

python Programming Glossary: iirc

Start Another Program From Python >Separately<


this is neither supported nor portable. In particular IIRC it will not work on OS X 10.5 . However I believe that making..

How does the function that is called inside the class declaration?


was first developed back in the days of python 2.3 IIRC . Now that we do have class decorators zope.interface.implements..

os.path.islink on windows with python


then is that there was no such thing until late 2009. IIRC support was included in the 6.0 kernel but userland support..

Prototyping with Python code before compiling


some core routines in a compiled language eventually. IIRC one of Python's original remits was as a prototyping language..

How do I deploy a Python desktop application?


a secret you shouldn't run it on other people's machines. IIRC the last time I used cx_Freeze it created a DLL for Windows..

CPython memory allocation [closed]


would tell you. And it would be pretty version specific. IIRC the exact number even changed within the 3.3 tree as there was..

SUDS - programmatic access to methods and types


call a la client.service.GetWeatherByZipCode 12345 . IIRC this is SOAP RPC binding style I think there's enough information..

Is there any difference between “foo is None” and “foo == None”?


uses the latter. None is an instance and the only instance IIRC of NoneType so it shouldn't matter right Are there any circumstances..

How does Dropbox use Python on Windows and OS X?


Mac vary by OS version and Dropbox supports back to 10.4 IIRC also they've customized the Python interpreter a bit to improve..

How to correct bugs in this Damerau-Levenshtein implementation?


the flag if is_surrogate lo unsigned int ord text idx # IIRC this formula was documented in Unicode 3 cid hi _UMX_surrogate_hi_lower_bound..

Embedding Python in an iPhone app


it'll be linked and signed just like the rest of your app. IIRC it has been a while since I've built python by hand the out..

Using Python code coverage tool for understanding and pruning back source code of a large library


you must have. Python makes this very hard in general IIRC I'm not a deep Python expert because of dynamic dispatch and..

How to install easy_install in Python 2.7.1 on Windows 7


improve this question I usually just run ez_setup.py . IIRC that works fine at least with UAC off. It also creates an easy_install..

Python: override __str__ in an exception instance


new style classes which are the only classes in Python 3.x IIRC . You can read more about it here http mail.python.org pipermail..

Python's bz2 module not compiled by default


v6.194 #1 SMP Tue Jun 6 15 52 09 PDT 2006 i686 GNU Linux IIRC I used only prefix flag. python c compiler share improve..