

python Programming Glossary: ignoring

Python faster than compiled Haskell?


hence fails the ready for the 21st century test by totally ignoring the problem of file encodings for ULTIMATE BARE METAL SPEED...

Python metaclasses: Why isn't __setattr__ called for attributes set during class definition?


metaclass or whether there's a metaclass conflict but I'm ignoring that here . The metaclass' __setattr__ can control what happens..

bitwise XOR of hex numbers in python


Try print hex 0x12ef ^ 0xabcd 0xb922 You seem to be ignoring these handy facts at least Python has native support for hexadecimal..

matplotlib: drawing lines between points ignoring missing data


drawing lines between points ignoring missing data I have a set of data which I want plotted as a..

Remove duplicates in a list while keeping its order (Python)


is again with added emphasis to see if you can just keep ignoring it... Probably the fastest approach for a really big list if..

How do I represent and work with n-bit vectors in Python?


I am thinking of perhaps making a 24 bit 3 byte vector and ignoring the 4 bits. python bit manipulation bitarray bitvector share..

UTF-8 HTML and CSS files with BOM (and how to remove the BOM with Python)


Migrating attributes back to the original html element and ignoring the tag. Chrome seems to generate an html tag automatically..

Why does Python's __import__ require fromlist?


non empty. What is the point of requiring an argument then ignoring its values Most stuff in Python seems to be done for good reason..

Can iterators be reset in Python?


I see many answers suggesting itertools.tee but that's ignoring one crucial warning in the docs for it This itertool may require..

MANIFEST.in ignored on “python setup.py install” - no data files installed?


install to create this directory structure It seems to be ignoring my manifest file as far as I can tell. python build install..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


since what Windows 3.0 PowerShell was basically created by ignoring everything Microsoft has ever done COMMAND.COM CMD.EXE VBScript..

Why do you have to call .iteritems() when iterating over a dictionary in python?


means checking the presence of the key only and completely ignoring the value. On the other hand wanting to loop just on keys is..

Python threading ignores KeyboardInterrupt exception


use thread.join but that seems to block the main process ignoring KeyboardInterrupt until the thread is finished. thread.daemon..

Encoding error in Python with Chinese characters


to resync with the NEXT byte. However it seems to be ignoring both the x80 AND the following byte ' x80abcd'.decode 'gb18030'..

How do I disable a PyLint warning?


so PyLint does recognize the option properly it's just ignoring it. Is this a PyLint bug or am I doing something wrong Is there..

How can I print and display subprocess stdout and stderr output without distortion?


# Helper function to read some data from a file descriptor ignoring EAGAIN errors def read_async fd try return fd.read except IOError..

Need help installing lxml on os x 10.7


see messages like this during the lxml install ld warning ignoring file private tmp easy_install 83mJsV lxml 2.3.1 build tmp libxml2..

Split a string by spaces — preserving quoted substrings — in Python


to write something in Python to split it up by space while ignoring spaces within quotes. The result I'm looking for is 'this' 'is'..