self, config=None, mock_conf=None):

        self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        mock_client = self.setup_mock_client(




        expected = [








            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





        return mock_client

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initialize_connection(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [


            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

                'FCPaths': [{'driverVersion': None,

                             'firmwareVersion': None,

                             'hostSpeed': 0,

                             'model': None,

                             'portPos': {'cardPort': 1, 'node': 1,

                                         'slot': 2},

                             'vendor': None,

                             'wwn': self.wwn[0]},

                            {'driverVersion': None,

                             'firmwareVersion': None,

                             'hostSpeed': 0,

                             'model': None,

                             'portPos': {'cardPort': 1, 'node': 0,

                                         'slot': 2},

                             'vendor': None,

                             'wwn': self.wwn[1]}]}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = self.FAKE_HOST

        mock_client.getHostVLUNs.return_value = [

            {'active': True,

             'volumeName': self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME,

             'lun': 90, 'type': 0}]

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = {

            'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]}

        result = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),














        self.assertDictMatch(result, self.properties)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_terminate_connection(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getHostVLUNs.return_value = [

            {'active': True,

             'volumeName': self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME,

             'lun': None, 'type': 0}]

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = {

            'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]}





        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),










**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_volume_stats(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = self.cpgs[0]

        mock_client.getStorageSystemInfo.return_value = {'serialNumber':


        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'FC')

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'FC')

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        cpg2 = self.cpgs[0].copy()

        cpg2.update({'SDGrowth': {'limitMiB': 8192}})

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = cpg2

        const = 0.0009765625

        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'FC')

        total_capacity_gb = 8192 * const

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], total_capacity_gb)

        free_capacity_gb = int(

            (8192 - self.cpgs[0]['UsrUsage']['usedMiB']) * const)

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], free_capacity_gb)


        self.driver.common.client.createCPG(HP3PAR_CPG, {})

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [


            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

                'FCPaths': [{'driverVersion': None,

                             'firmwareVersion': None,

                             'hostSpeed': 0,

                             'model': None,

                             'portPos': {'cardPort': 1, 'node': 1,

                                         'slot': 2},

                             'vendor': None,

                             'wwn': self.wwn[0]},

                            {'driverVersion': None,

                             'firmwareVersion': None,

                             'hostSpeed': 0,

                             'model': None,

                             'portPos': {'cardPort': 1, 'node': 0,

                                         'slot': 2},

                             'vendor': None,

                             'wwn': self.wwn[1]}]}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = None

        mock_client.getVLUN.return_value = {'lun': 186}

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [








                FCWwns=['123456789012345', '123456789054321'],

                optional={'domain': None, 'persona': 1}),



        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_invalid_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [

            hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound('Host not found.'), {

                'name': 'fakehost.foo',

                'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789012345'}, {

                    'wwn': '123456789054321'}]}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = 'fakehost.foo'

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [







        self.assertEqual(host['name'], 'fakehost.foo')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_modify_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [{

            'name': self.FAKE_HOST, 'FCPaths': []},

            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

                'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789012345'}, {

                    'wwn': '123456789054321'}]}]

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [





                'fakehost', {

                    'FCWWNs': ['123456789012345', '123456789054321'],

                    'pathOperation': 1}),



        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

        self.assertEqual(len(host['FCPaths']), 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_modify_host_with_new_wwn(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        getHost_ret1 = {

            'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

            'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789054321'}]}

        getHost_ret2 = {

            'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

            'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789012345'},

                        {'wwn': '123456789054321'}]}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [getHost_ret1, getHost_ret2]

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [





                'fakehost', {

                    'FCWWNs': ['123456789012345'], 'pathOperation': 1}),



        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

        self.assertEqual(len(host['FCPaths']), 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_modify_host_with_unknown_wwn_and_new_wwn(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        getHost_ret1 = {

            'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

            'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789054321'},

                        {'wwn': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}]}

        getHost_ret2 = {

            'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

            'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789012345'},

                        {'wwn': '123456789054321'},

                        {'wwn': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'}]}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [getHost_ret1, getHost_ret2]

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [





                'fakehost', {

                    'FCWWNs': ['123456789012345'], 'pathOperation': 1}),



        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

        self.assertEqual(len(host['FCPaths']), 3)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class TestHP3PARISCSIDriver(HP3PARBaseDriver, test.TestCase):

TARGET_IQN = 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21810002ac00383d'


properties = {

'driver_volume_type': 'iscsi',


{'target_discovered': True,

'target_iqn': TARGET_IQN,

'target_lun': TARGET_LUN,

'target_portal': ''}}

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setUp(self):

        super(TestHP3PARISCSIDriver, self).setUp()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def tearDown(self):

        super(TestHP3PARISCSIDriver, self).tearDown()

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def setup_driver(self, config=None, mock_conf=None):

        self.ctxt = context.get_admin_context()

        # setup_mock_client default config, if necessary

        if mock_conf is None:

            mock_conf = {

                'getPorts.return_value': {

                    'members': self.FAKE_FC_PORTS + [self.FAKE_ISCSI_PORT]}}

        mock_client = self.setup_mock_client(




        expected = [








            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),



            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





        return mock_client

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_initialize_connection(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [


            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = self.FAKE_HOST

        mock_client.getHostVLUNs.return_value = [

            {'active': True,

             'volumeName': self.VOLUME_3PAR_NAME,

             'lun': self.TARGET_LUN, 'type': 0}]

        result = self.driver.initialize_connection(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),










                portPos={'node': 8, 'slot': 1, 'cardPort': 1}),




        self.assertDictMatch(result, self.properties)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_volume_stats(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = self.cpgs[0]

        mock_client.getStorageSystemInfo.return_value = {'serialNumber':


        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'iSCSI')

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        expected = [

            mock.call.login(HP3PAR_USER_NAME, HP3PAR_USER_PASS),





        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'iSCSI')

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], 'infinite')

        cpg2 = self.cpgs[0].copy()

        cpg2.update({'SDGrowth': {'limitMiB': 8192}})

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = cpg2

        const = 0.0009765625

        stats = self.driver.get_volume_stats(True)

        self.assertEqual(stats['storage_protocol'], 'iSCSI')

        total_capacity_gb = 8192 * const

        self.assertEqual(stats['total_capacity_gb'], total_capacity_gb)

        free_capacity_gb = int(

            (8192 - self.cpgs[0]['UsrUsage']['usedMiB']) * const)

        self.assertEqual(stats['free_capacity_gb'], free_capacity_gb)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [


            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = None

        mock_client.getVLUN.return_value = {'lun': self.TARGET_LUN}

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [







                optional={'domain': None, 'persona': 1},




        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_invalid_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [

            hpexceptions.HTTPNotFound('Host not found.'),

            {'name': 'fakehost.foo'}]

        mock_client.findHost.return_value = 'fakehost.foo'

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [







        self.assertEqual(host['name'], 'fakehost.foo')

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_create_modify_host(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getVolume.return_value = {'userCPG': HP3PAR_CPG}

        mock_client.getCPG.return_value = {}

        mock_client.getHost.side_effect = [

            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST, 'FCPaths': []},

            {'name': self.FAKE_HOST,

             'FCPaths': [{'wwn': '123456789012345'},

                         {'wwn': '123456789054321'}]}]

        host = self.driver._create_host(self.volume, self.connector)

        expected = [






                {'pathOperation': 1,

                    'iSCSINames': ['iqn.1993-08.org.debian:01:222']}),



        self.assertEqual(host['name'], self.FAKE_HOST)

        self.assertEqual(len(host['FCPaths']), 2)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_least_used_nsp_for_host_single(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = PORTS_RET

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = VLUNS1_RET

        #Setup a single ISCSI IP

        iscsi_ips = [""]

        self.driver.configuration.hp3par_iscsi_ips = iscsi_ips


        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp_for_host('newhost')

        self.assertEqual(nsp, "1:8:1")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_least_used_nsp_for_host_new(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = PORTS_RET

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = VLUNS1_RET

        #Setup two ISCSI IPs

        iscsi_ips = ["", ""]

        self.driver.configuration.hp3par_iscsi_ips = iscsi_ips


        # Host 'newhost' does not yet have any iscsi paths,

        # so the 'least used' is returned

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp_for_host('newhost')

        self.assertEqual(nsp, "1:8:2")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_least_used_nsp_for_host_reuse(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = PORTS_RET

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = VLUNS1_RET

        #Setup two ISCSI IPs

        iscsi_ips = ["", ""]

        self.driver.configuration.hp3par_iscsi_ips = iscsi_ips


        # hosts 'foo' and 'bar' already have active iscsi paths

        # the same one should be used

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp_for_host('foo')

        self.assertEqual(nsp, "1:8:2")

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp_for_host('bar')

        self.assertEqual(nsp, "1:8:1")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_least_used_nps_for_host_fc(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        mock_client.getPorts.return_value = PORTS1_RET

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = VLUNS5_RET

        #Setup two ISCSI IPs

        iscsi_ips = ["", ""]

        self.driver.configuration.hp3par_iscsi_ips = iscsi_ips


        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp_for_host('newhost')

        self.assertNotEqual(nsp, "0:6:3")

        self.assertEqual(nsp, "1:8:1")

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_invalid_iscsi_ip(self):

        config = self.setup_configuration()

        config.hp3par_iscsi_ips = ['', '']

        config.iscsi_ip_address = ''

        mock_conf = {

            'getPorts.return_value': {

                'members': [

                    {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                     'protocol': 2,

                     'IPAddr': '',

                     'linkState': 4,

                     'device': [],

                     'iSCSIName': self.TARGET_IQN,

                     'mode': 2,

                     'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D2',

                     'type': 8},

                    {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                     'protocol': 2,

                     'IPAddr': '',

                     'linkState': 4,

                     'device': [],

                     'iSCSIName': self.TARGET_IQN,

                     'mode': 2,

                     'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D6',

                     'type': 8}]}}

        # no valid ip addr should be configured.





**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def test_get_least_used_nsp(self):

        # setup_mock_client drive with default configuration

        # and return the mock HTTP 3PAR client

        mock_client = self.setup_driver()

        ports = [

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 2}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True}]

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = {'members': ports}

        # in use count

        vluns = self.driver.common.client.getVLUNs()

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp(vluns['members'],

                                              ['0:2:1', '1:8:1'])

        self.assertEqual(nsp, '1:8:1')

        ports = [

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True}]

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = {'members': ports}

        # in use count

        vluns = self.driver.common.client.getVLUNs()

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp(vluns['members'],

                                              ['0:2:1', '1:2:1'])

        self.assertEqual(nsp, '1:2:1')

        ports = [

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True},

            {'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 2, 'cardPort': 1}, 'active': True}]

        mock_client.getVLUNs.return_value = {'members': ports}

        # in use count

        vluns = self.driver.common.client.getVLUNs()

        nsp = self.driver._get_least_used_nsp(vluns['members'],

                                              ['1:1:1', '1:2:1'])

        self.assertEqual(nsp, '1:1:1')

VLUNS5_RET = ({'members':

               [{'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                 'active': True},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'active': True}]})

PORTS_RET = ({'members':

              [{'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                'protocol': 2,

                'IPAddr': '',

                'linkState': 4,

                'device': [],

                'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21820002ac00383d',

                'mode': 2,

                'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D2',

                'type': 8},

               {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                'protocol': 2,

                'IPAddr': '',

                'linkState': 4,

                'device': [],

                'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21810002ac00383d',

                'mode': 2,

                'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D6',

                'type': 8}]})

VLUNS1_RET = ({'members':

               [{'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                 'hostname': 'foo', 'active': True},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'hostname': 'bar', 'active': True},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'hostname': 'bar', 'active': True},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'hostname': 'bar', 'active': True}]})

PORTS1_RET = ({'members':

               [{'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 2},

                 'protocol': 2,

                 'IPAddr': '',

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'device': [],

                 'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21820002ac00383d',

                 'mode': 2,

                 'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D2',

                 'type': 8},

                {'portPos': {'node': 1, 'slot': 8, 'cardPort': 1},

                 'protocol': 2,

                 'IPAddr': '',

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'device': [],

                 'iSCSIName': 'iqn.2000-05.com.3pardata:21810002ac00383d',

                 'mode': 2,

                 'HWAddr': '2C27D75375D6',

                 'type': 8},

                {'portWWN': '20210002AC00383D',

                 'protocol': 1,

                 'linkState': 4,

                 'mode': 2,

                 'device': ['cage2'],

                 'nodeWWN': '20210002AC00383D',

                 'type': 2,

                 'portPos': {'node': 0, 'slot': 6, 'cardPort': 3}}]})