

python Programming Glossary: ignored

Why does Python pep-8 strongly recommend spaces over tabs for indentation?


the BDFL were a proponent of the use of tabs he would have ignored that argument For all other purposes you can either take this..

Peak-finding algorithm for Python/SciPy


smaller peaks that are just caused by noise that should be ignored. These are just examples not my actual data 1 dimensional peaks..

Lost connection to MySQL server during query


of MySQLdb.cursors.SSCursor object at 0x7f7e3c8da410 ignored # Do you have any idea python mysql share improve this question..

DatabaseError: current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block


current transaction is aborted commands ignored until end of transaction block I got a lot of errors with the.. DatabaseError current transaction is aborted commands ignored until end of transaction block after changed from python psycopg..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


call time.sleep socket.accept ... the exception is simply ignored. If you are sure that your exception should terminate the thread..

A weighted version of random.choice


they can have more than two items the rest will just be ignored. The first item is the thing being chosen the second item is..

Peak detection in a 2D array


as pp #for some reason I had to reshape. Numpy ignored the shape header. paws_data np.loadtxt paws.txt .reshape 4 11..

Python: Is there a way to determine the encoding of text file?


Thanks for your help Edit As a side question it can be ignored if you want but why is the type of encoding not put into the..

UnicodeDecodeError when redirecting to file


2 string array of bytes . This distinction has been mostly ignored for a long time because of the historic ubiquity of encodings..

In Python, what does preceding a string literal with “r” mean?


as a raw string which means all escape codes will be ignored. For an example ' n' will be treated as a newline character..

Efficient way of parsing fixed width files in Python


struct fieldwidths 2 10 24 # negative widths represent ignored padding fields fmtstring ' '.join ' '.format abs fw 'x' if fw.. n' fieldwidths 2 10 24 # negative widths represent ignored padding fields parse make_parser fieldwidths fields parse line..

Reversing a regular expression in python


up to groups this seems like a reasonable subset and I ignored some details like line endings. Error handling etc. is left..

Static methods in Python?


as C.f or on an instance such as C .f . The instance is ignored except for its class. Static methods in Python are similar to..

Java raw audio output


the sample rate to one of the four allowable rates. Is ignored otherwise. public void setSampleRate int sR switch sR case..

Dynamically set local variable in Python


that assignment to elements of the dictionary are ignored I originally wrote that this was the case . Modifications to..

What does python file extensions, .pyc .pyd .pyo stand for?


When O is used all bytecode is optimized .pyc files are ignored and .py files are compiled to optimized bytecode. Passing two..

spawning process from python


fd except OSError # ERROR fd wasn't open to begin with ignored pass # redirect stdin stdout and stderr to dev null os.open..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


ws # run doesn't return anything so `map ` results can be ignored subprocess threading manual pool solution # usr bin env python..