

OpenStack Study: utils.py

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**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

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# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.


# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may

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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software

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import base64

from Crypto.Hash import HMAC

from Crypto import Random

from cinder.openstack.common.gettextutils import _ # noqa

from cinder.openstack.common import importutils

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class CryptoutilsException(Exception):

"""Generic Exception for Crypto utilities."""

message = _("An unknown error occurred in crypto utils.")

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class CipherBlockLengthTooBig(CryptoutilsException):

"""The block size is too big."""

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    def __init__(self, requested, permitted):

        msg = _("Block size of %(given)d is too big, max = %(maximum)d")

        message = msg % {'given': requested, 'maximum': permitted}

        super(CryptoutilsException, self).__init__(message)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HKDFOutputLengthTooLong(CryptoutilsException):

"""The amount of Key Material asked is too much."""

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    def __init__(self, requested, permitted):

        msg = _("Length of %(given)d is too long, max = %(maximum)d")

        message = msg % {'given': requested, 'maximum': permitted}

        super(CryptoutilsException, self).__init__(message)

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class HKDF(object):

"""An HMAC-based Key Derivation Function implementation (RFC5869)

This class creates an object that allows to use HKDF to derive keys.


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    def __init__(self, hashtype='SHA256'):

        self.hashfn = importutils.import_module('Crypto.Hash.' + hashtype)

        self.max_okm_length = 255 * self.hashfn.digest_size

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    def extract(self, ikm, salt=None):

        """An extract function that can be used to derive a robust key given

        weak Input Key Material (IKM) which could be a password.

        Returns a pseudorandom key (of HashLen octets)

        :param ikm: input keying material (ex a password)

        :param salt: optional salt value (a non-secret random value)


        if salt is None:

            salt = '\x00' * self.hashfn.digest_size

        return HMAC.new(salt, ikm, self.hashfn).digest()

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    def expand(self, prk, info, length):

        """An expand function that will return arbitrary length output that can

        be used as keys.

        Returns a buffer usable as key material.

        :param prk: a pseudorandom key of at least HashLen octets

        :param info: optional string (can be a zero-length string)

        :param length: length of output keying material (<= 255 * HashLen)


        if length > self.max_okm_length:

            raise HKDFOutputLengthTooLong(length, self.max_okm_length)

        N = (length + self.hashfn.digest_size - 1) / self.hashfn.digest_size

        okm = ""

        tmp = ""

        for block in range(1, N + 1):

            tmp = HMAC.new(prk, tmp + info + chr(block), self.hashfn).digest()

            okm += tmp

        return okm[:length]


**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

class SymmetricCrypto(object):

"""Symmetric Key Crypto object.

This class creates a Symmetric Key Crypto object that can be used

to encrypt, decrypt, or sign arbitrary data.

:param enctype: Encryption Cipher name (

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def __init__(self, enctype='AES', hashtype='SHA256'):

        self.cipher = importutils.import_module('Crypto.Cipher.' + enctype)

        self.hashfn = importutils.import_module('Crypto.Hash.' + hashtype)

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    def new_key(self, size):

        return Random.new().read(size)

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    def encrypt(self, key, msg, b64encode=True):

        """Encrypt the provided msg and returns the cyphertext optionally

        base64 encoded.

        Uses AES-128-CBC with a Random IV by default.

        The plaintext is padded to reach blocksize length.

        The last byte of the block is the length of the padding.

        The length of the padding does not include the length byte itself.

        :param key: The Encryption key.

        :param msg: the plain text.

        :returns encblock: a block of encrypted data.


        iv = Random.new().read(self.cipher.block_size)

        cipher = self.cipher.new(key, self.cipher.MODE_CBC, iv)

        # CBC mode requires a fixed block size. Append padding and length of

        # padding.

        if self.cipher.block_size > MAX_CB_SIZE:

            raise CipherBlockLengthTooBig(self.cipher.block_size, MAX_CB_SIZE)

        r = len(msg) % self.cipher.block_size

        padlen = self.cipher.block_size - r - 1

        msg += '\x00' * padlen

        msg += chr(padlen)

        enc = iv + cipher.encrypt(msg)

        if b64encode:

            enc = base64.b64encode(enc)

        return enc

**** CubicPower OpenStack Study ****

    def decrypt(self, key, msg, b64decode=True):

        """Decrypts the provided ciphertext, optionally base 64 encoded, and

        returns the plaintext message, after padding is removed.

        Uses AES-128-CBC with an IV by default.

        :param key: The Encryption key.

        :param msg: the ciphetext, the first block is the IV


        if b64decode:

            msg = base64.b64decode(msg)

        iv = msg[:self.cipher.block_size]

        cipher = self.cipher.new(key, self.cipher.MODE_CBC, iv)

        padded = cipher.decrypt(msg[self.cipher.block_size:])

        l = ord(padded[-1]) + 1

        plain = padded[:-l]

        return plain

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    def sign(self, key, msg, b64encode=True):

        """Signs a message string and returns a base64 encoded signature.

        Uses HMAC-SHA-256 by default.

        :param key: The Signing key.

        :param msg: the message to sign.


        h = HMAC.new(key, msg, self.hashfn)

        out = h.digest()

        if b64encode:

            out = base64.b64encode(out)

        return out