php Programming Glossary: session's
php: sessions vs. database every time from the db MySQL leaving just an ID in the session's array or store them directly in the session's array And is the.. an ID in the session's array or store them directly in the session's array And is the difference in performance terms so great given..
PHP Session Data Not Being Stored the data i want it to in the session. I even checked the session's file and it was empty. I have session_start on all the pages... access to those files ^^ What are the permissions on the session's directory and on the empty files that get created I'm beginning..
session should never expire by itself browser so he will be disconnected no matter how long the session's lifetime is. With the solution I propose you are the one who..
php observer pattern to log user out when session times out to begin on the session side. Can I tie a callback to the session's timeout are these things built into any available pear or zend..
PHP - ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 5) - Why it doesn't end the session? OPEN IN USE . Since you've not closed 'd your session your session's file is still in use so will not get deleted. Now if you did..
How to tell if a session is active? a session then close it session_id will return the prior session's ID while SID will be defined. Likewise calling session_start..
Alert user if session is going to expire, option to renew session If the file uses sessions this will work to touch the session's lifetime After making the request set another setTimeout that..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking session identifiers. Regenerate the session ID anytime the session's status changes. That means any of the following User authentication..