jquery Programming Glossary: mobile's
jQuery Mobile disable enhancement on certain tags? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14914756/jquery-mobile-disable-enhancement-on-certain-tags on certain tags I don't want the styles for the a tag. I've found threads like this How to turn off jQuery Mobile's styling of select drop downs but I don't want to be adding data enhance false to every anchor I have. I was also hoping..
How to fix jQuery Mobile's fixed footer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4377062/how-to-fix-jquery-mobiles-fixed-footer to fix jQuery Mobile's fixed footer Using jQueryMobile I've included data role footer data position fixed in the markup but two bugs persist Footer..
jQuery Mobile rendering problems with content being added after the page is initialized http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5651776/jquery-mobile-rendering-problems-with-content-being-added-after-the-page-is-init after the page is initialized I'm using jQuery Mobile and Backbone JS for a project. It's mostly working using jQuery Mobile's event 'pagebeforeshow' to trigger the correct Backbone View. In the Backbone View for that particular jQuery Mobile page..
JQuery Mobile Latest 03 June 2011 Version - No back button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6221527/jquery-mobile-latest-03-june-2011-version-no-back-button Mobile Latest 03 June 2011 Version No back button It's the 3rd June 2011 and I'm using JQuery Mobile's latest version. My problem is that the back button has gone. How can I get the back button to show up please UPDATE I've..
Using longclick/taphold with Google Maps in jQuery Mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6264853/using-longclick-taphold-with-google-maps-in-jquery-mobile but is there a way to bind a long click I'd like to add a marker to the map following a long click. I can use jQuery Mobile's 'taphold' designed especially for long clicks but that doesn't give me a way to access map properties such as the latlng..
jQuery mobile passing parameter from one page to another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8349388/jquery-mobile-passing-parameter-from-one-page-to-another run on document.ready or window.load should be bound to other events like pagecreate pageshow pageinit . Here's jQuery Mobile's documentation on events which can be quite enlightening http jquerymobile.com demos 1.0 docs api events.html Note that page..