

python Programming Glossary: illustrate

How to modify the local namespace in python


to f but it's quicker to give a trivial stupid example to illustrate the problem def g pass def f g f.add_to_locals 'g' g python..

How can I profile a SQLAlchemy powered application?


to complete the SQL part of things. Logging SQL will also illustrate if dozens hundreds of queries are being issued which could be..

Why can't you add attributes to object in python? [duplicate]


'__repr__' '__setattr__' '__str__' An example to illustrate this behavior in a derived class class Foo object ... __slots__..

Programmatically saving image to Django ImageField


Django try to create. In case that was unclear I'll try to illustrate ## Image generation code runs.... Upload generated_image.jpg..

Popen waiting for child process even when the immediate child has terminated


B is not an option. Here is a functional sample code to illustrate this issue https dl.dropbox.com u 15468178 popen.zip Any input..

Grokking Timsort


I was curious if anybody can provide some pseudocode to illustrate what Timsort is doing exactly and what are the key things that..

How to detect a Christmas Tree?


bunch of other intermediate values # that will be used to illustrate how the algorithm works borderseg X labels Xslice findtree rgbimg..

Python regex - r prefix


part of the string not as a line continuation. To better illustrate this last point r' ' SyntaxError EOL while scanning string literal..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


trying to solve it so let's write a canonical example to illustrate how this is done using multiprocessing . Here is the example..

Python 'self' explained


needs to be added to every function as a parameter. To illustrate in Ruby I can do this class myClass def myFunc name @name name..

Python - doctest vs. unittest


code the goal is to thoroughly test every case rather than illustrate what is does by example which is a different goal which I think..

How do I build a numpy array from a generator?


can I build a numpy array out of a generator object Let me illustrate the problem import numpy def gimme ... for x in xrange 10 .....

Python - Using __getattribute__ method


__getattribute__ I tried the following which should also illustrate what I'm trying to do but I get a recursion error class D object..

How do I connect sphinx's autodoc-skip-member to my function?


from the sphinx docs and I can't find any examples that illustrate where do I put the code to connect this I see Sphinx.connect..

Change to sudo user within a python script


password the program should run in the following way to illustrate the issue program running as normal user ...... performing operations..

Using Scrapy with authenticated (logged in) user session


In the Scrapy docs there is the following example to illustrate how to use an authenticated session in Scrapy class LoginSpider..

Searching a list of objects in Python


with a certain attribute. Below is a trivial example to illustrate what I'm trying to do. For instance class Data pass myList for..

Twisted: Making code non-blocking


numberin if numberin n 0 return False return True just to illustrate . Now lets say there is a webserver which needs to call IsPrime..

Tkinter - when do I need to call mainloop?


the actual names of the methods the names merely serve to illustrate the point while True event wait_for_event event.process if main_window_has_been_destroyed..

python and %s


when you only have one string using a tuple is optional to illustrate that multiple strings can be inserted and formatted in one statement...