

python Programming Glossary: ii

What determines whether different Python processes are assigned to the same or different cores?


# some very boneheaded CPU work for nn in xrange 1000 for ii in data 0 for jj in data 1 ii jj def run niter 10 data np.random.randn.. for nn in xrange 1000 for ii in data 0 for jj in data 1 ii jj def run niter 10 data np.random.randn 2 100 for ii in xrange.. 1 ii jj def run niter 10 data np.random.randn 2 100 for ii in xrange niter pool Parallel n_jobs 1 verbose 1 pre_dispatch..

SendKeys for Python 3.1 on Windows


class cls_Input ct.Structure _fields_ type ct.c_ulong ii cls_Input_I def find_window s_app_name try window1 FindWindow.. l_keys ki cls_KeyBdInput n_key 0 n_updown 0 p_ExtraInfo_0 ii cls_Input_I ii.ki ki l_inputs.append ii n_inputs len l_inputs.. n_key 0 n_updown 0 p_ExtraInfo_0 ii cls_Input_I ii.ki ki l_inputs.append ii n_inputs len l_inputs l_inputs_2 for..

Implementing a Patricia Trie for use as a dictionary


data '' '' return else i len node 0 data node 1 else ii i j 0 while ii len word and j len node 0 and word ii ii 1.. else i len node 0 data node 1 else ii i j 0 while ii len word and j len node 0 and word ii ii 1 node 0 j j 1 ii.. ii i j 0 while ii len word and j len node 0 and word ii ii 1 node 0 j j 1 ii 1 j 1 tmpdata tmpdata node 0 j j 1..

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


504193 how to write the fibonacci sequence in python part ii that I need to pass the startNumber and endNumber through a..

Fast tensor rotation with NumPy


3 for j in range 3 for k in range 3 for l in range 3 for ii in range 3 for jj in range 3 for kk in range 3 for ll in.. in range 3 for kk in range 3 for ll in range 3 gg g ii i g jj j g kk k g ll l Tprime i j k l Tprime i j k l gg.. jj j g kk k g ll l Tprime i j k l Tprime i j k l gg T ii jj kk ll return Tprime if __name__ __main__ T np.array 4.66533067e..

NumPy: calculate averages with NaNs removed


import nanmean dat np.random.normal size 1000 1000 ii np.ix_ np.random.randint 0 99 size 50 np.random.randint 0 99.. 0 99 size 50 np.random.randint 0 99 size 50 dat ii np.nan method1 mdat np.ma.masked_array dat np.isnan dat mm np.mean..

Extracting values of elements in a list of dictionaries


Bistrot' u'thread' u'Sujet Topic Unique News Transformers III' u'thread' u'Sujet Topic Unique News Scream 4 Infos photos.. Unique Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort Partie II News Photo Bande annonce ' u'thread' u'Commentaire sur Twilight.. Unique Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort Partie II News Photo Bande annonce ' u'thread' u'Sujet Commentaire sur..

pyobjc indexed accessor method with range


c_array_length_in_arg 2 1 2 1 dict type b' _NSRange II ' type64 b' _NSRange QQ ' Examples and some details of the.. the QQ meaning two unsigned long long s should become II meaning two unsigned int s 2 Located on Snow Leopard at System..

Python, Tkinter, Scrollbar and Text Field


place. You can read about them at effbot bottom of section II . You can use the grid manager's row and column options to position..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


Method design pattern applications see here and here part II for more on the TM DP in general and specifically in Python..

Obtain MAC Address from Devices using Python


I'm looking for a way with python to obtain the layer II address from a device on my local network. Layer III addresses.. layer II address from a device on my local network. Layer III addresses are known. The goal is to build a script that will..

Compare two images the python/linux way


anybody tell me what a suitable cutoff should be Update II The difference between a.jpg and b.jpg is that the second one..

Iterating through a JSON object


Justin Bieber AlbumID 4104002 AlbumName My World Part II nhttp tinysong.com gQsw LongLink 11578982 GroovesharkLink 11578982..

How to select following sibling/xml tag using xpath


AMD td tr tr td class name Series td td class desc Phenom II X4 td tr tr td class name Cores td td class desc 4 td tr tr..

Matplotlib autoscale


find anywhere where any kind of sizing is set nor can II find details on what defaults are. I need the window to automatically..

Preserving styles using python's xlrd,xlwt, and xlutils.copy


# END HACK PART I outSheet.write row col value # HACK PART II if previousCell newCell _getOutCell outSheet col row if newCell..

Compiling an IronPython WPF project to exe


screenshot of my project's solution explorer window. Edit II It seems that unfortunately the only way is to use pyc.py and.. Is the hierarchy somehow 'preserved' in the dll Edit III Since passing 70 filenames to pyc.py through the command line..

How to write the Fibonacci Sequence in Python


range startNumber endNumber Someone pointed out in my Part II which was closed for being a duplicate http stackoverflow.com..

Decode json and Iterate through items in django template


u'http listen.grooveshark.com playlist Man_On_The_Moon_II _The_Legend_Of_Mr._Rager 38994029' u'Cache' u'FromCache' True.. True u'PlaylistID' u'38994029' u'Name' u'Man On The Moon II The Legend Of Mr. Rager' u'ModifiedTime' u'1289301711' u'Url'..

Sentiment analysis for Twitter in Python


can look at the course page for Computational Linguistics II to get an idea of how to make it work and what previous applications..

ANTLR get and split lexer content


is created COMMENT aaa1 COMMENT bbb COMMENT ccc aaa2 EDIT II I mind as well show how you can invoke the Comment parser from..